Friday, July 26, 2013

More than 185,000 signatures calling for the salvation of the CSIC - The


workers delivered on Tuesday July 30 more than 185,000 signatures have been collected through an online petition “to prevent the collapse of the scientific organization”. It will be at 9:00 at the headquarters of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (P º. De la Castellana, 162, Madrid). petition was initiated by the platform “Science with Future” last July 10 in reaction to the precarious situation in which the CSIC is currently leading scientific body in Spain , which has more than 100 research centers and institutes and to the 12,000 working professionals. Since then it has grown rapidly: exceeded 20,000 signatures in the first 24 hours and has been the most signed petition over at last week in Spain and the rest of the world.

“The current situation is due to CSIC chronic structural deficit that the institution has suffered since 2009, mainly due to successive reductions of funds transfer from the Ministry and not by the situation overall economic, “explain in the petition.

Although recently have injected 25 million euros in the body, for ‘Science with Future’ is nothing more than “a bandage on an open wound the blood flowing in spurts.” Therefore, calling the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness act immediately and contribution the additional EUR 75 million necessary to prevent the collapse of the organization.

addressed the request is Carmen Vela, Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation, whose office received an email periodically reporting firms getting campaign support.

“Tens of thousands of people are rallying to support a scientific body as relevant as the CSIC and workers on Tuesday delivered the signatures in person. This is precisely the goal of our platform, that anyone , anywhere , you can start a campaign on the issues that interest you, “said Francisco Polo, Director of in Spain.

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