Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Turkish Constitutional Court orders to lift the blockade Youtube – The Paí (Spain)

The Turkish Constitutional Court has ordered Thursday to lift the blockade YouTube channel videos, instaurado by the Government in late March last , considering that violates freedom of expression. Turkish high court had decreed in April que the ban on the social network Twitter also ordered by the Executive of Recep Tayyip Erdogan in March will unlock.

After analyzing a complaint Turkish Bar Association, judges of the Constitutional Court have decided that the video channel blockade also violates the individual rights of the complainants, as reported by the CNNTürk channel.


  • Turquía YouTube blocks
  • Golpe Erdogan against social networks
  • El Turkish Constitutional Court declares blocking Twitter
  • Turquía lock up Twitter after the Constitutional outlaw

The high court decision will be sent to the Ministry of Communication to lift blocking.

The Department of Telecommunications announced in March that took the measure on its own initiative and without based on a court decision, something possible under the new telecommunications law recently passed, although the rule provides that such decisions must be ratified by a court in a maximum of 48 hours.

The measure was related YouTube broadcast of an alleged conversation between senior military and political officials revealed a plan by the Turkish government to fake an attack from Syria and provoke a war just before the local elections.

Turkish Erdogan government dio Digital hand hit the veto to Twitter in March to try to protect the growing discredit his government because of corruption allegations disseminated previous months through social networks.

The ban sparked a wave of protest among the millions of users of the social network in Turkey, which raffled by text messages and other blocking methods to express their outrage.

Turkish President himself, Abdulá Gül , prohibition skipped to show their displeasure against the “total closure” of a social network, instead of blocking users sentenced by the courts.

The move against free speech sparked an international outcry of criticism of Ankara. La responsible for the EU Digital Agenda Neelie Kroes , curator called the Turkish decision against Twitter of “baseless, worthless and cowardly”. Ankara Brussels negotiating since 2005 with its accession to the Union.

Estados States , the main ally of Turkey, which considers strategic within NATO expressed concern that has refused to Turkish citizens “access to basic communication tools,” according to spokesman White House, Jay Meat.

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