Monday, September 29, 2014

CERN 60 years colliding particles – Online

The CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, held on Monday 60 springs at an event attended by official delegations from 35 countries, including Spanish , who, on entry, have I left their signature for posterity on an electronic tablet located in the photocall .

CERN is currently laboratory for particle physics in the world , and a great example of international collaboration, it brings together over 10,000 scientists in almost 100 nationalities. Emerged on September 29, 1954 “to build a center of excellence in science, but also, somehow, restart contacts between scientists’ and unite nations says the president of the CERN Council, Agnieszka Zalewska. Thus, the theme of this anniversary is ’60 Years of Science for Peace ‘, recalling the agreement that allowed the scientific research exclusively for peaceful purposes .

‘Create a bridge between cultures that speak one universal language, and that language is science. “

“During these six decades, CERN has always been a place where people can work together, regardless of culture and nationality. create a bridge between cultures that speak one universal language, and that language is science “, said the director general of the Organization, Rolf Heuer, during his opening speech at the ceremony, said that the philosophy of this institution should serve as an example in a world in which” if you open a newspaper, any day, any time, anywhere, you will find human suffering. ” So, Heuer said that CERN, “cultures can coexist and make a difference” .

The revolution of Physics

The CERN is dedicated to fundamental physics, focused on discovering what is the universe made of and how it works . Since the creation of this organization, the picture of fundamental physics has changed dramatically. At the time, the knowledge of matter at smaller scales was limited to the nucleus of the atom . In the 60s, particle physicists were able to advance in this field to develop the Standard Model of Particle Physics and improving the knowledge of the Universe and its early .

The CERN is to discover what the universe is made and how it works.

bigger and more powerful accelerators have allowed researchers to explore new energy frontiers. Among the major discoveries at CERN are the carrier particles of the weak force , winner of the Nobel in 1984; the creation of the World Wide Web by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989, the development of a revolutionary particle detector by George Charpak, Nobel laureate also in 1992; and the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, he has been able to prove the Brout-Englert mechanism-Higgs and allowed the Nobel Prize Peter Higgs and François Englert in 2013.

The CERN handles the main particle accelerator in the world, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). With its reboot next to a new record of energy, CERN will continue year looking for answers to some of the fundamental questions of the Universe .

Curing Cancer antimatter

Great minds at CERN are used not only for fundamental physics but there is space for the medication . The Antiproton Cell Experiment (ACE) was launched in 2003 and aims to fully assess the effectiveness of the antimatter as cancer therapy .

To date, the particle beam therapy has been used mainly protons to destroy cancer cells. Unfortunately, although the beam destroys cancer also damages healthy tissue in repeated treatments. However, the ACE experiment is testing the idea of ​​ use antiprotons as an alternative treatment , by direct comparison of the effectiveness of cell irradiation using protons and antiprotons.

When matter (tumor cells) and antimatter (antiprotons) meet, they destroy each other, transform mass into energy. So, the released energy is projected into fragments of cancer cells adjacent, which in turn should also be destroyed.

According to the researchers at CERN, ACE is an excellent example of how research in particle physics can provide innovative solutions with potential health benefits . However, the validation process for any new medical treatment is long. Even if all goes well, it could still take a decade for the first clinical application to appear.

Spain at CERN

Spain is a member of CERN since 1983 and is ranked number five on taxpayers behind Germany, France, UK and Italy. Furthermore, according to the Ministry of I + D + i, “other funds were available to finance the activities of the Spanish research groups participating in experiments at CERN, including the LHC ISOLDE nTOF O”.

So, over 70 Spanish companies involved in construction, and maintenance of LHC, where currently working near 200 Spanish through ten research centers. This participation encourages the Secretary of State through the National Programme for Particle Physics and the National Center for Particle Physics, Astroparticle and Nuclear (CPAN) Consolider-Ingenio 2010 project managed by the CSIC.

Secretary of State for R + D + i, Carmen Vela, who has captained the Spanish delegation at the event, noted the importance for Spain “participating in an organization that is at the forefront of world science that enables researchers and Spanish technicians do big science “.


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