Friday, September 30, 2016

Amazon, Facebook, Google, IBM, and Microsoft join forces to develop the Artificial Intelligence – LA NACION (Argentina)

The agreement the Partnership on AI seeks to establish common standards and foster the joint work between the teams of the five largest companies in the technology sector

Nao, a platform of robots of Aldebaran Robotics. Major tech companies unite their efforts to promote the development of the ai with the agreement the Partnership on AI.

With a amount of information and systems deployed around the world, each of the major technology companies that conducts its own research and development on Artificial Intelligence (AI). Google started to add some features based on this technology in your recent messenger Allo, while Microsoft put to the test to Tay, a rough draft of artificial intelligence able to hold conversations with other Twitter users. IBM, on its side, with its system of cognitive intelligence Watson, which is implemented in various areas.

With its achievements and challenges, Amazon, Facebook, Google, IBM and Microsoft is now seeking to join forces to establish common standards to contribute to and enhance the virtues of this technology.

The agreement, called the Partnership on AI, seeks to establish a coordinated work between the experts to discuss and define the steps to follow to address the emerging challenges proposed by the Artificial Intelligence in areas such as psychology, philosophy, economics, finance, sociology and law.

In turn, also seeks to promote best practice jointly to the research, development and services associated with the IA. For the moment, the great absent of the agreement are Apple, Twitter, Intel, and the chinese giant Baidu.

“we Want all the people involved in the research and development of AI are present,” said Mustafa Suleyman, a co-founder of DeppMind, a wholly owned subsidiary of Alphabet, the parent company of Google, known for developing the system that managed to win a series of games to the world champion Go.

For its part, from IBM, that drive your developments from your system Watson, to remark that the great potential of AI is in the corporate sector. “In the long term, so that the benefits of the AI are visible in the society, they must first trust in this technology,” said Francesca Rossi, a researcher specializing in ethical issues of the AI for IBM, cited by TechCrunch.

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