Thursday, July 9, 2015

Vinton Cerf: The internet of things still drags complex lagoons … – Terra Colombia

The “internet of things”, the unstoppable phenomenon of connecting everything to everything, for the rise of sensors and chips, trailing even complex technical deficiencies, some “very difficult” to solve, said today in Madrid Vinton Cerf, regarded as one of the “fathers” of the Internet.

Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist (responsible for exploring new uses of the Internet) to Google, Cerf, whose work in the seventies were key to connect the first computers together, he gave a lecture on today “The future of the Internet: challenges and opportunities” invited by the Polytechnic University of Madrid.

With such prestigious awards as the Turing Prince of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific Research and, Cerf said that “there are still many open questions about many unresolved complicated issues” around the concept of “Internet of the things “.

To illustrate the importance of the phenomenon noted that the figures stand at 3,000 million the number of Internet users and 10,000 to 15,000 million devices currently connected figures continue multiplying.

One of the most complex problems to solve for the popularization of this’ internet of things “is the lack of standard platforms interconnectivity apparatuses with others, since they vary depending on the manufacturer and that prevents communicating with each other.

In short, he recalled, any object will be connected to the Internet by all kinds of sensors “that are very common everywhere”, in refrigerators, microwave, thermostats or washing machines.

It takes therefore communication platforms “large-scale” to enable the machines understood and that challenge has not been achieved yet, insisted the computer expert.

It is also a priority for the devices, which are multiplied by thousands or millions, they can be easily handled.

In any home, they could be tens to be used at the same time: temperature sensors, humidity, music volume, shutter control. It would be advisable that they can be controlled all with a single command, probably mobile.

And this unique device should be easily programmable, almost automatically, to make life easier for the user who does not have to read “instructions and instructions with such apparatus.”

Also security around this new interconnected world is another major challenge, Cerf said. This “vibrant” internet space is in “constant evolution and hospitable” with all kinds of innovative ideas, it requires stronger systems against cyber attacks.

greater guarantees user authentication should only be accessible if the system is who he claims to be, and also the software in its design would include far fewer vulnerabilities or “bugs” to prevent the entry are required the “bad guys”.

Cerf anticiberataques systems raises instant action, because, just as the first thing you do with a fire is add water and then call the police, with Internet it is also urgent to stop the threat and then find those responsible.

Global cooperation of industry and countries is needed because cybercrime has no borders and victims are attacked from anywhere in the world, he said.

referió also the need for global implementation of the new Internet protocol IPv6 that requires “a boost by the industry” and the challenge of allocating soon address many new names on the network .

He reiterated that worry “a lot” possible non-digital heritage of future generations by the expected difficulty of access to existing documents on the internet (photos, videos, tweets, blogs, text) with future technologies .

Hence the proposal of digital “Vellum” or digital parchment, to which he referred in the past to preserve all that virtual legacy in the future.

Taking advantage of his presence today at the University, said the democratizing role of the internet, allowing anyone to access it regardless of where you are, with higher or lower educational resources.


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