Thursday, July 31, 2014

Discover why the moon is shaped like a lemon – Terra Colombia


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July 31, 2014 • 15:24

<- author -> <- Subtitle -> <- / / Updated at: 13/06/2014 / / -> <- / / E BBC - INI / / -> <- - / / BBC TESTING TO INCLUDE AUTHOR / /> <- / / E BBC - FIM / / ->

BBC World, @ bbc_ciencia

full orange or Red Crescent, the moon continues to fascinate and amaze.

And though seen from Earth it may seem, its true form is not a perfect sphere.

What’s more, say scientists, natural satellite of our planet is more like a lemon.

Now, at last, have discovered why have these deformed contours.

To this end, a team of U.S. researchers calculated the effect they had the forces of rotation and tide in the form of the early Moon.

So concluded that its own twists and strength of the tide, ie the gravitational force of the Earth, moon created a “lemon-shaped” says the study published in the journal Nature.

This happened when the Moon was by liquid part under a thin crust rock-Gerrick said Ian Bethell, a researcher at the University of California Santa Cruz and lead author of the study.

Question of rotation

When the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, it turns red.

This interaction with our planet also caused a change of the moon on its axis.

“In the case of Earth, Mars and other bodies, we know that the dominant form of planet due to its rotation, “Gerrick-Bethell said.

” If you take a water balloon and you start to spin it, you will excel in Ecuador, and on Earth we have something very similar to that “.

This effect, however, does not explain what” surprisingly deformed “which is our moon.

” It’s turning very slowly, and is actually far from Earth, so it is unlikely that the current tidal forces are causing it. “

The new explanation found Gerrick-Bethell and his team is 4,000 million years ago when the Moon formed from the enormous debris thrown by the impact between a young Earth and a planetoid, the satellite was much closer to our planet.

This means that the tides were stronger.

“The Moon also spun much faster, “he told the BBC News.

” So there are a variety of interesting things that could have happened and changed its shape when the moon was very hot. “

Warm up and stretch

When the moon was born, it was liquid rock. As it cooled, the outer crust solidified and floated on a viscous ocean.

The gravitational force exerted by Earth tides raised on the Moon began to “flex and pull that thin crust” Gerrick-Bethell said.

This idea was inspired by a previous study on Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons, which has a crust of ice floating on an ocean of water.

In a study from 2013, researchers at the University of Texas at Austin calculated how the heating produced by the acceleration of the tidal force, generated by the pull of Jupiter on the liquid water warm-was distributed in the icy crust of Europa.

Gerrick team-Bethell realized that a similar effect may have occurred in the ocean of liquid rock of the young moon.

The first tidal forces from a more Earth unevenly heated near the lunar crust, and while cooling, tidal forces set irregularities outside.

also solve mathematical problems caused by large craters and basins on the lunar surface that formed after the crust solidified.

These formations were difficult to explain in previous attempts to interpret the slightly flattened shape of the Moon.

But the conclusion arrived, say the scientists, is the best explanation yet of the strange shape of the Moon

Follow us on Twitter @ bbc_ciencia

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

NASA breaks the record for 41 years after the USSR … –

Day 7/29/2014 – 9:37 p.m.

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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Hoya de Baza, the ‘spa’ prehistoric – The Reason

A scientific paper published in the journal Quaternary Science Reviews endorses strong hydrothermal activity in the Hoya de Baza , which ran 1.5 million years ago as a prehistoric ‘spa’ with hot water temperature to 36 degrees that marked species found in Orce.

The Catalan Institute of Human Paleoecology and Social Evolution (IPHES) stressed in a statement this publication as scientific support pointing the lake basin of Guadix and Baza served 1.5 million years ago prehistoric thermal enclosure.

This Granada basin surrounded by the highest peaks of Sierra Nevada , the Sierra de Baza, Sierra de las Estancias, Sierras de la Sagra, Cazorla and Segura, hosts the most important archaeological paleontological localities of the Mediterranean, only comparable to the deposits of Rift Valley of East Africa.

In this archaeological discovery work developed at the sites of Barranco León and Fuente Nueva 3 Micena Sale Orce, who are documenting the ecological and paleoenvironmental setting of the area, with a large brackish lake added.

paper published in the journal Quaternary Science Reviews analyzes and documents mineralogical and geochemical evidence as sulfur deposits or magnesium clays point to the existence of a strong hydrothermal activity in the region during the last million years.

The work has been led by doctor and professor at the University of Málaga and José Manuel García Aguilar has joined experts in the field as Bienvenido Martínez-Navarro, Researcher, Institut Català de Paleoecology Human Social Evolution (IPHES) and coordinator of the research currently being conducted in Orce

The research has focused on collagen recovered in the fossil fauna found in Sale Micena and values ​​indicating that makes one and a half million years rainfall in the Hoya de Baza were much higher than today.

These rainfall and input from hot springs lake remained necessary for the existence of a marked character Wildlife subtropical species such as the giant hippo Pleistocene.

This scenario sets up what is known as a “hotspot” of biological productivity, similar to that found in the chain of lakes considered the cradle of East Africa humanity.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

A user typing its iPhone. – The New Spain

Personal information including text messages, contact lists and pictures can be drawn from the iPhone through techniques not previously disclosed by Apple employees, as recognized from the company. A system for device diagnostics would be responsible for access to that information.

The same techniques to circumvent the encryption of the backup could be used by the police or other people with access to computers ” confidence “that have been connected devices, according to security expert prompting confirmation Apple . The system allows you to store the contents of the iPhone users on computers certified as safe.

At a conference this week, researcher Jonathan Zdziarski has shown how you can access a surprising amount of data for smartphones Apple. The company explained that it is designed to access diagnostic services, designed to help engineers. After Zdziarsky present its findings at the conference ‘Hackers on Planer Earth’ has become to speculate Apple collaboration with National Security Agency (NSA).

However, Apple has denied that it created “backdoors” to collaborate with smart agents. “We designed iOS for its diagnostic features do not compromise user privacy and security, but that the necessary information is provided to enterprise IT departments, developers and Apple to solve Technical problems, “explained from Apple. “A user must have unlocked the device and agree to trust another computer before the computer is able to access these limited diagnostic data” have been added.

Apple has released its first descriptions of this tool diagnosis on your own web site and Zdziarski and other experts who have spoken to the company have said they expect some changes are made to the program in the future.

Zdziarski has stressed that does not consider this tool is aimed at spying. However, he commented that draws much more information than necessary and with little transparency about it. The security analyst Rich Mogull explained that the work of Zdziarski is oversized, but it is technically accurate. “They are collecting more than they should and the only way to achieve this is to endanger the safety,” said Mogull.

Mogull has also agreed to Zdziarski that this system exists, the authorities can use it in cases where confiscated or accessed computers users or employees. “They will take advantage of all legal tools that have and maybe more” stressed Mogull on the actions of the authorities.

Atapuerca rewrites Humanity – La Rioja

Full of questions and answers, in a tunnel that runs through the history of humanity since the Neolithic period 5,000 years ago to 1.3 million with the earliest known hominids, Trench Railway opened a year before the group Visitors to the Museum of Natural Sciences in Arnedo, in the footsteps of the place that the first Europeans set foot. With the lengthy time, the strong links between the museum and its director arnedano, Santiago Jimenez, with his research from the beginning of the excavation hand Emiliano Aguirre team in 1978, returned to present your guests a trip to destination unknown .

In an edition of the excavations in which he celebrated the twentieth birthday of the discovery of Homo antecessor, the oldest in Europe 800,000 years old hominid Atapuerca invitation launches campaign to rebuild and reflection evolutionary tree of humanity-in 2007, the Sima del Elefante and traveled 1.3 million years. The study of DNA from fossils found in the pit of bones guide the steps to define a different species yet to be determined and to what eight Atapuerca have much of the word.


the evolutionary path we Sapiens, Neanderthals and preceded us Atapuerca defined to Antecessor. These last two, different areas of the planet cite various species. The Burgos want to define the common reservoir. “We are experiencing a revolution, possibly involving similar paradigm shift that produced the appearance of Antecessor-LA Rioja Journal describes one of the three co-directors, José María Bermúdez de Castro. It can not be that 7,000 fossils found in the Sima de los Huesos relating to a jaw that nobody knows where it came from. We have to fight to get our colleagues accept what is inevitable. ”

Carbonell: “There is a paradigm shift that affects the theory of evolutionary processes”

information accumulated during 36 years of excavation, the presence of 17 skulls, Atapuerca has defined its proposal to take to Congress International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences will host Burgos 1 to 7 September. After the co-director Juan Luis Arsuaga the present in France, raising the removal heidelbergensis, the proposal will also Atapuerca in March at a conference in the United States. “With hundreds of remains of antecessor, there is a paradigm shift that affects the theory of evolutionary processes: we have the conceptual elements and records to be written a page in history important” values ​​Eudald Carbonell, the third co-directors, describing the September Congress as the “icing on the process’ and it will open a new cycle for Atapuerca.

A school of life

The landmark of Congress campaign has reduced the excavation to 25 days, less than twenty years ago. From 1 to 25 July, will complete 32,720 hours of work. During their visit, the group praised the Museum arnedano meticulous work, each focusing on its grid, the team of 150 people next twenty to thirty directors of different disciplines, from archeology to zooarchaeology. “It is a prime location for science, for our evolution, but mostly it is a training in human capital, a school of life”, they praised Santiago Jimenez.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

First scientific proof that dogs are jealous –

<- Multimedia content weight 8 -> <- End multimedia content weight 8 -> MADRID , 24 (EUROPA PRESS)

U.S. Researchers have conducted the first experimental evidence of jealous behavior in dogs. There is a long scientific debate about whether this emotion requires a complex cognition.

Some scientists have even said that jealousy is an entirely social construction, which is not seen in all human cultures and is not established in the same way as other emotions like fear and anger. The new results support the idea that there may be a more basic form of jealousy, which was developed to protect social ties against intruders

study – published in PLOS ONE by Professor of Psychology University of California San Diego Christine Harris and ex student Caroline Prouvost – shows that dogs exhibit more jealous behavior, like pushing his own or the opponent when the owner showing affection to what appeared to be another dog (actually a dog Teddy barked, whined and wagged his tail). The erros exhibited these behaviors only if the owner showed affection for novelty items and much more owner when attention was diverted just reading a book.

“Our study suggests that not only dogs engage in what appear to be jealous behaviors, but also that they are trying to break the connection between the owner and an apparent rival “Harris said. “We really can not talk about the subjective experiences of the dogs, of course, but it seems like they’re motivated to protect an important social relationship.”


Since there has been no previous experiments in jealousy dog, the researchers adapted a test used with children 6 months of age. We worked with 36 dogs in their own homes and recorded owners ignoring their pets for an animated toy dog ​​or a lamp pumpkin. In both conditions, the owners were instructed to treat objects as if they were real dogs -. Caressing, talking to them gently, etc.

In the third scenario, owners were asked to read aloud Book emitting melodies. Two independent raters then coded the videos according to a variety of aggressive, disruptive and attention seeking behaviors.

Dogs were twice as likely to push or touch the owner when the owner was interacting with imitation dog (78 percent), as when a business case to Pumpkin (42 percent). Even fewer (22 percent) did in the case of the book. About 30 percent of the dogs tried to stand between its owner and the stuffed animal. And while 25 percent barked “the other dog,” only one did in the other two cases.

Do dogs believe that the stuffed animal was a real rival? Harris and Prouvost write your attitude suggests that it was so. Also cited as further evidence that 86 percent of dogs sniffed the back of the toy dog ​​during the experiment or post-experiment.

Understand jealousy is important, the researchers write, because It is an emotion with important psychological and social consequences. For example, often appears as the third leading cause of non-accidental homicide

“Many people have assumed that jealousy is a social construction of human beings -., Or a specific emotion is linked to sex and romantic, “Harris said. “Our results challenge these ideas, showing that animals , besides ourselves, show a strong anxiety whenever a rival usurps the affections of a loved one.”

( EuropaPress)

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Sunday, July 20, 2014

The day we were ‘alunizados’ – La Rioja

“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” It seems like yesterday, but it’s been 45 years this July 20, 1969 when Neil Armstrong said those words that would go down in history and that history. A word that the first man to set foot first on the moon were spoken. The crew consists of Commander Neil Armstrong, Edwin ‘Buzz’ Aldrin and Michael Collins, the first two landed on the lunar surface, while the third remained in orbit above them, on board the space shuttle Apollo 11 landed on the surface of the moon four days after its launch from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, as thousands of spectators were witnesses to this fact, thanks to the live broadcast on television worldwide.

 a footprint of Neil Armstrong on the moon.

tread Neil Armstrong on the moon.

The Most

That moment of history meant the triumph of the space race in the United States over the former USSR, so far won by a landslide. The Soviets were the first artificial satellite Sputnik launch with two temperature gauges and one electron (the October 4, 1957). They were also the first to carry out the journey of a living space, the dog Laika, and also ahead of all the first spaceflight by cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, who became orbit for 108 minutes total (the April 12, 1961).

Perhaps for these reasons, the first man on the moon has meant that from that day to today, 45 years later, there has been time for all kinds of theories about the veracity or otherwise of the ‘small step’ Neil Armstrong. There have been many experts who have defended to the hilt the authenticity of the ‘moon walk’ to the attacks of the disbelievers who have not ceased to investigate for its truth. Just an American writer and English were the first to cast doubt on the veracity of the lunar voyage. The first, Bill Kaysing did in his ‘Never went to the moon?’, While the second, the photo expert David Percy, we raised doubts in the documentary ‘What happened on the Moon?’, Where it says questioned the photographs were made public of the mission of Apollo 11.

The ondenado flag

Perhaps one of the most disputed photographs of the story is that of the American flag on the lunar surface. In the picture the flag waving is observed, as if the wind moved, a situation to which the conspiracy advocates cling. Meanwhile, to ensure the veracity of the ‘moon walk’ explain these folds by the fact that the flag was folded during the trip, having wrinkles that could give the false impression of rippling. The different shades of the objects that were on the moon (stones, own 11 and Apollo astronauts) were also some tracks that questioned the authenticity of the ‘moon walk’.

After ‘this is a small step for man ‘came five other subsequent missions conducted landings until December 1972. The last one was Eugene Cernan aboard the Apollo 17 and since then no human has to make their mark on the surface selenite . Come or not the man on the moon, the truth is that those images fascinated and continue to fascinate everyone.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Google is “learning” how to apply the right to be forgotten – Reuters

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MADRID, 4 Jul. (Portaltic / EP) –

Only five days after Google started to clear the top search results to comply with the judgment on the ‘right to be forgotten’ controversy has arisen first . Several British media have criticized the procedure of Google, which has removed links to their news, and search has backtracked .

BBC The media has faced the seeker for eliminating information where a senior banker mentioned. Also, The Guardian also protested by withdrawing several articles that had as its protagonist a football referee who lied about a penalty.

It is not clear who asked to withdraw Google News , but after these complaints in the British media, the search has backtracked on its decision to withdraw the information Guardian .

communications director for Europe of Google, Peter Barron, saying he wanted to defend the current situation is “difficult”, at the same time acknowledging that “learn by doing”.

According to The Guardian, Google have admitted that they are “having teething problems” to implement a system that “check and then allows or denies link” and these setbacks are due to is acting with “undue haste”.

What seems clear is that Google him not being easy to apply European Case on the ‘right to be forgotten’ online.

The ‘right to be forgotten’ received the approval of the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) on 13 May. Thereafter citizens have the right to be removed from the search engines “inadequate, irrelevant or obsolete” personal information about them.

Anyone can request removal link to search engines like Google and Bing and here is where the controversy may arise.

Search engines are, according to the ECJ, responsible for personal data that appears in searches. Specifically, Google is responsible 90 percent of all online searches are made in Europe.

The search giant has launched an online form with which abided the ‘right to be forgotten’ defended by the ECJ and through which European citizens may request removal of those links to consider containing objectionable material.

Google has said that it has received 70,000 applications of European users since May to remove links to more than 276,000 web pages

Related link:

– The Guardian (


– Reuters (

Friday, July 4, 2014

Car Lights and Shadows Online in Spain –

Day 04/07/2014 – 8:57 a.m.


The connected car is one of the pillars of the future of driving

 Car Lights and Shadows Online in Spain

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Google receives more than 70,000 requests a month for … – Reuters

MADRID, 3 Jul. (IRIN) –

Google wins in a month over 70,000 internet requests demanding exercise their ‘right to be forgotten’ recognized by the European Court for the removal of links to irrelevant personal information, with a daily average of thousand requests through the form made available to citizens by the U.S. technology company.

According to the data provided by Google Europa Press , from May 29 to June 30 have received more than 70,000 applications, with a daily average of a thousand requests across Europe and up to 12,000 in a single day.

By countries, most of the requests received are from France, with 14,086 applications, followed by Germany with 12,678, and the UK, with 8,497. Spain ranks fourth with a total of 6,176 and Italy is in fifth place with 5,934.

It has also requested the removal of a total of 267,550 URLs in this period, with an average of 3 8 the request URL. The withdrawal process, which began last week, is complex and requires a comprehensive study request by request, according to the company.

So, Google should review individually each of the quarter million URLs to assess whether the information is inadequate, irrelevant, outdated or excessive and, once done, decide individually. The company also notes that the judgment applies to all search engines operating in Europe, so these should also evaluate multiple requests, which clearly is “a great burden on start-ups and smaller companies.”

As for URLs, the list is headed by countries France again, with 47,927, followed by the order of Germany (47,014), United Kingdom (34,597), Spain (21,564) and Italy (23,321).

Finally, Google has reaffirmed its commitment “to comply with the judgment of the most considerate and responsible manner possible, given the many variables involved and the balance of fundamental rights that must be taken into account” and willingness to work with the different Data Protection Agencies “if people not satisfied with the decision taken in each case.”

Google receives more than 70,000 requests a month for … – Reuters

MADRID, 3 Jul. (IRIN) –

Google wins in a month over 70,000 internet requests demanding exercise their ‘right to be forgotten’ recognized by the European Court for the removal of links to irrelevant personal information, with a daily average of thousand requests through the form made available to citizens by the U.S. technology company.

According to the data provided by Google Europa Press , from May 29 to June 30 have received more than 70,000 applications, with a daily average of a thousand requests across Europe and up to 12,000 in a single day.

By countries, most of the requests received are from France, with 14,086 applications, followed by Germany with 12,678, and the UK, with 8,497. Spain ranks fourth with a total of 6,176 and Italy is in fifth place with 5,934.

It has also requested the removal of a total of 267,550 URLs in this period, with an average of 3 8 the request URL. The withdrawal process, which began last week, is complex and requires a comprehensive study request by request, according to the company.

So, Google should review individually each of the quarter million URLs to assess whether the information is inadequate, irrelevant, outdated or excessive and, once done, decide individually. The company also notes that the judgment applies to all search engines operating in Europe, so these should also evaluate multiple requests, which clearly is “a great burden on start-ups and smaller companies.”

As for URLs, the list is headed by countries France again, with 47,927, followed by the order of Germany (47,014), United Kingdom (34,597), Spain (21,564) and Italy (23,321).

Finally, Google has reaffirmed its commitment “to comply with the judgment of the most considerate and responsible manner possible, given the many variables involved and the balance of fundamental rights that must be taken into account” and willingness to work with the different Data Protection Agencies “if people not satisfied with the decision taken in each case.”

The other experiment Facebook – FORTUNE

class=”fuente”> This is an experiment in Facebook where most people can support.

Facebook has worked with social scientists in the past years to understand certain conflicts among users, including bullying and antisocial behavior. Last year, he began to offer some tools to solve these problems.

Facebook offers users the option to report content that violates their terms of service as pornography, graphic violence or threats. But when it comes to certain things as insults or embarrassing photos, a site administrator can not be involved.

These are the situations in which Facebook developers expect a solution of the users. Rather than simply encourage users to be reminded to Facebook, the site has deployed a series of posts in which people can explain why find offensive content.

The company turned to academic research on emotional communication as part of its experiment with different templates. Instead of putting a blank box, users sent messages to their friends with options like “it’s embarrassing”, “showing inappropriate content” or “is a bad picture of me” to express their requests.

Facebook also asked them what made them feel that post-eg, “scared”, “angry”, “sad” or “ashamed” – and managed templates according to the intensity of the emotion expressed. There is also the option of ending a friendship, block or unfollow someone.

The network monitors the results of interactions through an optional follow-up survey. The site noted that the changes implemented since early 2013, have borne fruit.

“What we have observed is that by providing a better language for people to have these conversations, it is more likely to get a response from the sender,” said Facebook product manager Jake Brill.

Facebook claims that the possibility for a user to send messages to someone because your post did not like is increased tenfold, and in terms of share has increased by five times. In total, the company says that the tools added 3.9 million conversations a week.

The problem of cyberbullying is an urgent situation particularly for young people, who use the social network to a greater extent than older people.

virtual security firm McAfee released a study last month where 87% of children between 10 and 18 years, survey respondents said they had witnessed cruel behavior online, a giant leap over last year of 27%. Half of them were involved in reviews out of network for a post with a 4% reached a physical fight.

There is much to be done to tackle Facebook bullying with their tools. McAfee says the best way to control cyberbullying is the communication between parents and children about their online activity.

For researchers in the social network and elsewhere, by far, the work continues. The company topped its fourth annual “Day of the investigation of compassion” in December, which attracted developers, academics and adolescents Bay California to discuss solutions to conflicts online.

“Disagreements and other challenges in relationships are impossible to avoid, both inside and outside of the web,” said Facebook during the event. “While these are facts of life, scientists are just beginning to understand how the rules are unspoken influence human interaction and behavior.”