Thursday, May 28, 2015

A Neanderthal would be the first Spanish man killed – Neuquén Morning

The victim died 430,000 years ago a blow to the head.



 A team of Spanish scientists have found in Sima de los Huesos, a cave in the Sierra de Atapuerca in northern Spain, which is considered the oldest victim of a murder of which comes to light in the history of mankind .


 The group led by the Joint Center Room Nohemi Evolution and Human Behavior at Madrid wrote in the journal PLoS One that the “most likely explanation” is that he died from an attack of others for the injuries to his skull.


 The victim died 430,000 years ago. The skull of the Neanderthal was found in Pit of Bones, a small camera inside a system of underground caves in the Sierra de Atapuerca, in Burgos, where a large amount of animal bones were found and humans from Middle Pleistocene. You can only reach the cave through a hole 13 meters deep that leads down.


 Skull “Cranium 17″ could be rebuilt almost entirely. It has two deep fractures in the forehead that scientists were caused by the same element and led to his death. Is “highly unlikely” that the injury is due to a fall to the beat of a rock, and that man should have struck twice against the same object.


 If your skull had been injured after his death should be traces of cuts; and if he had survived the injuries it would have to observe the healing process. But in this case, “the injuries appear to have been caused by a shape tool and standard size,” the scientists said.


 “This is a clear case of deliberate fatal assault oldest known and could be reconstructed on the basis of bones of ancient men. And it will show that this is a prehistoric human behavior, “he said.


 With this discovery, scientists may have also unveiled the mystery of Sima of the Bones. So far there were different theories about what it was for the cave. They believe that the only way in which the dead could have gotten there is that they have been thrown into the well, so it could be a kind of cemetery.




Doubts about Shanidar 3 Neanderthal




 Until now there was only one finding of that time it was also considered a possible murder, Shanidar 3 Neanderthals, who had serious injuries in the ninth rib. However, this case was not so clear: the man died weeks later, so it is not insurance was the attack that led to his death. In that case, there was also the question of whether the victim had not had a hunting accident.

 The remains, which date from between 35,000 and 65,000 years ago, were discovered in Iraq in 1961.





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