Tuesday, December 1, 2015

NASA will test the spacecraft to reach Mars in 2018 with a trip back and forth to the moon – newspaper Zocalo

ABC.ES / USA .- The NASA test in autumn 2018 tripulable ship that is intended to reach deep space, perhaps reach an asteroid or to Mars. This is your new System rocket and tripulable ship Orion.

The first flight, which will not lead crew is a trip back and forth to beyond the moon for three weeks, which today day is a record of time and distance for a tripulable ship who has not washed up on the International Space Station.

To do this, a heavier version of the SLS rocket lift off from a modernized ramp at the Kennedy Space Center. It will carry a version of the Orion spacecraft equipped with a service module supplied by ESA. This flight, called EM1 (“Mission Exploration 1″) help NASA prepare the mission to the red planet.

“This is truly a mission that will do what has not been done and the we will learn what we do not know, “said Mike Sarafin, Director of NASA’s Mission EM1 in Washington.

After reaching the Earth’s orbit, the spacecraft will deploy the solar panels and the upper stage SLS launcher called ICPS (“Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage”). This will give Orion the ability to leave Earth’s orbit and travel to the moon.

When you reach your destination, Orion ICPS separate module, which will then allow a small satellite launch, known as “CubeSat” to conduct experiments and technology demonstrations.

On its way from Earth orbit to the Moon, Orion will be powered by a service module provided by the European Space Agency, which will provide drive and energy (as well as water and air to prospective astronauts on manned missions). Orion will pass through the radiation belts Van Allen (near Earth) and fly beyond the constellation of GPS satellites and above communications satellites in Earth orbit. To communicate with Mission Control in Houston, Orion used for the first time in decades the Deep Space Network.

The trip to the moon will take several days, during which engineers evaluate ship systems and, when necessary, will correct the path. It will fly about 100 kilometers above the surface of the moon, and then use the gravitational pull of the satellite to be placed in orbit at 70,000 kilometers away from the moon, according to NASA.

spacecraft that remain in orbit for about six days to collect data and allow mission controllers performance evaluation of the spacecraft.

To return to Earth, Orion held another close flyby 100 kilometers from the surface of the Moon and use the service module engines to exploit the moon’s gravity and approach the Earth.

The NASA expects to finish amerizando the ship in the Pacific Ocean off the coast San Diego.


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