operating system that powers the Google Goggles (Google Glass), the An droid version 4.0.4 , can be modified. That is what ensures Jay Freeman (aka ‘Saurik’) and Liam McLoughlin, who have taken just a few hours ‘rooting’ Google Glass.
‘Saurik’, a well known developer for iOS and Android (creator of Cydia), speaks of ‘hacking’ in an interview with Forbes, and asgura who made this ‘rooteo’ shortly after receiving his glasses: specifically took two hours.
He is one of only 2,000 developers have been able to acquire to test, at a price of $ 1,500.
‘Rooting’ equates to acquire administrator privileges on the operating system Android, which can potentially allow the user to ‘surround’ any restriction added by the manufacturer to the device, install applications that you want, change the interzfaz to taste of each.
Specifically, ‘Saurik’ told Forbes that “within hours found he could use an exploit launched by a hacker who calls himself ‘B1nary’ last year to gain complete control of the operating system”. Only had to learn how that ‘exploit’ on phones and tablets with Android 4.0.4 and applied it “easy” to Google Glass.
‘@ saurik’
Meanwhile, a little earlier, Chrome OS developer Liam McLoughlin and assured me it seemed complicated ‘rooting’ the device.
Glass Google commercial launch is expected later this year, so glasses are received by developers, for now, prototypes.
Google engineer X Stephen Lau confirmed that the glasses could be modified so that developers were launched to do with them what they wanted, but does not clarify whether the final model on sale later this year will be as “open”.
“We intentionally left the device open for you to turn yourselves, and make cos what fun things with him … I mean, you paid $ 1,500 for it,” says Lau. “Show me something cool,” he says in a post on his Google+ account.
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