Thursday, July 9, 2015

The internet of things, still elusive – El Diario de Yucatan



MADRID (EFE) .- The Internet of things, the phenomenon of connecting everything to everything, still facing complex technical deficiencies, some “very difficult” to solve, warned yesterday Vinton Cerf, who is considered one Parental Internet.

Vice President and responsible for exploring new uses of the Internet to Google, Cerf, whose work in the 1970s were key to interconnect the first computers, traveled to Spain to give a talk on “The Future of the Internet: challenges and opportunities” at the invitation of the Polytechnic University of Madrid

“There are still many open questions about unresolved complicated issues” around the concept of Internet. things. To illustrate the importance of the phenomenon, he recalled that the figures stand at 3,000 million the number of Internet users and up to 15,000 million connected devices, figures continue multiplying.

One of the most difficult problems to solve is the lack of standard platforms interconnectivity, as they vary between devices and that prevents communication with each other.

Cerf predicted that soon anything will be connected to the Internet via sensors “that are common in everywhere “: refrigerators, microwaves, thermostats and washing machines. Therefore communication platforms that enable large-scale machines and understood this challenge has not been exceeded

are needed. It is also a priority for the devices, which are multiplied by thousands or millions, can be easily handled. Ideally control different-from temperature and humidity sensors, music volume, control the blinds … – with a single command, probably the phone. And this single device should be easily programmable, almost automatically, to avoid making the user read “instructions and instructions with such apparatus.”

Security in the new interconnected world is another major challenge He admitted Cerf. Internet requires more resistant to cyberattacks systems and greater guarantees user authentication, you should only access the system if it is really who he claims to be.

Internet Forecasts

Vinton Cerf is winning Turing and the Prince of Asturias Scientific and Technical Research.

awards Instantly

Google’s vice president proposes anticiberataques instant action systems, because it is urgent to stop the threat and then search those responsible.

Without Borders

To them global cooperation of industry and national governments is needed because cybercrime has no borders and victims are attacked from all over the world .


The Vellum or parchment digital Cerf is the proposal to address the lack of digital heritage of future generations by the expected difficulty of access to current documents online .

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