Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Human content management will have an important role … – lanacion.com (Argentina)

Photo: Reuters

The algorithms have been the soul of Twitter, but on his way to move from a social network to a multimedia platform will begin to play an essential role human “curators” of content.

” human content management, against a selection made solely by machines algorithms, will play an increasingly important role in the way content is delivered. (…) The ‘curators’ experts play a role important in the future of Twitter, “he told EFE outgoing delegate counselor Twitter, Dick Costolo.

The US company recently announced that it will launch in autumn the Lightning project, a simple way to find multimedia content relevant that, from the various Twitter tools-including Periscope and vine- yards, will be selected and organized by human beings.

Costolo, who will leave his post as head of Twitter on July 1, said the combination of algorithms and humans will be “vital” for the platform.

In the transition from Twitter from a social networking application to a platform that brings together different content and services are “many challenges”, according to the executive, who participated yesterday in Granada in Congress Talking About Twitter (TAT).

Dick Costolo Twitter commanded for five years. Photo: Courtesy Asa Mathat / All Things Digital

One is the rapid migration from the middle to the native mobile video, which is a “huge opportunity”, but also a how to challenge extracted from their place of origin (Vine, Periscope) and distributed throughout the ecosystem of Twitter.

“We have to think about how to connect the various sources of content the ecosystem of Twitter and once combined, in how they present users, “he reflected.

In the lecture he gave in TAT Granada, he noted that one of the major technological challenges facing Twitter is getting people to understand what is happening around the world in a simple and instantly.

With Lightning, Twitter comes in content management, as have other technology companies like Google, Facebook or snapchat.

Just how content is presented in the network of “microblogging”, appearing as a cascade of tweets in chronological order, has been a constant criticism of the platform.

Costolo held in Granada TAT a burning defense of how new technologies and in particular the platform of “microblogging” are glaring artificial walls that have historically prevented access to the free flow of information.

Costolo said that the company has to take “hard” decisions to find a balance between freedom to express without fear unpopular or minority opinions and criticism of them do not end up silence them.

Among these complex decisions not only is the deal with the confrontation between users. Also, the tug of war with governments, including the US, seeking to Twitter eliminate certain critical comments

The manager explained that as the network it is more ubiquitous, these situations occur “more and more” and that the company spends “a lot of resources” to “fight for the voices” of its users and remove content only if there is a court order or a request valid legal.

Costolo participation in Granada will be one of his last public appearances before leaving office, a waiver occurs after repeated criticism of investors regarding the slow growth in number of users and use the social network as well as its strategy to generate revenue. .


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