Sunday, September 27, 2015

Astronomical show: tonight the moon will occur supereclipse – La Nacion (Argentina)

The phenomenon, which is not repeated until 2033, will see with the naked eye throughout the Americas; natural satellite will be in the closest of its orbit around the Earth, that is, the perigee point, and “stain” of a reddish

For a unique astronomical conjunction, tonight we will have the opportunity to perceive in all its fullness the dance of the heavenly spheres. Starting at 21.11, a total lunar eclipse will occur. “This does not have anything rare, every year there are one or two Bagú Diego says, managing director of the Planetarium of La Plata. The unique thing about this is that just occurs when the Moon is at the closest point of its orbit around the Earth (perigee), which allows us to see about 14% larger. It so happens that this total lunar eclipse coincides with the perigee, a circumstance that occurs rarely. It will be very nice to see, especially if one has the possibility to leave the city and watch in an area where the horizon is noticed. “

This type of eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth and Moon are exactly aligned and the latter enters the shadow cone of the Earth. But the union of a “SuperLuna” a total eclipse is a rare phenomenon in the last century there were only five. To see something similar will have to wait until 2033

The visual effect of “SuperLuna” is because its orbit is not circular, but elliptical (like a flattened circle).; that is, its distance from Earth varies between a maximum of 406,700 km (apogee) and a minimum of 356,400 km (perigee). 12 or 13 possible, every year usually occur three to five súperlunas. Last year there were five, like this one. In 2016 there will be an estimated four most SuperLuna of this century will be December 6, 2052, at a distance of 356 429 km.

“The full moon this week is a super SuperLuna ‘says Guillermo Abramson, a physicist at amateur astronomer in his blog In the sky the stars Balseiro. Why? It perigees not all are equal. The orbit of the Moon is complicated, mainly due to the influence of the sun. If you check the distance from the Earth to the Moon on a day he finds that the minimums are not all the same! (The maximum either, but less.) There perigees closer and perigees further, in a cycle that repeats itself every few months as the Earth moves around the sun along with the moon. The next perigee will be particularly close. The Moon will be just over 350,000 kilometers, and will occupy nearly 34 arcseconds in the sky, far more than what habitual and almost the maximum possible. “

An additional attraction is that as the Moon enters Earth’s shadow will acquire a reddish color. For this peculiarity, in English-speaking countries is known as blood moon or “bloody moon”. “It’s very nice -describes Martín Leiva, the Observatory of the National University of Córdoba: sunlight hits the atmosphere, it breaks down and the red part of the rainbow reflected on the Moon.”

“During a lunar eclipse, the Earth’s atmosphere (and primarily its dense lower layer, the troposphere) some sunlight refracted into the umbra -Report Planetarium of Buenos Aires. It is precisely this faint light that saves the Moon than otherwise would be an absolute darkness. Like most of the refracted light corresponding to the wavelengths of red and orange during the whole >>, the >> moon pretty dyed red and orange tones “

” This is a physical effect adds Bagú-. what happens is that when light passes through the atmosphere, it disperses much more blue light red. The atmosphere acts as a filter and the next road to the moon is primarily red light, so it looks reddish. It is similar to what happens in sunsets and sunrises. “

The total lunar eclipse is the second in 2015 and the latest in a series of four that were registered on 15 April and 8 October 2014 and April 4 this year. Although it may look through binoculars or telescopes, experts advise to look at “the naked eye”.

Shortly before midnight (at 23.11 ), the super SuperLuna completely dive into the shadow of the Earth, and that will be the most colorful stage around the space show that far from disappearing it will turn red. From end to end, the eclipse will last about three hours.

“The moon on the horizon always seems bigger. It is an optical illusion, because one has to compare terrestrial objects, such as a building Bagú- explains. But in this case it will be effectively larger. It will be a beautiful sight. “

The astronomers emphasize that, although often feared strange events that occur by eclipses, they have no physical effect on people or on the Earth’s nature.” It has nothing to do with the blood, or the Apocalypse, “Abramson writes.

” Some people are scared and it’s good to have the right information, “agrees Leiva. And prepares for tonight that in all observatories and planetariums in the country, will be a party.


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