Thursday, December 31, 2015

Colorful birds await the arrival of 2016 Google – El Diario de Yucatan



MEXICO, DF (Notimex) .- Then came the last day of the year and Google could not keep up with its traditional Doodle, so on this occasion celebrates the culmination of 2015, with friendly colorful birds await the arrival of 2016.

This time, the Internet search engine, is the logo with various birds in their traditional colors as are blue, red, yellow and green, which they hope to give the 12 pm for an egg to break that symbolizes the arrival of 2016.


In Mexico, there are different traditions to celebrate the eve and the arrival of the next year are to use red underwear, to attract love; and yellow, to attract money.

There are also people leaving with a suitcase at the door of his house and cross the street where they live with the belief that traveling during the coming year.

Another tradition is the belief of giving sheep and put them behind the door of the house to attract money, and also thought that the pyramid-shaped bend one dollar bill and put it in the portfolio brings good luck to always have sufficient funds

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Outlook alert you if a government access accounts illegally – Trade

Microsoft said it will begin to warn users of its e-mail service Outlook , when you suspect that a government has attempted to illegally access their accounts.

The technology giant reported the measure through a statement, nine days after Reuters asked the company why it decided not to inform victims of a campaign of cyber attacks, discovered in 2011, which was directed against international leaders of the Tibetan and Uighur minorities in China in particular.

According to two former employees of Microsoft , experts from the company’s own concluded several years ago that the Chinese authorities were behind the campaign, but the company decided not to submit such information to users of its Hotmail service, now called

In its statement, the company said both the company and the US government could not identify the sources of cyber attacks and that they did not come from a single country.

The change in company policy world’s largest software, comes after similar measures adopted in October by the Internet giants Facebook, Twitter and recently by Yahoo.

Google, which implemented this policy in 2012, said he now alert to tens of thousands of users every few months. For their part, d uring two years, Microsoft has offered warnings about potential security breaches without specifying the possible suspect.

In the statement, Microsoft said that “because the threat landscape has evolved, our approach also has done and we now go beyond . notifications and guidelines to specify if we reasonably believe that the attacker is ‘sponsored by a State’ “

Source: Reuters


WhatsApp collapses missing few hours for New Year – Management Journal

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Twitter social network will take action against ‘abusive’ and cyberbullyies – Daily Mail

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The administration of social network Twitter issued a statement on Wednesday via his Official blog under which warn users about the latest changes in regulations regarding abuse and harassment against the social network with more than 320 000 000 active users.

So The social network said the rise in investment application area of ​​your policy as well as new rules to establish clearly what is considered “abusive behavior and obnoxious behavior.”

Also, social network also takes the opportunity as a response to criticism that does not do suficienta to contain propaganda of violence and terrorism. Thus, Twitter said to be blocked (temporarily or permanently, depending on the case) accounts of those who commit “violent threats (direct or indirect),” which also includes “incitement to terrorism” .

After the attacks in San Bernardino, California, where 14 people, US congressmen died again proposed that social networks like Facebook and Twitter have to report, on a mandatory basis, this terrorist activity among their users to the authorities

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Japan confirmed the finding of the 113th element of the periodic table – CiberCuba News

(EFE) .- A team of researchers from Japan’s Riken Center confirmed Thursday it has identified the 113th element of the periodic table, synthetic character and the provisional name uruntrio.

a statement, the Japanese government institute the discovery of the new element was awarded, the finding dispute with a group of Russian and American researchers has conducted parallel investigations group.

The results of research conducted by the Riken will be published in the January issue of the Journal of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC ), the highest authority in this field, and responsible for determining the authorship of the discovery.

If the IUPAC confirmed that the Japanese team was the author of the decisive experiments for the discovery, it will have the right to give the official name of the new element of the periodic table

[[QUOTE:. "Now that we have demonstrated conclusively the existence of element 113, we plan to further investigate the uncharted territory of element 119 and beyond" ]] The Russian-American team was the first to announce the discovery of element 113 in 2003, although the Japanese center in 2012 claims to have collected conclusive data to confirm its existence.

The new synthetic element has 113 protons in its nucleus, and has been identified by a team led by the Japanese scientist Kosuke Morita, University of Kyushu (southern Japan).

Morita has succeeded in synthesizing the element three times through one consisting of zinc ions colliding on an ultrathin layer of bismuth method.

“Now that we have demonstrated conclusively the existence of element 113, we plan to further investigate the uncharted territory of element 119 and beyond” , Morita said in the statement.

“One day, we hope to reach the island of stable elements,” the Japanese researcher.

The synthetic elements not naturally occurring and They are artificially generated by experiments, and so far has created 24 such elements-including the plutonium, although they are unstable, recalled the Riken.

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Acts that revolutionized technology in 2015 – La Prensa of Honduras

San Pedro Sula, Honduras.

Premieres Li-Fi, the 100 times faster than WiFi wireless network

Harald Haas, founder of Li-Fi, holds the microprocessor created to use wireless transmission technology for light. It is expected that initially this technology begins to be used in conjunction with wifi to be introduced into everyday life. Photo: University of Edinburgh

In 2011, Harald Hass, a scientist at the University of Edinburgh, proved that with a single LED could transmit more data than a phone mast. Haas said that an LED bulb can use Internet to transmit ultrafast way.

It has been four years since its discovery, but it was until 2015 when tested outside laboratory.

technology was called Li-Fi and tests in 2015 have incredible results, as it has been shown that lifi can be up to 100 times faster transmission than WiFi.

The expectations have been surpassed, as is has achieved transmission speeds of up to 1GB of data per second.

Literally, with this technology the data communication is carried out through light and can certainly revolutionize the way the world uses Internet in the near future.

It has already been proven that the Li-Fi works on mobile and companies like Samsung and LG, and other electronics manufacturers are already interested in making smartphones with light sensors Li -Fi.

Another advantage of this new technology is that it has proven to be safer than WiFi and not interfere with other systems, so it could be used safely in an airplane for example.

The Li-Fi technology uses visible light for this transmission and only uses a light emitting diode LED

With the Li-Fi lamp would have two functions:. providing light and ensure connectivity to the router (router).

The introduction of Li-Fi in everyday life, will begin to do gradually.

Initially, this will be used in conjunction with wifi, which will create faster and secure networks.

Researchers are working on the adaptation of existing devices to be compatible with Li-Fi.

For now there is a pilot project, creating a Li-Fi network to have Internet in offices. PureLifi addition, the company created by Haas and his team, offers a secure implementation of wireless access and the French company Oledcomm Li-Fi and installed in hospitals.

This technology is just beginning to show its potential, because in Oxford University have achieved to 22GB per second.

WhatsApp enabled the option to free calls between its users

The voice calls or video calls for free from smartphones WhatsApp revolutionized communication.

The free instant messaging applications to revolutionize the smartphone arrived form of communication between people. In such a growing and market hundreds of competitors, WhatsApp became the world leader and in 2015 gave a big surprise to users.

At the end of March 2015 was realized something many already expected and others believed impossible. WhatsApp made available an update in which the option to make free voice calls between users of the application included

The simple fact of offering voice calls over IP to more than 700 million users, free it was a sociological and technological milestone.

This offered a great advantage of communication for people who are in different countries and even for those who simply want to reduce their call charges each month.

The option also offers the possibility to make video calls from smartphones with others who have WhatsApp application. However, when the option began to be used many users began reporting that calls consumed too much data, or quickly reduced the amount of Internet data available to use per month.

In July 2015 , WhatsApp incorporated a low-power mode data voice calls, which can be activated in the configuration. Today WhatsApp voice calls are already key global communication.

Lily, the drone following its user and records

The drone follows the wearer a device location.

It is increasingly common to use drones ( UAVs) in the world and in 2015 an invention brought to another level. This is called “Lily Camera”, a device weighing only 1.3 kilograms. Unlike other drones that are designed only to fly, “Lily Camera” automatically focuses on a target.

The minidrón not take control tablet or application to manage remote, as it works with the System Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking bracelet that must take whoever wants to be recorded by “Lily Camera”.

The camera takes pictures at a resolution of 12 megapixels, records videos in sizes of 1080 and 720 pixels, and stores them in MP4 format on a micro SD card. To start flight “Lily Camera” is thrown into the air and land it is pressed a button on the scanner. The bracelet has an accelerometer and position sensors that determine the speed and trajectory of the individual wearing it.

Lily reaches a speed of 40 mph and rises to a height of 15 meters. Both ‘Lily’ as the locator are waterproof, something ideal for recording extreme sports.

Safety Truck, which prevents the truck accidents

The truck carries a screen showing the road.

Each year worldwide die more than a million people in traffic accidents, according to statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO). So constantly work on new ways to reduce risks while driving is one of the greatest challenges facing automakers.

In 2015, the South Korean electronics firm Samsung unveiled its project called “Safety Truck” . The concept is simple, but revolutionary
a camera is installed in the front and four giant screens behind

These screens show, united in one image what the camera captures.. The road and what’s in it. This prevents the drivers behind the truck try to pass when cars coming in the other lane, and thus one of the most common forms of accident is avoided.

It’s like the trailer to become clear . When the car is placed behind the truck, four giant monitors allow the driver to see how traffic flows ahead of these giants of the road and safely calculate the time to overtake. In addition, it anticipates braking and collisions with obstacles on the road, as animals or trees.

Oculus Rift virtual reality helmet

Who uses the hull is immersed in virtual reality.

For years, the chance to swim in virtual reality was just a dream movie, but now it’s finally here.

In 2015 was presented the invention Oculus Rift, a virtual reality helmet developed by Oculus VR, which in its time as an independent company invested $ 91 million to make the invention work.

The helmet Oculus Rift was presented in June 2015 and are already several companies working on similar projects.

This invention will allow users to be “trapped “in virtual reality, either in video games and other interactive activities.
confirmed that Oculus Rift begin to be sold to the public in early 2016.

The retail model of Oculus Rift initially operate with a command of Xbox One and will have a minimum bid of eight games. The company also develops the project Oculus Touch drivers whose own developing prototypes Half Moon has named and designed specifically for the user to interact with objects and people in a virtual reality.

Revolution of cars that drive themselves

Until NASA working on these prototypes.

In 2015 the autonomous car, or conducting themselves alone, they ceased to be controlled laboratory experiments or environments.

Last October the company Peugeot Citroen proved an autonomous vehicle in the streets and roads of France, where normally circulated conventional cars with their drivers. The prototype successfully ran 580 kilometers. It was from Paris to Bordeaux without driver intervention. He even overtook other cars and did speed changes.

The rise of these autonomous vehicles is such that even Nissan and NASA working on the development of these, like Google.

modular Smartphones, armed by the user

The Ara project will be launched in 2016.

Put together a smartphone at will and is a real possibility for the user.
The buyer can now decide what type of camera, keyboard, screen or speaker will have your smartphone.

These smartphones are called “modular telephones”, are assembled as modules from which you can choose the user to arm the smart phone to your taste.

Since last month October 2015, in Europe several users who made their orders have begun to receive the Fairphone 2, which is armed to his will.

If you want to change a piece, like the camera, just remove a module and They buy one and put it on your smartphone. This implies an advantage, either to replace damaged parts or to update your phone without buying a new one.

Google is also working on modular smartphones, work they have called “Ara Project”. He was going to put on sale in 2015, but to provide better decided product to be distributed in the market until 2016.

Researchers tested several cars can be hacked

Chris Valasek (left) and Charlie Miller (right) exposed the vulnerability of several vehicles that could easily be hacked by experts.

In July 2015 researchers did shake the automotive industry, after demonstrating that a car could hack away and take control.

This tested it researchers Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek, who conducted the kidnapping remotely hacking a Jeep Cherokee driven by a news reporter.

Among the vehicles vulnerable to such attacks are the Jeep Cherokee, Chrysler 200 and Dodge Ram, according investigation disclosed.
Hackers can cut the brakes, turn the engine off the road and upset all the electronics.

After this, they were sent to review more than one million cars to try to correct the vulnerability.

The place where you could make these hacks was in the United States.
The problem was caused by a fault in the Uconnect wireless service that connects these cars network Sprint cell phone.

“Right now I could do that to each vehicle Chrysler in the United States on the Sprint network,” Miller said in an interview, after demonstrating how they could hack vehicles. The researchers did not rule out other types of vehicles, which they did tests, can be hacked too.

In 2013, Miller and Valasek had already proven how could hack a car, but then needed to be at his inside and physically connect a laptop to the dashboard.

But now that wireless connectivity is in almost all cars in the United States can hack from afar. With a laptop carts were searched in the Sprint network that have the Uconnect system. Within seconds, they were able to get into any “system of info-tainment” of these vehicles.

They begin to use floating skateboards

In the 1989 movie, “Back to the Future II”, Marty McFly, It starring Michael J. Fox, traveled to the future, to October 21, 2015 to try to fix what would be his life. In one scene, chasing McFly to hit him, but escapes using a floating skateboard.

In that year, 1989, that scene seemed impossible to become reality, but just in 2015, as “predicted “Film, the company Lexus unveiled its prototype Slide, a floating skateboard.

In August 2015, Lexus revealed that built a special park for demonstrations. The floating skateboard coat on a special track and uses multiple magnetic superconductors cooled with liquid nitrogen to work.

The Slide weighs about nine kilograms and its operating time is about 20 minutes.

After this time, it’s back to cool the magnet for about 10 minutes. That is, at least for now, the skateboard can not float on any surface, but the achievement of creating a floating skateboard, regardless of the surface, is seen as a breakthrough that sets the course for future popular use.

increase artificial intelligence Watson

Watson is a computer system capable of answering questions in natural language artificial intelligence. It was developed by the IBM Corporation.

Answer the questions through a database stored locally, whose information comes from several sources, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, news articles, and external databases.
In 2015 IBM acquired the company to integrate its technology AlchemyAPI to Watson and increase intelligence system, making you learn from conversations, digital text and photographs.

successfully installed with smart pavement

The routers are installed under the floor.

When the invention “Smart Pavement” (Intelligent Floor) many believed it was a ridiculous idea was presented, but now there are British people, Chesham, who became the first to have wifi installed beneath its streets.

The pavement is intelligent initiative services company Virgin Media, which, with this facility, ended its pilot. The installed wifi offers a speed of 166 megabits per second, or seven times higher than the average speed in the UK, is free and covers the entire city center. What you do is install routers in the underground and the entire system is rainproof.

Now the big cities plan to have this invention.

The first smartphone holographic world

Usually the first smartphone with holograms.

Each year takes place in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States “Fair Consumer Electronics” (Consumer Electronics Show (CES) and in 2015 an invention dazzled everyone and so was the winner of the show: it is the first holographic smartphone . Is Takee 1 Technology Being Chinese company.

This smartphone can control our device “touching” holographic images that linger in the air.

It also allows viewing images, applications or videos holograms, giving a three-dimensional view (3D).


Social networking can ruin your life – Akro News

 Social networks can ruin your life

Think two times before publishing. You hang no longer deleted. It is the message that launches the National Cyber ​​Security Institute (Incide) in Spain, through its deputy director of operations, Marcos Gomez, speaking to ABC.

The council should not fall on deaf ears, since the data of the Institute, which manages the Internet User Security Office, and realize that more than 5% and up to 10% of youth 16-34 years in Spain lose a job opportunity for misuse that make social networks. They spend the holidays with friends invoice, and numerous photos hanging on drunken situation, for instance, or offensive and rude.

In the end, we are all slaves to our words. You always published what he wants without thinking that can have consequences, but we must be aware of the risks, says Esteban Mucientes turn, vice president of the Spanish Association of Online Communities (AERC).

The last case of someone their digital identity has played a trick is to Sergi Guardiola, a football player signed and struck template for Barcelona B in just eight hours. The young man apologized yesterday called Manacor Catalonia and Barcelona for hurting their sensitivity after “a friend” He escudó- use his personal account in the network micromensajes Twitter to post comments about anything appropriate that in the end have him served the termination of a contract.

It was a teammate, Toni Alcover, according to his version, who recorded in 2013 in his “timeline” or string of messages posted some comments against which has proved its contracting club in 2015 and praising the eternal rival. It whomsoever, it was his profile. Experts recommend having as Mucientes digital presence, while responsibly managing networks and common sense, without taking advantage of the anonymity that the Internet provides. Specialists always put a very simple example. Do not post on the Web that you would not be able to say out loud to the recipient

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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

3 reasons why NASA believes the child will be as “powerful” as the worst ever – BBC

FLOOD # XF3; n in Argentina Image copyright AFP
Image caption The impact of the El Niño phenomenon are already being felt in South America and will remain at least three months.

There are at least three strong reasons to believe that the phenomenon of the current El Niño will be as “big and powerful” as the considered worst history, 1997 and 1998.

related to the high temperatures of the ocean surface, the soaring temperatures in the northern hemisphere and that this year “El Niño shows no signs of retreat” Indicators, according the satellite images from NASA available.

For all this, the US space agency considers this 2015-2016 comparable to what many called the “ monstrous phenomenon ” 18 years ago.

Image copyright BBC World Service
Image caption El Niño is also associated with droughts across the Pacific, and Australia.

“There is no doubt, are very similar. The events of 1982-1983 and 1997-1998 were the most impact in the previous century and in many ways it seems now we see a repeat “ told BBC News NASA expert William Patzert.

The research, analysis specialist weather events related to ocean circulation and air added this time “ is almost certain that the impact will be enormous .”

1. Oceans grown

Alturas much higher than the usual level in the Pacific Ocean are an indicator that there is a thick layer of hot water.

In both maps, generated by satellite, is see “classic pattern” phenomenon when almost or fully developed.

NASA called it “surprising” to the similarity in height anomalies recorded in December 1997 and 2015.

Image copyright NASA
Image caption On the left are the anomalies in the height of the ocean surface recorded by the TOPEX / Poseidon satellite in 1997, while on the right you can see the record made by his successor, Jason -2, a few days ago. NASA described the similarities as “startling”.

What you see on the graphs are the unusually high levels in the Pacific Ocean off the line of Ecuador.

The hot water and tibia that has accumulated in the area is what attracts the clouds and storms that have begun to occur in parts of Latin America, mainly in countries below the line of Ecuador.

Another consequence is the low level of rainfall in Southeast Asia, which contributed to the proliferation of large fires that have covered in smoke to the region a few weeks ago.

The heat in the Pacific region in 1997 was one of the weather phenomena that generated floods rarely seen before in countries like Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru, Argentina and Brazil in that year and the next.

The similarities in ocean temperature in both periods also it has remarkable similarities.

Image copyright NASA
Image caption Heat buildup in the seas attracts clouds and increases storms, as happened in Latin America in 1997 and is currently the case.

2. No decreases

El Niño is a natural phenomenon that occurs every two to seven years when the warm waters of the central Pacific Ocean expands eastward, closer to the shores of America.

usually reaches its most acute phase later this year but its effects are felt throughout the northern hemisphere spring and can last up to 12 months.

However, as NASA says The phenomenon this year is showing no signs of dissipating.

That’s “the signature of a great and powerful El Niño” , said NASA.

Image copyright AFP
Image caption Flooding in the province of Entre Rios Argentina have also been associated with El Niño.

3. High temperatures

Patzert told BBC News that global warming currently facing the planet is a new factor influencing the nature and effects of El Niño.

“The planet is warmer now, that’s an important fact. A warmer planet generates more dangerous consequences, more extreme events, “the analyst NASA.

Numerous studies reported that climate change may exacerbate temperatures extreme periods like El Niño or La Niña.

Patzert said that the effects of El Niño are felt in the United States between January and March.

This year we are experiencing much higher temperatures than usual in the hemisphere north.

On Christmas Day in France, a historic record was just below that of 1997.

And even at the North Pole, where the December 30 is estimated the temperature has been above 0 degrees Celsius, when normal is -25 ° C.

In contrast, in Mexico, El Niño seems responsible for some unusual storms that have snowy north from the country. There is snow in parts of Sonora for the first time in 33 years.

In South and Central America, he says the researcher, the effects have already seen heavy flooding in recent weeks and will last at least three months.

Not all bad news, highlights Patzert.

Image caption El Niño comes from the expansion of the warm waters of the central Pacific.

The scientist said that despite the pronósiticos, there is more infrastructure and scientists to make more and better forecasts for the arrival of climate phenomenon progress.

However, it is likely that the consequences of El Niño will last through most of next year in the form of floods, epidemics or prolonged drought. . Primarily in South America

In one of its publications about NASA contudente reached a conclusion: “No matter where you live, feel the effects of El Nino”


The top ten games for Android 2015 – Diario El País

As usual this season, different technology companies reporting with the highlight of the year. The turn now is for Google, as it unveiled a list of the best games of 2015 available on its app store for free.

1. Piano Tiles 2

It is a skill game where the user must follow the beat of the music using a piano keyboard on the screen of the phone.

Link to download

If you can not see the video, click here.

2. Clash of Clans

is the popular game of strategy that aims to build a village and lead an army to face different battles.

Link download

If you can not see the video, click here.

3. Smashy Road Wanted

The plot of this game is to escape from the police driving through several rooms of a city. It offers up to 90 unlockable vehicles, each with different features.

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If you can not see the video, click here.

4. 3D Archery Master

The aim is the most important factor in this title. The user must match as closely as possible to the target to earn more points. It has more than 100 levels and may compete online against other people in the world.

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is an online game whose aim is to become the largest point. It is therefore necessary to eliminate other players.


If you can not see the video, click here.

6. Soda Candy Crush Saga

In this version players can find more than 140 levels, different game modes and around 140 levels.

download link

If you can not see the video, click here.

7. Roll the Ball: slide puzzle

The mission in this title is to move blocks to create you a way to find a ball and the goal

Link. download

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8. Star Wars: Revolution 2.0

is an action game where the user must control a character to defeat the enemy. In addition, work is needed to improve our external equipment (weapons, ammunition, armor, etc). Star Wars: Revolution, is noted for its quality in the graphics

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9. Minions Paradise

The plot of this title is to create a habitable island for all minions. To meet this objective, it is necessary to construct buildings and houses.

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10. Angry Birds 2

The plot of this game is the same as other versions: pigs steal eggs and birds are angry. The goal is to recover. However, this issue may interact with new scenarios, better graphics and difficulty increased substantially.

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PS Plus Video Games Free in January 2016 News, Rumors: list will be announced this week – Latinos Post in Spanish

 First Posted: Dec 29, 2015 9:24 PM EST

(Photo: BagoGames / Flickr)

Sony revealed its list of free games for PlayStation Plus members January 2016 this week, but probably will not happen until Wednesdays.

PlayStation has agreed to disclose its list of titles available for free download from the PlayStation Store (at least for this year) in the last week of each month. New video games come on Tuesday January 5, 2016, and it seems that we announce the list before the end of the year.

That’s according PlayStation Lifestyle, who asked Fred Dutton, Manager of PlayStation Europe, when the company launched the list of free PlayStation Plus for January 2016.

His answer? “Things can change, so I’m reluctant to give a firm date. But today … the intention is to have the news for the middle of next week.”

In contrast, last year , PlayStation launched the free games list for December 2014 and January 2015 in early November. This year, on the last Wednesday of every month has become common date for the list of free games launch next month, but may . PlayStation could delay the announcement further

Last month, for example, Sony did not announce the list of PS Plus free games until the penultimate day of October – and the list had already been announced by the tweet of a Dutch retailer who leaked the news the day before.

Certainly there have been many rumors as to what degrees of free on PS4, PS3 and PS Vita early next year will be available, but nothing It is unclear yet.

Hopefully other accidental filtration provide some answers soon, especially if PlayStation delayed the announcement again. But stay tuned to our website, as PlayStation may announce the list of 2016 free games for PS Plus January 2016 very soon.

Do not forget to comment on our Facebook page and follow us also on Twitter.

© 2015 Latino Post. All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission.


Samsung launches first bioprocesador five sensors – Diario El Siglo


However, A35 focuses on low power consumption, and not on functionality medical or health monitoring can sue in such a device. Pursuing the latter, Samsung has launched an all in one bioprocesador medical variables to measure.


With the new bioprocesador highlights again the importance of wearables as a priority platform for the present time.

In November, together with the presentation of the new sensor BRITECELL explained what would an integrated bioprocesador, and now take the step of releasing. With him pursue streamline wearables, but also more capable and specialized, as we have seen in the sensors that began incorporating smartphones, designed for a long time exclusively for them. The new bioprocesador is the first in the industry that allows you to monitor up to 5 different biometric values, can measure body fat, stress level, skin temperature, skeletal muscle, heart rate and heart rate.

On the other hand, it also integrates microcontroller, power management integrated circuit, processor and digital signal AFE. The bioprocesador occupies only 25% of what they take all the parts separately, making it especially useful for the market to which it is addressed, the wearables. Therefore, there are several test drives wearables platform to demonstrate its capabilities and versatility in the market, such as bracelets or medical professional measurement patches. The bioprocesador Samsung is already in production and will arrive intregrated devices to market in the first half of 2016, so it would not be unusual to see a demo at Mobile World Congress



Porsche 911 GT3: sporty, but not spartan – EntornoInteligente

Porsche 911 GT3: sporty, but not spartan / Expansion / Start the year with this gem in the garage is something available to few, though Porsche ‘has deal’ with a setup that allows the supercar consume less and can be used daily.

The last rays of afternoon sun is reflected directly in my eyes. Not look good but I know within minutes I uploaded many mountain passes leading, in some cases almost with my eyes closed, because I recognize each meter and can interpret mentally. It is a good way to contrast the behavior of a car with another, as in a circuit, but in a more real way though less exciting (unless you are able to get you close a stretch). I recently returned to repeat one of my favorite routes with one of the models that I consider among my ‘top 10′: the 911 GT3.

But what really makes this Nine Eleven is outstanding, regardless of aesthetics? For starters, atmospheric turbo era is the exception that confirms the change of trend. It is a model in which the line between street racing is so thin it would cost to define what world really belongs. His recipe, apparently, is simple but hides a very fine work. the six-cylinder boxer 3.8-liter -the same as the mechanical base Carrera S You take power and stretched to 475 hp (without help boost). Also new engine mounts, and the developments of the direct-shift gearbox 7-speed PDK are in competition, albeit with a longer seventh for relief that can run on road.

With information Expansion

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Samsung and LG would manufacture OLED screens for iPhone – Televisa News

MEXICO CITY, Mexico, in December. 30,2015.- South Korea’s LG Display Co Ltd and a unit of Samsung Electronics Co Ltd, will be the suppliers of screens organic light emitting diode (OLED) for Apple Inc’s iPhone, Electronic Times daily reported quoting sources unidentified.

The report comes after years of speculation that Apple will begin using the technology in their phones. OLED displays are thinner and offer better picture quality than those of liquid crystal.

The Japanese daily Nikkei reported last month that Apple plans to start using OLED screens on the iPhone since 2018 .

LG and Samsung are close to a final agreement with Apple, Electronic Times said, adding that South Korean firms have capital spending plans by a total of 15 trillion won (12,800 million ) to increase production capacity of OLED displays over the next two to three years.

Apple would provide part of the financing for both companies to help with investment, the paper said.

Display LG Display and Samsung declined to comment, while it was not possible to immediately contact Apple.

Samsung Display, which currently provides OLED screens to smartphones of its parent Samsung Electronics and Chinese companies, possibly You get a higher volume of orders from Apple that LG Display, the newspaper said.



Samsung announces the only bioprocesador – CCM

The South Korean company Samsung Unveils Bio-Processor, which unites in a single chip up to five sensors for wearables .

Samsung announced from its official website (in English) the creation of A bioprocesador that links five sensors for measuring health and medical characteristics in wearables Sport . This unique bioprocesador being produced today and will not be marketed before June 2016.

Samsung Bio-Processor has several improvements in its architecture that allow you to be market the first monitor simultaneously up to five different variables : heart rate, body fat, temperature skin, skeletal muscle mass and stress level. The union of these five sensors, which are usually present separately, enables bioprocesador occupy only 25% of the space that would be used to dispose of them all individually . This volume reduction leads to greater comfort for the sportsman, although the wearables in this bioprocesador will also include devices including for health. The hardware of the Samsung Bio-Processor is completed with the presence of a digital signal processor, microcontroller and power management circuitry.

The technological development of the wearables continues to advance rapidly, especially in the sporting arena. This enables not only large companies like Samsung committed to innovation, but also come about as Pivot business initiatives, the wearable intended for players.

Photo: © iStock



Red Star: how sophisticated North Korean spy operating system works – Teletrece

The first in-depth analysis of the operating system used by computers in North Korea reveals spy tools capable of monitoring even the documents executed when the device is offline.

The Red Star operating system was designed to superficially resemble Apple OS X, but has hidden features that allow you to mark files and link them to a specific individual.

Hidden tools were discovered by Florian Schiess Grunow and Niklaus, Two German researchers who conducted the analysis last month.

Schiess Grunow and presented their findings Sunday at the “Chaos Communication Congress”, a conference held in Hamburg with security experts , cryptography, privacy and freedom of expression.

The researchers reviewed in detail the code of Red Star 3.0, which appeared online a year ago operating system.

According to the BBC said Grunow, system developers “did a very good job” to copy the look of basic design and functionality of the Apple computers.

Red Star: c & # XF3; how does the sophisticated operating system esp & # XED; to North Korea

The above OS North Korea was more like Windows.

Peo they put a special added: any file uploaded to the system using a USB or other storage device can be marked disk, which allows the State to follow its path from one machine to another

Red Star can also identify and delete unwanted files without authorization.

A very sophisticated system

Grunow explains that the function to marking and tracing files were designed in response to the proliferation of films and foreign music being shared offline.

“That allows you to have a record of when a document was opened for the first time at the Red Star operating system and by whom. It basically allows the state to track the file “he says.

The system will mark the files with individual serial numbers but not know how easy it is for the State to link those numbers serially to a particular user.

An item that still has puzzled researchers is the discovery of an extended version of the software that allows mark the files and that they have failed to fully understand, but Grunow think you can help identify users individually.

“What we have seen is the basic system mark the files, but found no evidence of the existence of a widespread mechanism that is much more sophisticated and has a different cryptography, “he says


Experts do not know precisely how computers North Korea has installed its new operating system.

“It could be that the file corresponds to your individual brand and they link it in their registration with you, allowing them to track specific individuals”.

Red Star is set to make nearly impossible for users to modify the system. Attempts to disable your antivirus software or firewall Internet make the system restarts.

A mark to free speech

The idea of ​​creating a internal operating system was initially conceived as Grunow, Kim Jong-il, who led the country between 1994 and 2011.

“He said North Korea should create its own operating system and that’s what they’ve done, “Grunow said.

” If you look at North Korea you see that Red Star is similar to the way the state functions. It is very controlled, they closely focus on system integrity and have mechanisms to track users, “he said.

As with many other things in the most isolated country in the world is unknown how used in the Red Star system in North Korea.

Grunow considered likely to be installed in libraries and other public buildings, where computer use is decided by the state.

Red Star: c & # XF3; how does the sophisticated operating system esp & # XED; to North Korea Red Star was built using Linux, a free and open source platform that can be freely modified by users and it was designed that way to make it as accessible as possible.

Therefore, to Grunow is an irony in the use that has given North Korea.

“They are using a system that was built to promote freedom expression and improperly used for marking and tracing freedom of expression, “he says.

More ironic is still the name of the file used by Red Star to pursue suspicious files on the machine.

“The file you are and that is used by the antivirus system is called Angae. That means mist or fog, something dark and it is not transparent. No ? We have no idea why they chose that name, but it is appropriate, right, “adds

