Have you ever, on the phone, thought how useful it would be to also send a picture of what is happening, a map of where in that time, or even a video of your surroundings?
All this will become a reality very soon in an integrated manner, ie, as the conversation continues, thanks to a service called Call +, which will become an industry standard and that Spain is launching Vodafone first.
Call + is a set of features that are added to conventional calls and rich. Is a complex service to explain, but when you understand spectacular, because the possibilities are immense.
This is clearly an attempt by the wireless industry, especially operators, to cope with the kind of services they are paying increasing messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram or Line, but all integrated into the telephone conversation, the only stronghold that, for now, remains dominated by the phone.
The problem is that, initially, will be a minority service. Although this suite has become a standard for the mobile industry and all operators to install, the rate of adoption is necessarily slow, because to use it, we first need to have a mobile with 4G and that our interlocutor has it Also, both are in area 4G coverage and also that both have the application call + discharged.
At the moment, with the exception of the Sony Xperia Z3 and Z3 Compact, with the application installed by default, you need to download the application, which for now is not even the Google Play or the Apple App Store, something will happen in late July. To download it is now necessary to Vodafone customers go to “Vodafone Updates” access point to the applications themselves British operator.
Also, to make it a success will require that all operators deploy commercially technology, because if you will be limited only to customers of Vodafone would be pointless.
From this point of view, Call + will be commercially launched by Telefonica in Spain around September and in the case of Orange It is also planned deployment but no specific date. In any case it is reasonable to think that for the fourth quarter will be generally available in the three major Spanish operators.
What to do with call + ?. .. As much
Before you call You can customize the call and make it more effective and rich with different options: define the importance of the call, add a subject, send location or attach a picture. The recipient, receiving the incoming call, you can view all this information on the screen of your phone to contact name called.
During the call. Customers can send all kinds of files, share photos, videos, current location and whether they are in 4G Voice even add live video to the call.
After the call. All information shared during the call-videos, maps, photos, etc will be available historically in the call log. Moreover, in the “calls not answered” the sender can record or write a message for the receiver to hear or read from the missed call notification.
The service has no additional cost nor specific rate , although clearly does produce an additional consumption data. However, additional functions can be used when you are in WiFi coverage, but your voice call continues according to plan tarificándose price that a customer has.
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