Monday, June 20, 2016

What is the Strawberry Moon, which happens every 50 years, and where you can see? – BBC World

Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption strawberry Moon every 50 years only happens once, approximately.

On Monday the moon is not like any other night. It is a Luna Strawberry, although it is t e name has nothing to do with his color, but with the date on which it appears.

The original name Strawberry Moon is credited in the Northern Hemisphere and is related to “short harvest season strawberries in northeastern North “, America told BBC World, Felicia Chou, spokeswoman for the National Administration of Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA, for its acronym in English).

In Europe usually call Luna Rosa or June Moon .

Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption strawberry moon (strawberry moon in English) is named for the harvest of this fruit in the northern Hemisphere.

“Some believe that the moon is named for the color acquires at this time of year,” says Chou.

“The orbit of the Moon around the Earth is almost in the same plane as the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, so that when the sun stands high in the sky, near the summer solstice, the moon against the sun shown below in the sky, “says NASA spokeswoman.

“Match in the Sky”

Specifically what happens Monday is the combination between the appearance of the full moon and the beginning of summer in the Hemisphere north and winter in the hemisphere south .

“What happens Monday is a coincidence in the sky” , says the BBC Jean-Luc Margot , professor of astronomy at the University of California, Los Angeles.

“These two events happen regularly, but occasionally occur at the same time,” he adds.

In particular, this phenomenon happens every 50 years or so .

“The last occurred in 1957 and the next will be in 2062,” Margot says.

Why red?

Image copyright Mack Frost
Image caption “the red moon occurs every month when it is near the horizon,” says professor Margot.

The color of the moon responds to its position, according to the experts.

“The appearance of the Moon depends on how far you are on the horizon. When L A full is near the horizon , it can be seen in more reddish than when it is higher in the sky “, clarifies Margot.

But this phenomenon happens every month and have nothing to do with the name of Strawberry Moon.

“It is indeed the monthly full moon, only this time it is in June,” says Chou.

How long can be seen and from where?

Image copyright AFP
Image caption Saturn and Mars will be aligned with the moon Monday night.

The moon seen from Saturday night until Tuesday morning.

“and can be seen from anywhere in the planet “, they said from NASA.

But will not be alone.

In addition to the phenomenon of the solstice, L A will be accompanied Monday night Mars and Saturn .

“In the hour after sunset, the sky will be spectacular,” forward Margot, “because Saturn and Mars will be aligned with the Moon and clearly see” .

“Mars will be a red dot in the sky and Saturn will also be very visible,” said astronomy professor.


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