tridimesional double helix, colored and shaped staircase rising to infinity is still a recurring appeal films, television series and stage more or less academic to indicate scientific progress, to Despite his advanced birthday.
Who else, who less DNA introduced in his speech to be attributed irrefutable knowledge and acronyms associated, sometimes without success, with disease and ways, and tests for identification worth to find from a parent to a criminal undecided.
DNA is everywhere and so attested Tony Calvo, president of the Spanish Association of Science Communication, which recognizes that deoxyribonucleic acid, however twisters enough, is incorporated into the popular speech and is responsible for almost any biological phenomenon.
From your experience science writer, Calvo future points to the inaccurate use regularly attributed to evolutionary and genetic characteristics to DNA, they even blame collective identity.
phrases like “nap is in the DNA of the Spanish” serve only to undermine a “discovery” that no discovery structure of the DNA molecule (Watson and Crick, 1953), with which it compiled a sensible and patient work of years, of many physicists, chemists and biologists.
Francis Crick’s approach (1916 -2004) and James Watson (1928) was a “flash” very well handled in the media and with a great staging, emphasizes Calvo, to explain why it has become a leader, success story that also needs science.
We now know that knowing the structure of DNA is not the answer to all questions of molecular biology, but it laid the foundation for some of the most remarkable scientific advances of our era.
The DNA molecule is the most successful in history, said Calvo, who advocates a more critical and specialized journalism conscious, does not contribute to elevate isolated protagonists, but solid structures research, rigorous and quality.
geneticist, immunologist and biochemist Carlos Martinez, a research professor of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), which has known professionally both Watson and Crick, emphasized that the description of DNA, “explained so bright “the main questions of the moment.
” It was immediately accepted idea, despite breaking with everything set, thanks to the unique combination of youth Watson, who in 1953 was only 27 years, the renowned veteran of Crick and good communication plan, “he said.
Completed the 60 years, the model of DNA, surpassed by other investigations that are based on their discovery, still reveals the importance bet on youth and their ability to break paradigms, said Martinez, former Secretary of State for Research, for whom the great myths stimulate education and training.
These media phenomena and extending in time, help to bring science to society, said Martinez, without neglecting the daily work in anonymity following careful hundreds of researchers, on which is brewing excellence.
“The DNA is very personal, concerns us all, so it’s been easy to understand, but not understood, “said the scientist, after emphasizing the importance of a molecule that directly affects what we are and we will be as a species and life around us.
On this point, the director of Gumtree think one of the challenges is how to know if the student has received any help to pass the modules.
One possibility to solve the problem, notes, might be to create a network of centers convene quarterly site exams to assess knowledge acquired and verify the identity of students.
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