Friday, November 7, 2014

Find out why Apple always gets their ads with the time 9:41 – The IT Group

Did not you ever wondered why Apple shows in their commercials iPhone and iPad when 9:41 ? Even if you have not paid attention to this detail, behind is a curious story of why Apple placed this time on the screens of their devices as a promotional image.

All we see is explained and time 9:41 also has its own, it is no coincidence by any means. Basically Apple plasma this time on their devices since it corresponds to the exact moment when it introduced the first iPhone of the company on the block.

appeared before 9:42 pm

But that’s not all, before when it appeared was 9:42 as it appeared at that time one of the devices that would mark the beginning of a new device which has become famous in the world, the first iPhone ever. That day at that time Steve Jobs famously said of “Today Apple is going to reinvent the phone”

Immediately after came the iPhone . Touch the first phone from the company easy to use and good design. From there, the iPhone has become one of the best selling phone and coveted by all, despite its high price

 Image - Find out why Apple always gets their ads with 9:41 hour

As I already mentioned, this time was later changed to 9:41 pm coinciding with the release of iPad first tablet of the company.

¿ Why not the exact time?

Another aspect that may call attention is that 9:41 is not exactly an exact time, such as the 9:00 or 9:30 pm. But as with the above explanation also.

According to comments the former head of iOS, Apple designs their speeches on the basis that its flagship product presents past 40 minutes since the presentation starts.

What Apple wants is that the time shown on the device is the same as having the assistant to the presentation on their handsets or people watch.


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