For more than 40 years no man has gone to the moon. However, the samples brought to Earth by the Apollo astronauts still keep scientists busy. And analysis continues to reveal important information about the composition of the Moon , as shown by a new study published this week in the journal Science on the origin of water on its surface. According maintains a team of researchers led by Alberto Saal of Brown University, may have had the same origin as the water on Earth.
To reach that conclusion volcanic glass samples analyzed present in rocks brought back during the Apollo 15 and 17, which were conducted in 1971 and 1972 respectively. This material contained trace amounts of a species called inclusions melted crystals, which are recorded magmatic processes that occurred in the past on the Moon. The hydrogen isotope ratio containing this lunar magma is similar to that found on Earth , the authors of this research. In fact, they argue that the isotopic composition of water in the magma of the Moon indistinguishable water carbonaceous chondrites comparing the material brought to our satellite.
Scientists long have suspected that carbonaceous chondrites as these, among which are the oldest meteorites those contained in the records, were what first brought water to our Solar System. According to this theory, of the water on Earth originated when these chondrites crashed into our planet . Scientists believe the water on our planet originated while the Moon was formed.
had never been demonstrated experimentally
Jesus Martinez-Frias, head of the Department of Planetology and Habitability of the Center for Astrobiology (CSIC-INTA), explains that until now “assumed the existence of a genetic link, thanks to the comparative study of chondritic meteorites, the lunaitas (lunar meteorites) and the samples returned during the Apollo missions, but so far had not been demonstrated experimentally, nor had stated such quantification “.
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Harrison Schmitt
taking moon rocks. | NASA
Therefore, this expert in meteorites and planetary geology considered “interesting” conclusions of this study, because “thanks to the hydrogen isotope geochemistry can be set, almost unequivocally, the relationship between chondritic planetesimals, Earth and Moon through possible common origin of the water . This study also highlights the importance, increasing astromineralógicas characterizations in research on comparative planetology, in this case the melt inclusions research trapped in olivine crystals, “he adds.
Scientists believe the moon formed after a giant collision between a proto-Earth and another planet. Although for a long time it was believed that this collision caused the Moon to stay without hydrogen recent analysis volcanic glasses and other lunar samples have shown that the interior of the moon is not without water , as believed for many years. “At first it was thought that the amount of water on the moon was much smaller.’s First serious studies on quantification of water on the moon are lunar muestraós performed on early ’70s,” recalls Martinez Frias.
According lists the scientific research on the presence of water on the moon have followed three main lines of research: “The primeval water trapped on the moon, the trapped water in the craters so deposited from allochthonous cometary sources and recently, the water may form on the Moon itself, even today, for the possible interaction of the solar wind with regolith minerals (mainly oxides and silicates). “
Mars remains the priority of NASA
new manned mission to the Moon to collect more samples would help clarify the many unknowns out there about the origin and evolution of the Moon and, therefore, of our planet.
For now, NASA has no plans to return to the moon, then Mars today remains its main purpose , as reiterated this week the director of the U.S. space agency, Charles Bolden, during a conference at George Washington University. According to Bolden, who said they hope to send a manned mission to the Red Planet in the early 30′s, “the interest in sending humans to Mars has never been greater.” It seems that the next flag that flies on the moon will be China, as the Asian giant does have plans to send its astronauts in a few years.
regarding areas or types of samples that may be more interesting for scientists, Martínez-Frías believes that “a new mission would help to validate the three types of water mentioned , with the completion and subsequent analysis of polls regolíticos, detailed sampling within craters and laboratory simulations of the bombing plot, using directly the new lunar samples, “he concludes.
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