Saturday, March 1, 2014

Google provided 9,000 million in advertising Publishers - COPE

Technology giant Google recalled, through its blog officer in Spain, which in 2013 made it easier for editors to your Adsense tool, which brings them into contact with advertisers, from entering a total of 9.000 million (6.577 million euros) in advertising.

In an article signed by the Director of Strategic Alliances for Google News in Spain, Luis Collado and following the debate raised by the inclusion of the “rate Google “in the draft Law on Intellectual Property, the company argues that appear in your news aggregator is a” business opportunity “for publishers.

reform copyright law provides for the right of newspaper publishers to receive “fair compensation” to put “no significant fragments” of content available to aggregators.

Every month Google sent over 10,000 million visits to news publishers around the world who have “absolute control over its presence in Google News, “recalls Collado.

In the aggregator no advertising and content appear small fragments that invite to visit the pages publishers.

” It is worth mentioning that we receive many more requests for inclusion in Google News that exclusion because many realize the advantage that its contents can be discovered by new readers or viewers ” says the article.

Google News was launched in 2002. A founder Krishna Bharat, came up with the idea after the attacks of September 11, when he realized the difficulty of finding news articles on the Internet and updated information about the tragedy. Currently has more than 70 international editions.

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