Thursday, October 15, 2015

Tesla reveals its autopilot system for cars – FORTUNE


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‘+’ This includes a radar in the part front of the vehicle, a camera and motion sensors; the system includes autopilot, allowing change lanes only directional. ‘+’

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(CNN Spanish) – Tesla electric carmaker, unveiled Thursday an automatic pilot for Model S.

This latest development includes a radar in cars in the front, a camera, ultrasonic sensors that capture movement in all directions and speeds, global positioning system and a digital system brake assistant.

According to the blog of the brand, the software can also be installed in cars like the Model X.

The system learns from every movement and improved. The autopilot can change lanes only users to activate the steering, and also allows you to adjust the speed.

The digital control of the engine, brakes and rudder is designed to avoid collisions from the front and sides, as well as to prevent the vehicle from leaving the road.

The cars equipped with this system can even scan the street looking for a place to park. Once found, the car alerts the driver may ask you to park in parallel.

“The Tesla autopilot relieves drivers of the most tedious and potentially dangerous road travel work. We are building the autopilot to give users more confidence to handle, to increase security roads, and to make highway driving more enjoyable, “says the brand.

Tesla says that although fully autonomous cars are still several years to develop, the system works like the aircraft; which means that the pilot is responsible and ultimately in control of the car.


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