Sunday, July 21, 2013

The alert CSIC centers closing weeks - La Voz de Galicia

The Institute of Vigo has joined the complaint. cristian lang=”es-es”> Alvarez

“is the result of a scientific policy restricting what leads us to the stoppage of CSIC in weeks.” The message is loud and clear, even more than the distress call made a few days ago by Emilio Lora-Tamayo, the president of the largest research organization in Spain, which in a rare press conference called for urgent investment hundred million euros , because otherwise the institution would not survive beyond three months. Now managers are hundred CSIC institutes who have stepped forward to denounce, in a letter to Secretary of State for R & D + i, Carmen Vela, the situation “alarming” running through the institution.

After examining their accounts, the directors of the centers ensure that even prioritizing expenses, the money does not get “even to meet the obligations of contracts for projects under ‘which “will cause the gradual cessation of research activity centers from the end of this July, unable to bear the expenses institutes from projects that are currently underway.”


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Moreover, ensure that the centers are unique CSIC the situation is even more serious, because being forced to have funds to pay salaries and bills of costs common as water, telephone or light “paralysis of the research projects will be accompanied by physical closure of the facility, unable to secure the payment of invoices.”

The letter is supported by the directors of three of the five centers that CSIC own has in Galicia. Carmen Gonzalez is Cotelo Investigacions responsible Mariñas Institute, Vigo, Felipe Criado, Institute of Heritage Sciences, Santiago, and Pedro Revilla Temiño, Biological Mission Galicia.


president to allocate the remainder of the research groups, the money raised from European projects and contracts with companies that do not actually spent, to a common fund to raise cash to meet urgent payments. This money was pulling the research to continue to maintain and pay the contract.

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