Friday, February 19, 2016

Google Translate adds 13 new languages ​​-

Hawaiian Al only has about 1,000 native speakers, but in their death throes as the language has left the world a technological word wiki, meaning quick. Google Translate just add it to the long list of available languages. The small oceanic language is included now in the 103 languages ​​that can cope automatic translator world’s largest search engine. Its few speakers are added to a volume of 120 million, at the other end of speaking, Google has added a language with a speaking population of over 54 million people, as the Sindhi language of Pakistan and India.

in this new expansion, Google has built the second most spoken Semitic language in the world after Arabic, Amharic, the language with 21 million speakers, is an officer in Ethiopia has its own alphabet

<. p> has also joined the Corsican language unregulated talking about 100,000 to 400,000 people in the French island of Corsica and the Italian Sardinia. Minority (albeit with official status) is Frisian, a Germanic language spoken between 360,000 and 750,000 in the Netherlands, but with some linguistic island in the northwest of Germany and southern Denmark). Google has also added the official language of Luxembourg: Luxembourg is a Germanic language spoken only 300,000 speakers of small European country and its environs. He has also set sights on another minority language in Europe for expansion: Scottish Gaelic is extinguished at the mouth of just 58,000 people of Alba, the Gaelic name for Scotland, but will now be partly their survival to Google <. /> p>

of all the built-in languages, Hawaiian is the lowest implementation. It is an endangered language speakers fewer than 1,000 people, but which international words should be wiki. More than any other language speakers Oceania, Samoan. It is spoken in the Polynesian archipelago about 370,000 people.

Other additions to the translator languages ​​are Kyrgyz (with more than five million speakers in several former Soviet republics and China), Shona (a language Africa oriental seven million speakers, rich tones and what linguists define “hissing sound”), the Pashtun in Pakistan and Afghanistan speak more than 40 million people, and Xhosa, the mother tongue of Nelson Mandela almost eight million speakers in South Africa.

Along with the translator, Google voice assistant, able to recognize two million words only in Spanish and has mastered 34 languages, processes each day the equivalent of 30 years audio. It is planned to incorporate a total of 300 languages ​​in the medium to long term.


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