Saturday, September 14, 2013

Ceremony Ig Nobel prizes at Harvard. | Reuters - The


hear opera to prevent rejection of his newly transplanted heart, dung beetles to find their way back home looking at the Milky Way, people feel more attractive when drunk , are just three of the hilarious experiments that have won this year’s Ig Nobel, the annual award of the scientific humor magazine “Annals of Improbable Research.

The winners of the 10 categories met with the main requirement to evaluate: make you laugh , and suggest, bring innovation and encourage research. It is unusual or trivial scientific achievements have sometimes been the prelude to the prestigious Scandinavian to be delivered next month.

the ceremony at Harvard University in Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA), also awarded physicists determined that it is possible to run on a pond, as long as the pond and running are on the moon.


Ig took him a group of American and Canadian researchers shrews swallowed half cooked and whole , then carefully examine their droppings and achieve determine which of the bones of the rodents dissolve into the human digestive system.

hijackers escaped not inventions. In the category of Safety and Engineering, an award was given posthumously to Gustano Pizzo for inventing an electromechanical system to catch : the procedure involves dropping through a trapdoor, package them and then let them fall to the ground -with a parachute-in a place where the police have been warned by radio.

Opera for mice

mouse experiment was initiated by Japanese. The studies allowed to establish that those who heard operas of Verdi and Mozart, survived between 26 and 20 days after transplantation than the rest of the copies . The team explained that the blood of the mice that listened to opera generated key cells to prevent the immune system from rejecting a transplanted organ.

Speaking to Kyodo, Professor Masanori Niimi Teikyo University explained that they had tried other sounds before, “but none had been so effective so far.”

Second prize

that took the Japanese, was the fruit of many tears. It was determine the true causes of onion causes the crying . The scientist who led the team, Shinsuke Imai, thanked all the people who forced “to mourn” during the investigation.


do not mourn

The group found that the onion enzyme that irritates the eyes is not what was previously thought, but something completely different. And that is not related either to the taste or the smell, so it is possible to create, through genetic modifications, an onion do not mourn but retains the same taste.

Alexander Lukashenko, President of Belarus , took the IG of Peace . The reason: make it illegal to applaud in public, prompting Belarus police arrested a man with one arm clap.

measure was implemented in 2011 to regulate public rallies, which began as spontaneous protests in the streets. “We’re not able to get in touch with him … But we saw enough reports to be sure that enough is being honored because it is well deserved,” said Marc Abraham, the editor of the “Annals of Improbable Research.

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