Saturday, July 11, 2015

Remove the objects on the screen: the next revolution … – San Rafael Journal

has been in development since 2013 and can become one of the next revolutions in touchscreen technology.

Backed by the EU and developed by universities in the UK, Holland and Denmark, this program is leaving spectacular images on it it potentially poses; ‘Remove’ the objects off the screen with your hands. According to its developers, the objects can feel the touch. “Through ultrasound levitation technology, for example, could project out of the flat screen that is displayed in it. And, with deformable screens also could insert fingers inside,” he said in a statement Kasper Hornbæk, one GHOST those responsible for the project.

It is hardly likely that within five years there and displays that change shape during usoPantallas that change shape and they can touch and feel. We are facing a revolutionary advance in the form of user interaction with the technology that would manipulate data objects and even a radically new way. Thus, for example, a surgeon may physically intervene in a virtual brain, enjoying full tactile experience, before carrying out the real operation.

Meanwhile, designers and artists who often use physical substitutes could be molded like clay objects again and again and save on a computer as they work. GHOST researchers also work with deformable interfaces, such as sponges and mats, that a musician could bend to control the timbre, tempo and other parameters to create electronic music. In fact, the GHOST team has created an assembly of prototypes that show different applications characterized by the change of shape. A prototype is Emerge, which lets you take data display bar graphs with just his fingertips.

This information, for example the results of an election or a pluviometría- patterns could reorganize and broken by rows , columns or individual to assimilate better. Project researchers are also working with ‘morphees’ mobile devices with flexible screens lycra or alloy which can stretch or bend depending on their use. Thus, they can change shape automatically, for example to prevent the user’s fingers will look when typing a password or scroll the screen according to the twists and turns of particular game.

These devices can also

increase your size when held in hand, to look better information, then shrink back to better fit in a bag or pocket. The University of Bristol, associated with GHOST, has been a company called UltraHaptics which already employs twelve people and is dedicated to further develop a technology studied in this project is the emission of ultrasound to create feelings in the air. This company has already attracted seed capital in the UK and additional funding through Horizon 2020. “GHOST has made considerable progress for the sake of bringing together several partners and give them the chance to share their discoveries says Professor Hornbæk .

It is hardly likely that within five years there and displays that change shape during use. However, if it takes more time so that one can project a landscape with its smartphone twenty or thirty centimeters off the screen, but we’re in it! “said Professor Hornbæk. GHOST, which ends later this year, with the participation of four partners in the UK, Netherlands and Denmark and has received funding of EUR 1.93 million under the program for future and emerging technologies in the European Union .


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