Thursday, June 30, 2016

Pacific frigates can fly for months without perching – The Costa Rica Nation

 Updated June 30, 2016 at 03:08 pm


The frigates Pacific, large birds tail shaped scissors, can fly for more than two months without perching on their transoceanic migrations, a study published Thursday in the journal Science .

These enigmatic birds, as they are difficult to observe, feed on flying fish and have long wings that give them the size and exceptional ability to plan.

the frigates and take advantage of the favorable trade winds and currents winds upward in the tropical waters to fly and glide over thousands of kilometers, minimizing the beating of wings and the use of its energy.

for the study, a team of French researchers led by Henri Weimerskirch, the center of biological studies Chizé the National center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the University of La Rochelle, installed bookmarks frigates on the island Europe, in the Mozambique channel, one of the breeding sites of the species.

fifty birds was equipped with captors capable of measuring simultaneously and for months GPS position, altitude, heart rate and beating of wings.

the study raises however some doubts, mainly on the ability of the frigates to sleep in flight and withstand the conditions extreme inside the clouds, as well as the strategy used to avoid tropical cyclones during their wanderings.


Facebook changes its timeline Analysis –

Facebook is not the first social network that decides to change its algorithm on the timeline ( ‘news feed’) to privilege the most popular content, Twitter and Instagram as they did in their time looking for new ways to improve their models operation. The movement of the platform Mark Zuckerberg is clear: give prominence to friends and family on the wall of your users . Read also: (The change in Twitter necessary / Analysis)

In that sense, changing algorithm provides that publications from family and friends appear highlighted in the walls of the users to the detriment of media content or personalities.

“the goal of our wall is show people the most relevant to them stories. We are announcing an update on our wall news that will help them see more posts from your friends and family” , reported on the company blog Adam Mosseri, vice president of content management Facebook.

it is important to mention that it is not the first time that the social network is publicly committed ensuring changes in its news section. In July last year, Facebook added improvements to prioritize content of friends or pages selected by the user. In fact, the social network opened as Instant Articles alternatives for the media have the potential to reach more audiences. Read also: (Instant Articles all means open from April)

Facebook was born under a premise. “Connect people with their friends and family”, however, during the last months, the social network has taken a different path and has become an ideal platform for global distribution of news platform. According to the specialized environment ‘The Verge’, Facebook is a tool trusted by news editors thanks to the amount of traffic they receive their portals .

In addition, the portal American said that “the media who can not find or find their audiences on Facebook risk their advertising models and advertising collapse”.

A study by ‘the Information’ and compiled by the ABC website ensures that users no longer use Facebook to share their life experiences. In concrete figures, status updates have fallen 5.5 percent during 2014 and 2015; and more than 60 percent of users has decided to stop counting his life on social network .

The research detailing that one of the main reasons for this situation is that the social network is focusing on promoting and advertising the presence of companies in its news section .

Facebook said the change in your timeline will affect traffic content that media communication published directly on their websites social network, but will have less impact if most of the traffic of the media comes from stories and shared by individual users videos, explains the agency Efe.

What do you think of this change?



Are two wings of birds that lived with dinosaurs – The

The discovery of two tiny wings perfectly preserved in amber prehistórica bird shows plumage (the layers, the employer, the provision of color and feathers) we observe today in the birds was present in some of their predecessors who lived for nearly 100 million year ± os.

a study published by Nature Communications on June 28 concluded that these wings, probably belonged to a enantiornites, a kind of avian dinosaur extinguió late CRETE cico.

“For the first time we are seeing feathers associated with materials óseos” he told Nature study co-author, Ryan McKellar, investigating fossil as curator of paleontologÃa of invertebrates at the Royal Saskatchewan Museum in Regina, Canada .

the majority of these types of fossils preserved in amber come from the mines Hukawng valley in Kachin State, Burma.

Currently, the valley is under the control of Eja © Army for the Independence of Kachin, faced in an intermittent conflict with the state for more than 50 years ± os.

Because of this conflict, the extraction and sale of amber is not regulated and most of the material is sold to Chinese consumers, who use it to create pieces of jewelry.

In fact, one of the samples enantiornites is called ‘Angel’ because a design ± ador of jewelry wanted to incorporate a slope called ‘angel wings’.

For scientists, the appeal of the samples preserved in amber is found in the fact that it contains probably the greatest variety of animal and plant life Cretácico period.

scientists emphasize the importance of finding because, they argue, will allow them to know with more precision how were these ancient birds, as the wings retain a number of intersantes details such as color patterns and accurate provision of feathers to bones.

Fuente RT


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Windows 10: The most important free update to date arrive in August – CNET in Spanish

Sarah Tew / CNET

Microsoft announced during the developer conference Build 2016, held in March, the new update of “anniversary” of Windows 10 and said it would come in the summer Now we know the exact date.. the update will come to Windows 10 free August 2

the update available for free for all users running Windows 10 before July 29, the date on which finalized the term upgrade Windows 8 and Windows 7 to the latest version of the Microsoft operating system.

Although Windows 10 has been constantly updated since its launch last year, this update will be the most important so far.

Microsoft calls the update “anniversary” and offers improved performance, but also other important new features:

With the upgrade, Windows Hello permitted entry into your bank account using, for example, the reader fingerprint device.

Juan Garzon / CNET

Windows Hello

Windows Hello was one of the great innovations that Microsoft introduced with Windows 10, but with the update “anniversary”, the company extends the functions of this biometric security system.

Focusing primarily the business sector, Windows Hello now allow you to use multiple devices to unlock others. for example, you can now use a cell with Windows 10 Mobile to unlock your computer.

in this way, if you have a computer with Windows 10, but without a fingerprint reader or a camera that can detect your iris or your face, you can use the hardware of another device that integrates the hardware to unlock easier and safer that other device.

also, Windows Hello will now be integrated in apps and the Edge browser, allowing you can enter your bank accounts or other secure web pages using biometric security offered by Windows Hello.

The new menu of Windows Ink to take advantage of a stylus.

Juan Garzon / CNET

Windows Ink

On the other hand, the update brings a new experience with Windows Ink. with better integration this intelligent recognition of styli, now you get a menu to jot quick notes Quick notes, a board to write freely and be able to share what you write and take screenshots and then write about them and share them.

also, Windows Ink also be more integrated with other apps, allowing, for example, write a tour you want to do in the app Maps and you can see 3D tour and get directions, distance and estimated time of the walk.

in addition, Windows Ink will also be integrated into Microsoft Office documents to allow you to interact more naturally. For example, using the stylus you can underline text or delete just cross it off.

As for third-party apps, Adobe Illustrator is the first app of this kind to offer with support for Windows Ink, allowing you can draw very naturally.

the menu Windows Ink automatically appear in the taskbar like another Start menu so that you can choose one of the tools available but if your stylus has a button it you can program to open a specific app.

in a way, this seems to be a very similar to what Samsung has done with the Galaxy Note 5 and its predecessors, bringing better recognition and integration of its function stylus on the device. Even the notes in Windows 10 will also be available until the lock screen.

Thanks to the new Windows integration Ink, Cortana understand what you write on the screen with the stylus.

Juan Garzon / CNET


Cortana officially came to computers with Windows 10 and updating the “anniversary”, the virtual assistant Microsoft can manipulate my third more deeply and now will be attentive to listen to your voice commands up on the lock screen.

This is the mode developer Xbox One.

Juan Garzon / CNET


with the free upgrade Windows 10 anyone with an Xbox One can make a console for developers. that will be possible only download an app that will provide a way for developer.

also, Xbox Play Anywhere come with the update anniversary to allow users to buy only one copy of different video games for use on different devices.

in addition, users can set up your console with a language that is not tied to a location and can play music in the background while playing video games. also, Cortana officially arrive Xbox with this free update.

Other news

with the update free anniversary of Windows 10, Microsoft will also be releasing more than 100 new features in total and new APIs for the developers to make their apps compatible with, for example, Windows Ink.

in addition, with the acquisition of Xamarin last February, Microsoft wants to allow developers to create apps on Windows for the operating system Windows, like Android and iOS.

in addition, the converter Visual Studio, developers can now also convert .NET and Win32 apps to modern apps by Windows 10.

Finally, since March Microsoft you enabled the SDK update so that developers can adapt their apps to all the news that brings this free update.


Read our first impressions

Microsoft Windows 10

Microsoft combines in Windows 10 the best elements of Windows 7 and Windows 8 to offer the most complete experience that has had its operating system, integrating Cortana, apps universal and flexible interface. Read our first impressions


Updating or reject the update Windows 10 – BBC World

Image copyright AP
Image caption Microsoft insists that Windows 10 provides a better user experience.

No more tricks with the install / upgrade Windows 10?

First there were complaints of those who accused the company of using a “dirty trick” to force the installation of the new operating system in May.

And then they had to pay USD $ 10,000 a woman whose computer was out of action because of the upgrade.

But Microsoft seems to have learned the lesson.

the company announced Tuesday that the window that appears without announcement or invitation on computers running Windows 7 and Windows 8 will change significantly.

the new experience will have clearer options to update now, choose an hour or decline the free offer “he said Microsoft Chief executive and Group Devices, Terry Myerson, in a written e-mail statement

the window will look like.

Image copyright Microsoft

previous Confusion

Previously the user options were more confusing.

what appeared on the screen was a “pop-up” saying “upgrade to Windows 10 is recommended for this computer option,” followed by the date and time that the installation of the new would occur .

a program highlighted in blue text given the opportunity to reschedule for another time.

But if as many users tend to do naturally proceeded to close the window (like all windows: pressing the “X” in the upper right corner), the system assumed that the user was subject with the upgrade, which began immediately.

Many tried this approach as “aggressive” by the company, which is trying to retrain users of older systems to the new version .

Now, if you press the “X” to close the window, get rid of pop-up . at least for a few days .

“safe option”

Under Windows, it is the “safest” option and provides a better user experience.

Image copyright Microsoft
Image caption some fear that the new system too many hardware resources coma.

“However, some are reluctant to adopt it , concerned about the possibility that add a lot of pressure on your hardware and versions that suggest that Windows 10 makes it tracked too close to its users, “said technology correspondent for the BBC, Dave Lee.

So far, about 300 million people have welcomed the call of Microsoft.

“We recommend all our customers to join in Windows 10 before the expiry of the offer free update, July 29 ” Myerson said .

in fact, since July 30, when marks one year on the market, who want to install Windows 10 will pay US $ 199.


The new details that can be seen with the upgrade of satellite maps Google – BBC World

New York Image copyright Google / Landsat
Image caption New York seen from the sky in the previous version (above) and current (bottom) of Google Earth.

The Google satellite map allows you to view the Earth from the sky as if it were a single continuous picture that envelops the entire planet.

However, the new map is available on the free tools Google Maps and Google Earth is really a mosaic made up about one petabyte satellite image .

are more than 700 billion individual pixels , taken mostly from images taken by NASA satellite Landsat 8, launched into space in 2013.

“to put it in perspective, 700 billion pixels is 7000 times more pixels than the estimated number of stars in the Milky Way or 70 times more pixels than the estimated number of galaxies in the universe” , reported on its official Google Maps to announce the renewal of their satellite map blog.

But that’s not all.

to create this new mosaic needed 6 million hours of computing , said Elizabeth Davidoff, head Google Maps communications, told the BBC.

Work was distributed to 43,000 computers , which took a week.

Having worked with a single computer, Google would have had to start working in the thirteenth century to arrive in time to launch this week, told Davidoff.

the result of these incredible numbers is an atlas consists of images of greater precision and sharpness, colors more real and, last but not least, without clouds.

secret is in the Satellite

The previous version of Google maps used images taken by the predecessor of the satellite Landsat 8 .

at the time, Landsat 7 had the best space images, said Google Maps on your blog.

However, a hardware failure caused the photos taken after 2003 have visual flaws as diagonal lines. And the technology giant could do nothing.

Now, every time the Landsat 8 completes a trip around the Earth every 16 days, captures the double images Landsat 7 and better.

the millions of photos that Google used for atlases are available to the public and with them have been created from a project monitoring deforestation in the Amazon to a tool to predict epidemics of malaria.

Image copyright Google / Landsat
Image caption Los Andes and around now are” extra detail in texture “.

Latin America before and after

“The new mosaic includes images clearer and sharper around the world “Davidoff said.

In Latin America in particular, he added, you can see the Andes and its surroundings “with Extra detail in texture “, which is also seen in cities such as Caracas and Buenos Aires, he said.

below you can see some of the before and after satellite images of Latin America available in Google Maps and Google Earth.

Image copyright Google / Landsat
Image caption Bogotá, Colombia
Image copyright Google / Landsat
Image caption Buenos Aires, Argentina
Image copyright Google / Landsat
Image caption Caracas, Venezuela
Image copyright Google / Landsat
Image caption Poopo Lake Bolivia
Image copyright Google / Landsat
Image caption Rio Madeira, Brazil

These spectacular bird wings carry fossilized amber 99 million years – Gizmodo in Spanish

Find old and fossilized insects trapped in amber is fairly common, but the recent discovery of two quills not have min’gun precedent. These “fossil 3D”, which besides pens also have traces of soft tissue, are absolutely spectacular

http:. // …

the birds first appeared on the face of the earth about 150 million years ago when dinosaurs were still lords and masters of the planet. Scientists have collected enough data about these birds thanks to fossils but are, not surprisingly, 2D because of the “flattening” forcing the rock.

They also found remains of these birds in amber, such as, but only isolated pens. The discovery of a pair of wings in perfect condition fossilized in amber for 99 million years now offers an unprecedented look at what these birds and what they look really had.

the fossils, described today in the study of Nature Communications , they have been discovered by paleontologists Xing Lida, Ryan McKellar and colleagues in the province of Kachin, Myanmar. Unbelievably, these 3D fossils still have remnants of hair follicles, soft tissue and the arrangement of the feathers. All this from a creature that lived 100 million years ago. This is the first time scientists can study a bird that became extinct at the end of the Cretaceous period

the arrangement of the feathers, and even color, are still visible. (Image: L. Xing et al, 2016.)
a recreation of an adult. (Image: Nobu Tamura)

Since the wings are small, and tiny proportions, researchers believe that the remains belong to a pair of baby who died shortly after be born. The duo belonged to an ancient species of birds called Enantiornithines. Both young and adults had a very similar arrangement feathers so fossils also provide insight into how the arrangement of the same was in the latter.

feathers have remained intact for nearly 100 million years. (Picture:. L. Xing et al, 2016)

The researchers examined the structure and arrangement of the bones and feathers using techniques such as “s ynchrotron X-ray micro CT scanning “. In general, the plumage of fossil keeps many references to modern birds. Placed next to a robin, for example, they are almost indistinguishable. Exhibit a similar provision, pigmentation (yes, amber also preserved until the color) and microstructure

hair follicles and skin portions can be seen in the fossil. (Picture:. L. Xing et al, 2016)

“These specimens show that the plumage associated with modern birds were present in ancient copies of Enantiornithes makes 99 million years, “the authors write in the study

http:. // -…

that suggests that bird feathers evolved more than 100 million years ago and they have not changed much since. As evolution has informed us again and again: if something works, do not touch it. [Nature Communications]

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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

BBC World – How the electric highway just opened Sweden works

Cami & # XF3; n the  & # XE9; ctrico Image copyright Scania CV AB
Image caption These trucks have an articulated system known as pantograph which allows them to connect to the grid.

Sweden has a mission: to make 2030 the transport sector does not use fossil fuel.

In the market there are already solutions to reduce emissions from private cars; such as electric cars and hybrids.

However, one of the biggest challenges is how to reduce pollution produced by cargo trucks in the Nordic countries represent 15% of dioxide emissions carbon.

a solution being tested is to create electricity highways -the first in the world where heavy vehicles can be powered electricity network thanks to a catenary system, similar to that used the train tracks Europe .

the project known as eHighway has just opened a stretch of two kilometers from the E16 motorway, north Stockholm.

Use hybrid vehicles with a smart pantograph entering this stretch of the road is connected to power lines.

0 emissions

Image copyright Siemens

Unlike electric buses, trucks can be switched off when they want to overtake another car at a maximum speed of 90 km / h, thanks to sensors that activate the link mechanism leading to the top .

“the eHighway is twice as efficient as conventional internal combustion engines, “said Roland Edel, chief engineer of the department of Siemens mobility, the German company responsible for the project. “(Our) innovation is to feed the trucks with the energy that comes from the lines (electrical)”.

During the time that these vehicles are being driven by electricity do not emit carbon dioxide and have an efficiency of 80%.

“This means that not only energy consumption is reduced by half, but also reduces local environmental pollution,” said Edel.

And whenever the driver brakes, feeds the grid with the kinetic energy released.

“excellent supplement “

Image copyright Scania CV AB
Image caption for now, this system works on a stretch of two kilometers.

“Many of the products transported in Sweden is by road. The electricity highways offering free trucks dependence on fossil fuels” said Anders Berndtsson, chief strategist at the Swedish transport Administration.

“electrical roads offer this possibility and are an excellent complement to the transport system”.

once trucks leaving the network can re-enable the diesel engine to continue the path.

This year, the German company will be responsible for a similar pilot in California, USA, on a stretch three kilometers the highway connecting the port of Los Angeles to Long Beach.


The rocket that will take us to Mars overcomes his last test –

When it was introduced in 2011, the Space Launch System (SLS) NASA was called the future of aerospace exploration. The power with which account this ship, four times they had rockets that propelled for over 30 years, the space shuttle, will serve for new missions into uncharted territories.

The rockets are responsible for boosting space ships. Once there, they are expelled by ships and they can continue their journey.

After several years of testing, the rocket SLS surpassed yesterday successfully one of his last tests and approaches the goal of helping human to explore space beyond the moon being and, in the future, to Mars and other destinations from outer space.

the engine solid fuel, responsible for generating energy to propel ships, he fulfilled the test temperature, as NASA found that could work to the lowest permitted for fuel (about 4 ° C). In previous trials were carried out successfully in March 2015 it was already known that the rocket worked at high temperatures. Thus, engineers established the effect of temperature on the process of burning fuel in the rocket.

“See the test today and experience the sound and feel that produce 3.6 million pounds of power helps us appreciate the progress we are making to advance human exploration, “said William Gerstenmaier, associate administrator of the human exploration and Operations Mission Directorate at NASA headquarters in Washington the (EE. UU.). “We are finding the way to human presence in space,” said John Honeycutt, director of SLS program NASA in Huntsville, Alabama.

These tests form part of the qualification process of the rocket, necessary to ensure it meets the requirements to fly safely: the effectiveness of the fuel at low temperatures, ensure the maintenance of the right direction during flight and prove that the insulating material fulfills its function

So. NASA hopes the SLS is the rocket that will enable the Orion spacecraft, the project that the space agency its hopes, bring man into space unexplored places such as Mars. Today, Orion has made numerous exploratory flights, but these have been limited to flying over the planet’s orbit.

For now, NASA hopes the Orion mission ended its exploration phase next year and prepare for what would be an unmanned mission at much greater distances. So you can put the rocket SLS to bring this ship. NASA suggests that in 2018 the launch of SLS with Orion is performed and depending on its outcome, if positive, the aerospace agency estimates that by the year 2023 could make the first mission of Orion with crew board.


Proposed replacement for the “God Machine” – Diario Hoy (Argentina)

The particle accelerator which will replace the LHC, popularly known as the “God Machine” could be a tunnel of 44 kilometers and linear, the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC). The decision will be taken in 2020. The project was presented yesterday by physicists at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Steinar Stapnes and Lucie Linssen, in a series of lectures on particle physics.

the great accelerator LHC now underway will run until 2035 but the international physics community has now been working on the next big machine that by mid-century will lead global research on the subject.

“CLIC is a global partnership under study that would expand the results in physics at the LHC, which could be considered the next big thing in particle physics, “the speakers.

in particle accelerators, particles subatomic are accelerated to nearly the speed of light and when they collide with each other, the great energy that lead becomes new particles with mass.

Studying these new particles is the goal of physicists, that this feature large detectors that collect and process the huge amount of data generated in collisions. The LHC is the largest accelerator currently underway and consists of an underground ring 27 km long. Is expected to operate until 2035.

CLIC would measure 44 kilometers and will be a straight line. The decision whether to build or not will be taken by 2020 and 2025 CERN will be busy with the project to improve the LHC, so the effort to develop CLIC, if approved the project would not begin until after 2025.


A woman won $ 10,000 to Microsoft because of Windows 10 –

Now, according to the newspaper The Seattle Times Teri Goldstein , a woman in California, USA, was left with an unusable computer after a failed attempt upgrading to Windows 10 . “I never heard anything about Windows 10. Nobody ever asked me if I wanted to upgrade,” said the woman as reported by the local media.
When contacted Microsoft for you to solve the problem since the company did not and for that reason took to court the company founded by Bill Gates.

have left the computer Goldstein, who used to run your business travel, without running Microsoft must pay US $ 10,000. Since the company decided not to appeal the judge’s decision not to spend more money on legal fees.


Samsung and Apple Care: Google build its own smartphones – El Financiero

Apple and Samsung would add to its extensive list of competitors to a larger one: Google . According to a new report, the Internet giant is planning to launch its own smartphone this year.

A source told The Telegraph the developer of the operating system Android began talks with mobile operators to field a team this year under its own brand Google , which the company would extend its business to the manufacture of hardware.

The source, who was rated as “high level”, said the team would be released later this year.

Google is already working with other manufacturers of smart development of the Nexus devices, including LG and Huawei phones but with the launch of its own smartphone allowed to enter so direct market until 2015 was dominated by Samsung with 21.4 percent of the global market, according to IDC figures. Second place, with a share of 13.9 percent is occupied by Apple.

Currently operating system Google has a penetration of more than 80 percent worldwide, according to the aforementioned consultant.

Despite the rumor about the launch of our own team, Google would be giving yet support manufacturers with developing its line of Nexus smartphones according to recent statements by Suadar Pichai, CEO of the firm.


Twitter will have stickers for pictures – Middle

To decorate the images circulating on the platform, Twitter announced that it will have stickers, a kind of digital sticker, which will be mobile and which can be integrated into real-time conversations.

the platform 140 characters announced that the stickers will be available in a library of “hundreds of accessories, emoji and details to make your funniest photos”.

In a single image can be used several stickers that can change its size or position. By clicking on each picture you can see how people everywhere use them in different photos.

These resources will be operational over the next few weeks, although in the company statement not specified the exact day.


Monday, June 27, 2016

Earth had more than two magnetic poles – Pulzo

Getty Images

a group of researchers at the Carnegie Institution for Science made this discovery in which it was revealed that hundreds of millions of years ago, the Earth’s magnetic field was completely different from the current, published ABC.

it is known that the magnetic field by the movement of the outer core is generated and at the same time, . to heat loss and the solidification of the inner core of the planet

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the study results show that about one billion years ago, Earth may having gone through a transition from a strong magnetic field, with two opposites in the north poles and south of the planet, a weak magnetic field, which was caused not by two but by several different magnetic poles, the paper said.

Peter Driscoll, who led the research, said:

what I found was a surprising amount of variability. The new models do not support the idea of ​​a stable field of two poles all the time, quite contrary to what we thought until now. “

For now, if Driscoll’s right it would to rewrite much of what is known about the geological past of the planet, says the Spanish average.

Indeed, the results have important implications for thermal and magnetic history of the Earth especially for rebuild continental and movements past climates, concludes ABC.

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Twitter and Facebook mimic Snapchat with filters and stickers – Publimetro Chile

Snapchat is, for now, the social network favorite of the “millennials” , minors between 20 and 35 years. But not only them, also smaller: teens are practically their core audience.

Considering that many of these are starting from Facebook to go to the social network fantasmita and recently Twitter was exceeded on users active day for this network, Jack Dorsey, Twitter CEO, and Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, have to work.

How? Well, largely copying functions that young people seem to love r madly in Snapchat. This is the new that awaits us in these two social networks:


There is no denying that Facebook could be one of the social networks more powerful the Internet has seen , not only for its number of users, but because the company owns applications are marking time: WhatsApp, Instagram, MSQRD, etc.

Yes precisely hand MSQRD that Zuckerberg wants to hit Snapchat. This is an augmented reality app that allows users to put filters to your photos. Yes, almost equal to what is possible in Snapchat.

Being owned by Facebook, was a matter of time before the two are synchronized: will soon be able to put filters on their Facebook Live transmissions.

That is, will use augmented reality to convey a more fun way.

No date to launch this feature, but has already been announced by the Facebook product manager, Fiji Simo.


Of course, social network bird not want to stay behind innovation … has decided to add, finally, a function that is already basic in Snapchat and Facebook : stickers.

This adormar pictures . And lenses may be gigantesen his photographs of this network, or change your face by an emoji .

For this new function not have official date, but in a statement claimed that “soon” will be here.

What do you think? Do you think Facebook and Twitter can get to recover what Snapchat removed them?


Twitter Launches ‘stickers’ for photos – CNET in Spanish

stickers will give more personality to your images on Twitter


Twitter premiere stickers (or stickers) to place them in photographs to share in the social network.

He said Twitter on Monday in a statement, users can search for and add as sticker want the photos to share. Twitter did not explain in the this feature users notice when it will arrive, but said that in “coming weeks”.

“Use the stickers to share what you do or how you feel, to show support a cause, or just to add more style, “explains the social network in the statement.” you can use many stickers in photos, resize or rotate them and place them anywhere within your photo “.

When a user shares a photo with stickers the image is attached to a catalog that any user can search Twitter using the hashtag #Stickers. Also, users can touch a sticker on an image and see other photos of other users who are using the same sticker .

The option to add stickers to images come to iOS and Android users. On, users can only view the images with stickers and click on them, but not upload photos with stickers. The stickers is the latest change of Twitter in the section photography, but have already added the option for users to tag or add filters to shared images.

stickers increasingly become more important in social networks. Snapchat, which supposedly has more daily users than Twitter, added a few weeks stickers characters, which can be placed on moving objects in video does. Facebook also added a similar option to add stickers in comments section.


Google will create its own phone to compete with iPhone: report – CNET in Spanish

Google launched its own line of phones but maintain support for Nexus.

Josh Miller

Google is planning to launch its own smartphone later this year, could know the Telegraph which ensures that the company is already in talks with mobile operators to release the device that also become a hardware company.

the new phone is not would be a device from the Nexus range, where Google works closely with manufacturers to launch equipment incorporating Android pure, but this time the company would design a cell from scratch, which will aim to achieve what the iPhone has managed to Apple: greater economic benefits, but above all to reduce the fragmentation of the operating system.

the source indicates that the greater interest of Google is to control the software and to secure the future of services like search or stores like Google Play Store still running on computers.

the Telegraph what drives Google to take this step is the fragmentation that exists in the Android operating system, because many manufacturers do not keep a good pace of upgrades its equipment.

A test of the progress of Google in terms of developing devices is hiring earlier this year by the company of Rick Osterloh, former president of Motorola, and who now heads a new division of hardware, remember the source.

a few months ago a report said that Google would put pressure on manufacturers to keep pace with updates, or otherwise publish a list of those companies that renew the operating system their equipment, which would reveal which do not. Recently the company renewed the time of updating the Nexus equipment, which have guaranteed the first two years since its launch.

The Google phone could also come at a time which Samsung gives more prominence to Tizen OS abandoning Android Wear and even when Huawei plan to have a “plan B” if his relationship with Android does not come out quite right.


Sunday, June 26, 2016

Live your games to the fullest – El Universal



Microsoft, Sony and many of the leading developers of video games betting that the next big trend in entertainment will be virtual reality (VR) in ultra high definition (4K) , so that during the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) held last week in the United States week, announced that their consoles next generation are under development and will be presented in the coming months.

in this regard, he reported that Microsoft is already working on a project called “Scorpio” which consists of a console compatible with VR and 4K video games. “Project Scorpio embodies the vision of the video game from Microsoft and will be ever created powerful console,” said Phil Spencer, head of Xbox.

Scorpio is the key name that it is known to the new console from Microsoft to take your Xbox brand to market the games immersive virtual reality (VR) and ultra high definition (4K). It is anticipated that this team will go on sale late next year.

Meanwhile, the company introduced a version 40% smaller than its Xbox One, which is capable of reproducing 4K videos and offers 2TB of internal storage. The renewed controls of the Xbox One S up changes like a smoother texture to the touch (which promises not tire the user, even if a long time is playing). This new command also provides a better grip as well as greater efficiency in wireless connectivity Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.

On the other hand, Sony, a company that has repeatedly shown his helmet virtual reality known as “PS VR” said that will be released this year (in October) and stated that before the end of 2016, and will be available 50 titles compatible with the mentioned device. In this context, one of the games that caused a furor in his lecture during the E3 expo, was the announcement of Resident Evil VII, which is designed to be played with helmet VR Sony.

Without giving further details, US media claimed that the PlayStation family will have a new console next year, (whose name could be Neo) that will support the needs of graphic processing of titles compatible with VR. According to statements by Andrew House, president of Sony’s new console will also offer 4K resolution and will have a better processor.

Nintendo experience in 4K. The company’s large N did not comment on its next console. However, rumors say it could play videos in 4K. Such speculation was shared by the UntypedHero user, who works at the site Reddit, where he is said to have contact with companies “Third Party” (companies that develop free software for Nintendo), who already would be developing games of this type.

in addition to the rumor of the ultra high definition, also it reported that the new Nintendo hardware could include a six-card and 8 GB of RAM. It added that the GPU model would be manufactured by AMD, although more details on this feature can not give

What Nintendo did show was a gameplay of Legend of Zelda:. Breath of the Wild, where the game mode thereof and an open world that will provide hours of entertainment and fun is appreciated. There, the protagonist will evolve to get powers that are in various sanctuaries. One feature that will add the game is that any weapon used runs the risk of breaking, so the user must improve or constantly change.

Eiji Aonuma, designer of the future delivery of Zelda , confirmed that the launch (which had been planned for this year) will be 2017. he said that this title will be presented simultaneously for Wii U and Nintendo NX.

on the other hand, Pokémon Sun Moon and Pokémon, Nintendo also will show a combat style “four against four.” In addition to having a new Pokédex (registration), located in the Aloha State, a remote archipelago has been in previous years.

The Legendary Pokémon for each version are Solgaleo and Lunaala , sacred characters Aloha island. The base Pokédex data also improved, now show detailed information on the player’s position on the map and location of the Pokémon along the way.

Nintendo announced other video games, including highlights one (RPG) called “Ever Oasis”, a new edition of Mario Party named “Star Rush” Paper Mario, and the seventh edition of the title Dragon Quest.


In ultra high definition:

Some prominent titles that are compatible with VR and 4K:

Resident Evil VII

Capcom returns with one of his most famous franchises, which is adapted to be played with Sony VR helmet. The trailer shows no main character in the series, but developers have already confirmed to return to survival horror

Launch. January 24, 2017

Fallout 4

will be a full title will use its gameplay in first person, but adapted to virtual reality. “We think the big surprise of virtual reality is its ability to put players into a fascinating world,” says Bethesda, game developer

Launch. 2017



it is the first brutal games (where he fought against beasts emerging from another dimension and hell) and now have an adaptation to virtual reality. So you can appreciate many graphical improvements, but will continue with the same plot that this classic was

Released:.. Undisclosed

Eagle Fight

It is a fighting game between eagles, which fly over Paris. Players can compete against others online and form teams of three, to be discussed in the air which team is the best. It is specially designed for use with VR devices Sony

Released:.. end 2016

Star Trek: Bridge Crew

the development firm Ubisoft showed a gameplay using a VR device, in which a cooperative play is observed with the crew, with the option to play individually taking over as captain

of a stellar fleet

Released:.. fall 2016


Microsoft announced the withdrawal of the Surface 3 – SoyGeek (blog)

These days Microsoft has made a series of announcements about its plans in the market for tablets and phones, since the launch of a new smartphone until retirement of devices like the Surface 3 will be this his last year on the market.

the Surface 3 hit the market tablets about 3 years ago and Redmond have already set a date for his departure same , according to Microsoft, the Surface 3 stop sold in December this year, the reasons are simple, Microsoft believes that his time has passed and it is time of his retirement, unfortunately for Surface 3 handicap technique is compared to its older sisters, the Surface Pro 4 and the Surface Book, is huge, of course the passage of time has made their specifications begin to be obsolete.

 Surface Phone Concept

Surface Phone Concept

In Microsoft confirm that, but for now there is an immediate replacement for Surface 3, do not plan to leave the tablet market mid-range high , which ensures that in the coming months the people of Redmond begins to devise filter information of a new line of tablets Surfaces .

for now stocks stores this model (Surface 3), is already limited, so in some cases users planning to buy one, you probably can not choose the configuration they need, . stores where the model, and will not receive a new stock, this will continue until December when the final withdrawal of the product is met

Source: ZDNet



Applications safer messaging – The

There has never been a better time than now to begin encrypting your messages and phone calls. Increasingly often hackers from accessing personal devices, and governments indiscriminately monitor digital communications of people. Encryption can protect you.

If you are using encrypted messages, you make sure that only you and the recipient will read the messages you send. Encryption, namely the end-to-end, uses complex mathematical algorithms to encrypt data so that only the recipient can decrypt the message. The service provider can not access them, and the developer of the application you are using can not see them. This prevents potential hackers or surveillance tools the government can spy your communications.

With all this in mind, here are the best (and the worst) mobile applications for sending encrypted messages end to end:

The best: Signal – iOS and Android

Signal is like the holy grail of encrypted messaging applications. It’s free, easy to use and, most importantly, cryptographic protocol design and implementation make it more secure messaging market. The application syncs with the address book and lets you instantly call or write to any other person who has it installed. Cryptographer Moxie Moulinsart, which developed the encryption protocol Signal, has received many accolades from computer security experts worldwide.

Another good option: WhatsApp – iOS and Android

WhatsApp recently launched for all users automatic end to end encryption, which uses the protocol Signal. You may already use the app (like a thousand other million people), so it’s a great solution if you want to communicate with family and friends who do not want to download an application specialized encrypted messaging. The only thing to keep in mind if you are a die-hard fan of privacy is that Facebook, a company whose business model is to sell users’ personal information to advertisers, allowed $ 16,000 million recently to buy the application. That does not mean that Facebook will interfere with the integrity of messages WhatsApp, or will sell data users WhatsApp (the team WhatsApp seems to operate as an independent entity within Facebook), but it’s something consider

An intermediate point. iMessage – only for iOS

the messaging application default Apple also uses a cryptographic protocol, but needs to be replaced, says Gizmodo expert encryption and professor at Johns Hopkins University Matthew Green. Encryption using iMessage is designed by Apple itself and does not follow all the best practices. In fact, a team of researchers led by Green has recently discovered a vulnerability that could allow an attacker expertodescifrar photos and vídeosenviados through service. But if it is not the best, encryption is pretty good, says Green. He predicts that Apple will change its protocol to something like Signal, but with more than one billion devices using iMessage is easier said than done. Best of iMessage is that it comes preinstalled on all iPhone, ie, sending encrypted messages is as easy as send a normal text message.

Avoid it at all costs: Telegram – iOS and Android

Stay far, far away from Telegram. It is often described as a secure messaging application with strong encryption, but its default configuration stores the messages encrypted servers Telegram. This is one of the worst ways to manage sending secure messages. The application allows you to switch to a “secret chat”, but even so the encryption used by Telegram is weak and defective. Seriously, avoid this application at all costs if you want to communicate securely.

Source: Gizmodo
