MEXICO CITY, Mexico, July 14 2015.- With a doodle,. Google celebrates today the flyby spacecraft “New Horizons” Pluto.
In your home page, the company’s technology shows an animation in which we observe the dwarf planet as part of the name of the search engine and one ship traveling around.
In this way, the firm celebrates the arrival of the probe of the National Administration of Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to exoplanet.
It also celebrates the . images that has captured during his tour, which has shown new features of Pluto and its moons
‘); navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase deviceAgent var = (); deviceAgent.match agentID var = (/ (iphone | ipod | ipad) /); if (agentID) {paginationHistoricos.ready (“Google celebrates the approach to Pluto + doodle pluton + probe pluton + google pluton + pluton + google & amp; GSA_client = pgeneral & amp; GSA_site = noticierosbuscador & amp; start = 3″, “”, true); } Else {paginationHistoricos.ready (“Google celebrates the approach to Pluto + doodle pluton + probe pluton + google pluton + pluton + google & amp; GSA_client = pgeneral & amp; GSA_site = noticierosbuscador & amp; start = 3″, “”, true); }});
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