Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Google will invest 150 million euros in the media … – Globovision

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Google will invest 150 million euros in European media

Google reached an agreement with different European media which includes an investment of 150 million euros (163 million dollars) in three years and aims to "support a sustainable ecosystem of news and promote innovation Digital News Initiative ", based on three pillars: product development, financial support for innovation and training and research" "

Google has put on the table the calling plan." president of strategic relationships to Google in Europe, Carlo D'Asaro Biondo said in the official blog of the company.

This initiative comes after years of disagreements with European media industry (with which has been open clashes especially in France, Germany and Spain, where Google has closed News-) and days after the European Commission has accused of abuse of dominance in the search.

The technology company US signed a collaboration agreement with different groups of European media, among which are the Spanish El Pais, Editorial Unit, Vocento or Godó Group, the British The Financial Times, The Guardian, the French Les Echos, La Stampa ( Italy), Die Zeit (Germany) and the company plans to expand the "collaboration" to other media.

The investment projects to "establish new ways of thinking in the practice of journalism" and may be used be requested by both media and professionals.

With the initiative is, according to the manager, to establish dialogue and cooperation with news editors.

Google reaches out and to the media of the old continent, which have been very belligerent especially with the role of Google News news aggregator.

The "Digital News Initiative" public days ago after the European Commission accused Google abuse of dominance in search, announced an investigation and clarification Android keeps open a formal investigation into aspects such as copying contents of the websites of competitors

Source:. EFE / MG

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