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A study scientists at Harvard and Vermont, Andrew G. Reece and Christopher M. Danforth says that can detect signs of clinical depression reviewing Instagram account of a person.
the study says that focused on “correctly identify markers of depression.”
According to the researchers the “photos published by depressed individuals were more likely to be bluer, grayer and darker “.
the study-in which 43,950 photos of 166 analyzed distintas- accounts revealed that people suffering from depression publish more photos and prefer dark colors, blue and gray filters. According to the researchers the “published by depressed individuals pictures were more likely to be bluer, grayer and darker”.
Ensure that the model that created detection based on color analysis, metadata components and algorithmic detection faces. The resulting model, the researchers found, exceeded the average success rate in diagnosis of general practitioners for depression.
They also suggest that use of the Inkwell filter is preferred by depressed users.
The images published usually receive many comments but few “like”. The algorithm created by scientists says it can detect people with depression with 70% accuracy, according to the study whose summary can be viewed on the site Cornell University Library .
according to the researchers, the new technology could be used for “early detection of this mental illness” and “being a tool for detection of mental disorders in an increasingly digital society “.
The Citizen
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