Friday, July 10, 2015

New minidrones landing in the water – Village online

Spanish & gt; & gt; Science-Technology

UPDATED: 10/07/2015 – 10:46

Keywords: minidron, drone, Parrot, water

Source: agencies

Paris, 10/07/2015 (The People’s Daily Online) – After a first generation that has managed to place some six hundred thousand units, the specialist firm Parrot has unveiled its new collection of flying minidrones -motor tripulados- not very designed for recreational use and whose main novelty is a model designed for water sweet.

A total of thirteen patterns divided into three categories. These include the Airborne family, a minidrones able to move through the air at a speed of 18 kilometers per hour. They can also perform stunts 180 degrees and very funny moves.

The big news has come from the water, environment for which designed the Hydrofoil family, a hybrid drone circulating on freshwater and that can be maintained over five centimeters above the liquid element. As for its features, this model can travel speeds of 4 knots, ie, about 10 km / hour. Its range is rather limited, the truth, since only has a range of seven minutes. One positive aspect is that the housing withdrawal becomes a flying drone.

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