Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Mexico reaches the Samsung Galaxy View –

Samsung announced the arrival in Mexico of Galaxy View, a 18.4-inch screen notebook designed to transmit video and HD content.

In the presentation of the product, ” it is not a television, but neither one tablet, “the director of Products Wearables Samsung Mexico, Giovanni Ciullo, said the device is to occupy a space in the mobile market currently unattended.

And that by 2017, the company estimates that in Mexico about 38 percent of people see at least once a week through the Internet content, while the segment of video on demand becomes greater than 56 percent.

Therefore, this new device is designed to make the experience of watching videos can be shared, as opposed to smartphones and tablets, as the screen can be placed in the kitchen, in the garden or take a picnic, he expressed


He also explained that Galaxy View besides being a portable screen, also has the ability to function as a productivity tool, to be installed to edit text, spreadsheet software and for presentations, among others.

Similarly, the device offered free of charge for one year and the contents of clear video, but from the application store also be able to download Netflix and other programs to display video content.

Galaxy View, available in Telmex shops with a monthly cost of 497 pesos, operates under the Android operating system, has an external expandable memory up to 128 gigabytes and lasting eight hour battery.


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