Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Feral cats a threat to vertebrates ... - The Reason

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58% of internet users are on Facebook in Spain - La Vanguardia

Madrid (Portaltic / EP) -. Facebook has released its annual data by country for the first time. So far, the only published social network data by regions that combined several states and mobile users only gave overall figures, so what parts of the world did not know led the mobile growth . In total, there are 874 million monthly users and 507 million daily users, a total of 1,190 million users across all platforms worldwide.

social network has sent reports to their European partners and in Middle Eastern countries such as Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Turkey and Israel appear. “We’re not trying to be a media company,” said the Facebook vice president of product, Chris Cox.

According to the report, which includes TechCrunch, Spain has 12 million daily users and 18 million monthly users, which means that a 58% Ratings Internet are on Facebook. It also has 8.1 million daily mobile users and 13 million monthly mobile users, 32% of mobile users Spaniards.

Meanwhile, Germany has 19 million daily users and 25 million monthly, which means that the 43% of German Internet users are on Facebook. 13 million users connect daily with the latest and up to 18 million are monthly, representing 27% of mobile users in the country.

France , 18 million people access the social network at least once a day and 26 million once a month (69% Ratings Internet). 11 million users log in every day from Mobile and 17 million monthly access (33% of the French mobile users).

Italy , 23 million users accessing the network each month, 17 million do every day, which means that the 71% of Italian users are on Facebook. In addition, 16 million monthly mobile users, 10 million are daily, 32% of Italian mobile users.

Sweden , there are 3.8 million daily users and 4.9 million mobile users, 57% of Internet users. There are 3 million daily mobile users and 4 million monthly.

Turkey has 33 million monthly users, 19 million are daily. It also has 20 million mobile users and 9.5 million daily reach them. Israel With 3.8 million monthly users and 2.7 million daily users, 2 million daily mobile users and 2.9 million monthly.

Feral cats, the scourge of endangered species ... - The World

An international team led by researchers from the National Research Council (CSIC) has examined the role of feral cats in the context of the biodiversity crisis faced by islands and has determined that these invaders have contributed to extinction of at least 33 species of endemic vertebrates. The results, published in the journal BioScience , which collected 13 species are critically endangered in 12 islands small size.

Researchers have identified those islands where there is a high probability that the next befall extinctions caused by this species invasive. This could not have taken into account data on food, impacts on the conservation of endangered species and the experience of eradication campaigns already made. According to these results, two reptiles, nine birds and two mammals are critically endangered according to the documentation of the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

“The data we have obtained can be useful when commit scarce funds available to conservation agencies, at national or international level, while prioritize eradication of feral cats , and other invasive species, in a global context, “says Manuel Nogales, CSIC researcher at the Institute of Natural Products and Agrobiology, located in Tenerife.

introduction of invasive species, particularly mammalian predators, is one of the main factors contributing to extinction on islands. Since the domestication of the African wildcat approximately 9,000 years, man has widely dispersed the domestic cat, which has established feral populations on islands around the world, even in the most remote archipelagos.

Seven of the 12 islands that are home vertebrate species critically endangered are in the Pacific Ocean: Alejandro Selkirk (Chile), Guadalupe (Baja California), Floreana (Galapagos Islands), Socorro ( Revillagigedo Islands), Fatu Hiva (French Polynesia), Robinson Crusoe (Chile) and San Lorenzo Sur (Baja California), three of them in the Caribbean: Pine Cay (Caicos Islands), Little Cayman (Cayman Islands), and Anegada (British Virgin Islands), an Indian, Amsterdam (French Southern and Antarctic Lands), and one in the Mediterranean (Baja California). All have a lower extension to 290 square kilometers and its population exceeds 900 inhabitants.

A new carnivorous bipedal dinosaur species lived in La Rioja ... - RTVE

enlarge The researcher Ignacio Díaz a site of footprints.

researcher Ignacio Diaz in a reservoir of footprints. University of La Rioja

class=”by EFE Several home sites

riojanos footprint of a bipedal, carnivorous dinosaur and large so far not been described and could become a new species not yet documented. One of the conclusions of the researcher at the University of La Rioja (UR), Ignacio Díaz, who discovered footprints and who has this month published a thesis about it.

thesis entitled Icnitas bipedal dinosaurs La Rioja (Cameros Basin, Lower Cretaceous): paleobiological icnotaxonomía and implementation has been rated excellent cum laude


Diaz, 32, has analyzed 9,198 footprints -footprint tread of a vertebrate- in 142 fields that exist in La Rioja , which is one of the regions of the world with a greater volume of fossilized dinosaur footprints.

How was the dinosaur La Rioja Baja

Their study, as explained to Efe, concluded that in the place that is the mountains of La Rioja Baja, in the vicinity of Munilla, Igea and Cervera del Rio Alhama, dwelt today, 120 million years ago , herd, bipedal dinosaur , and large carnivore because their footprints are about 40 centimeters, so, according to his calculations, would measure about 1.70 meters to hip .

Another distinctive feature of this animal is that in his tracks, the ‘finger 2′, which is the innermost of the three I had, had a large nail something that does not match other dinosaurs already identified in the world.

Finding the footprints surprise

work, done while he was a researcher at the UR and led by professor and expert in paleontology Felix Perez Lorente, sought to expand and update studies footprints in this region that have been made for over four decades.

However, explained that initially had no power to classify groups of footprints so far listed as belonging to an unknown carnivore.

But when grouping, found that there were more than a hundred that were similar, but that did not coincide with any of the already described in the Rioja and other sites located throughout the world.

Diaz proposes a name for the new species of dinosaur: Riojadopus amei

Diaz has stated that

still will not give an official name to Dinosaur , since it must wait for scientific publications supporting this discovery, something expected to happen throughout 2014, although he would like “a name related to La Rioja” and, indeed, in his thesis work suggests to “Riojadopus amei.”

It recalled that the investigation of footprints around the world has brought more discoveries such as, for example, a species of Iguanodon, whose first steps were identified just a decade ago.

The contributions in this thesis Diaz made new technologies and give more three-dimensional image certainty to the fact that I found something that had not been identified so far, he assured.

“But once this is published, sure there are researchers associated ichnites Elsewhere this species “, according to Diaz, who next April will join the University of Rio Black (Argentina) by not having a job offer in Spain.

The Mars Express probe is only about 45 kilometers of Phobos ... - RTVE


This past weekend the Mars Express, the European Space Agency, departed from his usual routine of exploring Mars, if the word routine fits when talking about a space mission, much as this probe lead and ten years in orbit around Mars, to take advantage he would spend only 45 kilometers of Phobos, the planet larger, and devote all their attention moon.

This meeting is not entirely accidental, since in recent months responsible for mission gone slightly adjusting the orbit of Mars Express to promote this event , which exceeds 67 km obtained in March 2010 , as a result of these adjustments has been another very close approximation on 21 December, only 500 miles, and another will occur next January 4, 2014


No instruments

But apart from the extraordinary proximity of the probe and the moon, this event is unusual because none of the instruments on board was used to obtain information about Phobos, Mars Express but itself because the relative velocities and the crossing angle was virtually certain that no image quality is not obtained.

To do what was done was measure acceleration due to gravity probe Phobos taking advantage of the Doppler effect produced on the radio signal that is received on Earth from this. This is the same effect that makes the sound of a car engine change tone as towards or away from anyone who hears it.

detect this shift in the radio signal from the Mars Express is a extremely delicate, and for this task which made the European Space Agency was ordered to probe not transmit any data for the signal to be as constant as possible, so that what is received on Earth was only a carrier like when a radio station no one speaks for a moment or hard wedge planned advertising or music, nothing that would interfere.

So is facilitated the task of detecting the changes caused by the gravitational pull of Phobos.

In addition, the ESA was continuously listening to the signal from the Mars Express for 35 hours to measure changes before and after closest approach, which required coordinating follow from ESA station in New Norcia in Australia with stations NASA Robledo de Chavela in Spain and Goldstone in California and again New Norcia so that there were no interruptions, something that is usually not necessary, as the Mars Express is capable of storing data for transmission to Earth when not in contact with any monitoring station.

Objective met

Preliminary data indicate that indeed has been possible to detect the acceleration caused by Phobos on Mars Express , so now is analyzed to see how the irregular shape of Phobos, measuring approximately 27x22x18 kilometers has influenced the speed of the probe.

This data, once crossed with the images already obtained on 21 December and with those obtained on 4 January, which in turn will allow more accurately calculate the orbit of Phobos to compare their position with that of the stars that are seen in the images, will enable scientists to better estimate the mass of the Moon and internal distribution as previous approaches have allowed to estimate that between a third and a quarter of its interior is empty space.

With this information scientists can define a little more plausible theories about the origin of Phobos and Deimos, which the two most popular are that either are asteroids captured by Mars’ gravity, or that are ejected from the surface by an impact this material.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Are negative in the frozen Antarctic expedition of ... - RTVE

enlarge The chief scientist of the expedition Shackleton, Alexander Stevens, on board the Aurora.

chief scientist of the expedition of Shackleton, Alexander Stevens, on board the Aurora. Antarctic Heritage Trust

enlarge Big Razorback Island in McMurdo Sound, taken in January 1915.

Big Razorback Island in McMurdo Sound, taken in January 1915. Antarctic Heritage Trust

class=”pic Audios Related
shoulders of giants-Shackleton, the hero who could not reach the Pole sur-09/12/2013

RTVE.es Learn how was

Antarctica 100 years made possible by 22 photographic negatives that have been found in the hut of Captain Scott at Cape Evans. Negative, whose authorship is unknown, have been found and restored by specialists of the Company of the New Zealand Antarctic Heritage.

unpublished images you can see members of the Ross Sea, which formed part of the Imperial Transantarctic Expedition (1914 to 1917), organized and led by explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton .


Scott’s hut

conservation specialists Zealand company found negative cellulose nitrate in a small box inside the hut of Captain Scott .

It was during his work on a heritage restoration project in the Ross Sea. And the team Shackleton was living in the cabin during the expedition, before departing aboard the ship Aurora, as reported by the company in a statement.

“It’s an exciting find and we’re glad to see them exposed after a century,” said the executive director of the Antarctic Heritage Company, Nigel Watson, who has emphasized: “It is testament to the dedication and precision our conservation teams to safeguard Scott’s hut at Cape Evans. “

Conservation class=”ladillo”>

One of the most striking images is the chief scientist of the Ross Sea team Alexander Stevens , standing aboard the Aurora. Although many of the images are damaged, the New Zealand company has been able to recognize landmarks in the vicinity of McMurdo Sound.

The conservation team has separated, cleaned and consolidated layered image cellulose nitrate. After the revealed and digitally scanned to convert them into digital positive.

X-Facebook: active mobile users in several countries - TICbeat


new filtration related to Facebook, one of the most powerful social networks today. In particular it is an internal report of the company intended to partners in the marketing nestled in Europe and the Middle East in which, among other things, broken metrics that have active users in several major markets two regions .

Although various numbers that appear in the report were already known, others not, and most interestingly, provides hitherto unknown information about active mobile users-those who access the site from mobile devices, in some international markets key for Facebook (those where they have the biggest database of advertisers).


this particular show data from Spain, France, Italy, Germany, UK, Sweden, Turkey and Israel . For example in the case of Spain the social network in question has 12 million daily active users, 18 million monthly active users, 8.1 million mobile daily active users and 13 million active mobile users per month. And the rest are things like this:

– France: 18 million daily active users, 26 million per month, 11 million daily active users and 17 million mobile month


– Italy: 17 million daily active users, 23 million per month, 10 million daily active mobile users and 16 million per month


– Germany: 19 million active users per day, 25 million per month, 13 million daily active mobile users and 18 million per month


– UK: 24 million daily active users, 33 million per month, 20 million daily active mobile users and 26 million per month


– Sweden: 3.8 million daily active users, 4.9 million per month, 3 million daily active mobile users and 4 million per month


– Turkey: 19 million daily active users, 33 million per month, 9.5 million daily active mobile users and 20 million per month


– Israel: 2.7 million daily active users, 3.8 million per month, 2 million mobile daily active users and 2.9 million per month


the other hand, also give represent percentages than the above figures on the total Internet users and mobile phone in each country . Looking at this, include Italy, the UK and France, in the first, the sum of the daily active users and monthly means that 71% of all Internet users have Facebook Italy, in the second 69 % and the third 63%. In terms of total mobile phone users, penetration goes between 20% and 33% in all countries except Sweden where the total mobile phone users 53% have Facebook.

In summary, the titanic efforts of Facebook to push mobile business are paying off, and if the numbers seen in this article add others published in recent months, it is clear that markets “first world” are those who more are driven growth in mobile social network.

you visualize Facebook Annual Report that summarizes the activity of the social network in 2013 here:

Facebook – The Annual by TICbeat

Android and Audi, that new alliance will be shown at CES 2014 - MovilZona.es

Google and Apple are showing their weapons in mobile telephony for years. In this area the hardest things to each other are put, and top it off with this, they have among their future plans to extend their rivalry to other fields such as the present one in these lines: industry automotive . At CES Las Vegas 2014 to be held next week, Google will tell us what he has prepared for drivers hand Audi. We told you about all that is known about this interesting “alliance” between Audi and Google, its Android operating system. The Google mobile operating system, Android, is currently placed at the top and closely pursued by Apple-iOS-but also has something up behind de Microsoft Windows Phone. I overtook this way and so, Audi is working with Google and other companies such as Nvidia, take Android to vehicles one manufacturer. But what use have the Android operating system in the car And other question also arises … what paints Nvidia in this?


Although currently the manufacturer that Google will begin Audi, we can be clear that this is the beginning of “Android in the car.” At CES Las Vegas 2014 to be held next week, we will know the details of the inclusion of the Google mobile operating system in the vehicles, but for now we can go ahead certain information.

As reported by our source, the objective would allow drivers and vehicle passengers access to music, navigation, applications and services similar to those currently available on smartphones with Android. Therefore, although not overly specific in the information provided, we can begin to get an idea of ??what they want to show Google and Audi at CES 2014 Las Vegas. And in all this, Nvidia be responsible for providing the necessary hardware -chipsets-for running Android on Audi vehicles.

Source: online.wsj.com

Six out of ten Spanish Internet users are on Facebook - ITespresso.es

Facebook has been released for the first time in its history metrics relating to individual countries, allowing to know the growth of the social network in specific territories and know what countries are seeing a greater increase in number of mobile users. To date, the company only provided general figures or statistics for regions with multiple countries.

data sent to its marketing partners in Europe and the Middle East and attained by TechCrunch, give the possibility to take a look at the Spanish case.

top social network Mark Zuckerberg has 12 million daily active users in our country and 18 million active users per month . 58% of Spanish Internet is Facebook and 67% of monthly users connecting from the bull skin back up. In addition, Spain has 8.1 million active daily users connecting from mobile and 13 million monthly active users accessing from these devices, 32% of Spanish mobile users.

The data also shed

that a general Facebook has 1,190 million faithful , of which 874 million enter the platform each month 507 million and participate actively in it every day.

addition, it is possible to know the statistics of other countries, including Germany, France, Italy, Sweden, Turkey and Israel.

Now you can read articles on Google Currents ITespresso Subscribe

58% of Spanish users are on Facebook - The World

Facebook has released its annual data by country for the first time. Until now, Facebook only published data by combining various regions and states of mobile users only gave overall figures, so what parts of the world did not know were leading mobile growth. In total, there are 874 million monthly users and 507 million daily users, a total of 1,190 million users across all platforms worldwide.

social network has sent reports to their European partners and in Middle Eastern countries such as Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Turkey and Israel appear. “We’re not trying to be a media company,” said the Facebook vice president of product, Chris Cox.

According to the report, which includes TechCrunch, Spain has 12 million daily users and 18 million monthly users, which means that 58% of Internet users are on Facebook. It also has 8.1 million daily mobile users and 13 million monthly mobile users, 32% of Spanish mobile users.

Meanwhile, Germany has 19 million daily users and 25 million monthly, which means that 43% of German Internet users are on Facebook. 13 million users connect daily with the latest and up to 18 million are monthly, representing 27% of mobile users in the country.

In France, 18 million people access the social network at least once a day and 26 million once a month (69 percent of Internet users). 11 million users log in every day from Mobile and 17 million monthly access (33% of the French mobile users).

In Italy, 23 million users accessing the network each month, 17 million do every day, which means that 71% of Facebook users are in Italian. In addition, 16 million monthly mobile users, 10 million are daily, 32% of Italian mobile users.

In Sweden, there are 3.8 million daily users and 4.9 million mobile users, 57% of Internet users. There are 3 million daily mobile users and 4 million monthly.

Turkey has 33 million monthly users, 19 million are daily. It also has 20 million mobile users and 9.5 million daily reach them. In Israel there are 3.8 million monthly users and 2.7 million daily users, 2 million daily mobile users and 2.9 million monthly.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Nokia phablet comes to China and other parts of Asia - ITespresso.es

a couple of months ago, Nokia announced under its Nokia World 2013 event launching its first phablet, the Lumia 1320 , a phone 6 inches HD screen, 5 megapixel rear camera and 400 Snapdragon processor dual core 1.7 Ghz.

Finnish company today announced that its device will go on sale first in Asia.

Lumia 1320 can be found today in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and other countries in the coming weeks.

first time Nokia had assured the phablet be marketed in the first quarter of 2014 in China and Vietnam , followed by other Asian markets such as India, and also in Europe. However, the Nordic manufacturer has come forward. At the moment it seems that the Lumia 1320 not disembark in the USA, in accordance with The Next Web.

Pricewise this phone is in the middle range of Nokia smartphones , with a price to be around $ 340.

Now you can read articles on Google Currents ITespresso Subscribe

The first 'tabletófono' Nokia debuts in China - The Truth

Nokia already announced last October in Abu Dhabi that he climbed on the bandwagon of tablets and ‘tabletófonos’, an increasingly popular format and almost all major manufacturers except Apple and LG, wanted to embrace. The Lumia 1320, the first phone six inches from the Finnish factory, has debuted a few days ago in the Chinese market. From there, it will spread to other countries in the region to make the leap in a few months the European market. It is a terminal screen with a 1280 x 720 pixel resolution, touch-sensitive even with gloves, running a 400 Snapdragon dual-core processor 1.7 gigahertz, supplementing with a gig of RAM.

The camera has 5 megapixels and the battery is 3,400 mAh, which, according to Nokia, provides a range of up to 30 hours talk time and almost a full day of music playback. You has eight gigabytes of internal storage, expandable via external card. Works with Windows 8.

Lights, Google Nexus, HTC Android and explains deTuenti - Facts Today


seizure in 2013 to under Christmas lights . Attention to its effects on drivers with glare. A study Rementería Foundation warned us that sudden changes in brightness are those with more danger.

Complete a 2013

technological compulsively with the glasses that will be a reality in 2014. The Princes of Asturias on his visit to the southern United States-California and Florida-were able to test the Google Glass that have swept before the market ester (highlighted matter Facts Today ). 2013 also left us the fragility of what we talked about in our mobile (cellular) data with espionage revalos National Security Agency in the United States.

It was also the year

landing Microsoft in the mobile division Nokia . Also smart phones big screen , a trend that is here to stay, and 4K TVs . Razed the new game consoles Sony and Microsoft , PlayStation 4 and Xbox One . And we met smart phones with curved screen .

At this end of 2013, the dilemma is to smartphones ( smarthphones ) sophisticated and high-end or just the cheapest. It is the battle of Google Nexus 5 against iPhone 5S . In technological purchases imposed smartphones ( smarthphones ), tablets , eReaders and convertible computers .

Two notes

finally highlight. First things HTC . Shown in an infographic how the process of updating an Android device and has published a page with information about updates to its devices HTC One to the latest Android 4.4 KitKat operating system.

Segundo Twitter . Tuenti , now owned by Telefónica , death had to deny that the social network announced. Tuenti team went to great advantage to spread your promotional video response on the achievements of 2013 and plans for 2014.

Remember that suggestions may be important to other readers.

Warn use WhatsApp for viralizar hoaxes like ... - 20minutos.es

National Police on Saturday warned of new fraud, scams, scams and hoaxes that spread, particularly rapidly, through social networking and communication applications such as WhatsApp, and aim to achieve economic benefit to outlaw.

Social networks now serve as ideal viralizar canards and ciberleyendas Techniques such as phishing vehicle, aims theft key social networks of the Internet for fraudulent use, kidnappings invented from relatives abroad; premium subscriptions services via SMS or false deals They work in times of crisis are the main scams implemented in social networks.

Specialists Technology Research Unit (ITU) and Social Networking Group National Police have also indicated that the virus impersonating the identity of the National Police , the General Society Authors and Editors (SGAE) and the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD) is still active.

virus, very harmful, diffuses through pages of downloads on shortened links and freezes the computer inventing a supposed fine of 100 euros for having detected child pornography on the hard drive (done that constituting the offense).

Similarly, social networks are currently serving as ideal for viralizar canards and ciberleyendas on alleged abductions of children, colonies that numb, bumper impregnated with LSD groundless terror alerts or vehicle.

To avoid falling victim to scams or hoaxes, police advised to keep updated and protected electronic equipment personal appeals to common sense and rational distrust of users as well as persuade them to use secure platforms when making financial transactions online.

Google in 2013, Android, Google+ and YouTube advertising - tuexperto.com

 Google and Waze

While it has not been a year of great change, has kept 2013 Google in its privileged position in the world of technology. The search engine company has taken this year to consolidate its leadership in key markets such as search, mobile advertising and its influence on the market of smartphones and tablets through the Android platform . But above all, it has served to deepen the company in its new strategy focus its efforts on several major projects (the closure of services Google has once again become a regular tonic) and attempts continued to make its Google+ social network off . We make an overview of some of the key points of the company in 2013.

Google Plus

Google+ forever

Like it

roughly Google+ , the company does not seem willing to continue its efforts in this social platform is becoming a powerful rival to Twitter and especially Facebook . The company continues to invest in developing the network and has deepened during 2013 in its integration with other products brand. Perhaps one of the most controversial has been the change in the social network comments YouTube . And the company has changed the policy so that only those that come with your Google+ profile can comment . Certainly a very controversial disorder that has drawn much criticism among YouTube users . Despite these efforts, Google+ continues without becoming a powerful alternative to Facebook , so the company should continue to stress over the next 2014.

Mastering Android

Undoubtedly, the mobile platform is one of the most important assets of the U.S. company. The mobile operating system continues to increase its presence in the field of smartphones and tablets, a type of devices they have left behind this year Apple iPad . The key to this increase has been largely successful models an affordable price below 200 euros. According to the latest data collected by the Gartner on the third quarter of this year, Android is already present in the 81% of smartphones sold, compared to only 12% of iPhone that reached the market in this period. Meanwhile, in the field of tablets IDC predicts that during 2013 61% of tablets sold integrated Android operating system , against only 35% of iPad .

With these figures, the company a strong presence in the segment as the technology market is assured. However, not all good news in this field. In fact, Google is facing a problem that can be dangerous in the long term. And is that Samsung channels a large number of sales of Android devices, making it one of the few firms that are making profitable this platform. The power of the Korean company could cause at some point decide to use your own system.

 Chromebook Pixel

Chrome OS and chromebooks

Although they have not been very successful in Europe (particularly in Spain), the chromebooks have become a very interesting alternative to computers with Windows operating system in other markets like the U.S. or emerging markets. The success of these teams that base their operation on online tools has unnerved a whole heavyweight like Microsoft , who has devoted several ridiculing Chrome OS offers (a good sign considers that a direct rival).

New Google Nexus and Motorola

Google not only wants to be a software vendor. The company is designing its own smartphones and tablets to launch, even if made with the assistance of external manufacturers. Many rumors pointed to the new Google Nexus 5 come from the hand of Motorola , a company that Google bought last year . But the U.S. company has maintained its premise to have the support of another company (in this case Asus ) with a very competitive team that has become a reference within Android smartphones , Stranger is the case of Motorola . Google has launched two devices during 2013 (the Motorola Moto X and Motorola Moto G ). The second one has also come to Spain and has become a very affordable alternative just 175 euros other releases this year. Although the terminal has been well received by the critics, this is a pretty poor background when compared to other manufacturers in the sector or with other years Motorola . Could this be an indication that Google bought the mobile company as an excuse to get your patent portfolio ? Or are you walking on eggshells to not threaten the balance with other manufacturers that use its Android system? We’ll see how 2014 unfolds in this field.

 Announcements YouTube

Google happy to investors

Google strategy to focus on those products that offer benefits is having a good response from the stock market. The company has managed increase by one third in value during the year , which gives a sample of time spanning bonanza. Still lies far from Apple , but the company’s iPhone and iPad has seen this year (and the end of the preceding) the meteoric rise of his actions stopped.

YouTube and mobile ads begin to profitability

probably know plenty of what we’re talking about. A annoying video that surprises you before playing your favorite clip. Google has started to collect benefits from buying YouTube . Advertising revenue this network have increased by 50% this year, to overcome 5,000 million. A good figure that the company seeks to improve over the next years, so we have to live with these intruders annoying every time we watch a video. Moreover, the company is also doing a good job to enhance their mobile advertising platform, a crucial field in searches that starts to become a reality.

Don `t be evil (Do not be evil, Google)

One of the worst aspects of this year for the company are the research is suffering from legal authorities for their practices in the search. While United States has closed its investigation , Google has not yet managed to present a satisfactory solution you free to be fined by the European Commission. The next few months are crucial to guess the subject, which could force the company to pay the not inconsiderable figure of 5,000 million.

Buying Waze and innovations to come

Finally, we would like to stand out Waze purchase by Google . The U.S. company decided to buy this popular application for sharing information on traffic routes and other incidents with other users. The deal closed at just over $ 960 million and it was feared at first that Google could close or leave this and ostracism that it was in direct competition with Google Maps. However, the U.S. company Waze has remained open and has begun to incorporate traffic alerts within Maps , a very interesting feature that enhances the experience of this tool. During 2013, Google has continued to work on projects that can become a reality in the coming years. Above all, we must highlight their smart glasses will soon hit the market officially, and Google cars , which move autonomously without the Users operate them manually.

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alt=”"/> Manzhirova Victor Sanchez is an experienced journalist professional technology. He is a graduate of Journalism and Philosophy at the University Carlos III of Madrid. He hated his first mobile but over time it has become a passion for technology. + Google+ Profile of Victor Sanchez

IPhone users spend more - Expansión.com

iPhone users and Apple iPad remains the most money spent on digital content, although the distance with those who prefer Android has been reduced this year.


consultancy IDC, leader in the technology sector, estimates that Apple has a market share of 13% in the global smartphone business, 1% lower than a year ago. Google’s leadership is overwhelming, controlling 81% of the market, compared to 75% last year.

However, the amount that users of both platform are spent to download and buy virtual goods in apps does not correspond at all with these percentages. According to a study by the consulting firm Distimo, the App Store captured 63% of spending in November, well above the 37% of Google Play.

The threat Now, Google’s share has risen over 30% it held in June, reducing the gap with Apple. Many Android devices sold in China, where Google Play is not widespread and app stores third parties are more popular, which explains in part the disparity.

“The Apple App Store is still ahead in terms of total revenues,” says analyst Distimo Christel Schoger. “However, during 2013, the portion of the Google pie has been growing steady month to month,” confirms this expert.

Daily expenditures combined in the 200 applications that generate more revenue in Apple’s App Store has grown from 15 to 18 million in the last year, according to calculations by Distimo, while in the case of Google, this figure has quadrupled in the same period, from 3.5 to 12 million. If an application store is profitable, helps attract developers who create software and services that can make mobile shoppers remain loyal to a specific platform.

According to analysts, this year Google has surpassed Apple for volume of downloaded apps, but Android is taking longer to reach the iPhone in regards to the amount spent on these apps.

Distimo report also shows the rapid growth (especially in Asia) freemium business model, in which the discharge and its basic use is free. The proportion of income in this way (purchases within apps free download) on the Apple App Store was 53% two years ago. In January, that figure had risen to 77% and in November, reached 92%. Similarly, the freemium model on Google Play represents 98% of spending on apps for Android.

Finally, the ten apps that generate more revenue in both the Apple App Store and Google Play, are games. Supercell, developer Clash of Clans, and King, the creator of CandyCrush Saga were the companies that won the most money on the App Store.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

How to save with the Xbox One - Gente10.info

Xbox The Microsoft pricing policy has led a wide disparity in the price users have to pay for Xbox One games depending on the country where you buy your unrestricted and language itself.
Previously Microsoft forced to migrate user account to another country to shop at your store. Now this obligation has ceased to exist. Thanks to this, the user can take advantage of a favorable currency exchange in certain countries to buy games with 30% discount, as in the case of U.S. dollar-store digital United States or Canada.
The only limitation for this is that LAA option is only valid for games that are actually available in the country of residence.
The only restriction is that you have a method of payment in any currency that supports Xbox Live, as PayPal, and a real address in the country you choose to buy. For many juergos, the price is € 64.99 in European stores and just over 45 on Xbox One of USA.

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Police alert new frauds and scams through networks ... - La Vanguardia

Alert Police new frauds and scams through social networks

Scammers use Whatsapp to achieve economic benefit outside the law National Police

Madrid. (Reuters) -. The National Police has warned today of new frauds, scams, scams and hoaxes that spread, particularly quickly through social networks and apps of communication such as Whatsapp , and seek to achieve economic benefit to outlaw.

Phishing Techniques like , which aims theft key social networks of the Internet for fraudulent use, invented kidnappings of relatives abroad; subscriptions to premium SMS services or false jobs in times of crisis are the main scams implemented in social networks.

Specialists Technology Research Unit (ITU) and Social Networking Group National Police have also indicated that the virus that impersonates the identity of the National Police, the General Society of Authors and Editors (SGAE) or the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) is still active.

virus, very harmful, diffuses through pages of downloads on shortened links and freezes the computer inventing a supposed fine of 100 euros for having detected child pornography on the hard drive (a fact which constitutes the crime).

Similarly, social networks serve as ideal for today viralizar canards and ciberleyendas about alleged abductions of children vehicle, colonies that numb, bumper impregnated with LSD or groundless terror alerts.

To avoid falling victim to scams or hoaxes, police advised to keep updated and secure personal electronic equipment, appeals to common sense and rational distrust of users as well as persuade them to use secure platforms when economic transactions online.

National Police warning of new scams that are spread in ... - ICN Journal

Phishing, Premium SMS subscriptions, virtual kidnapping, “mules” bleaching, false job offers or sales that never make assumptions bargains are some of cybercrime using social engineering techniques to trick their victims

The National Police of Spain alert for new scams, frauds, scams and hoaxes that spread, particularly rapidly in social networking and communication applications such as Whatsapp, whose goal is to achieve an economic benefit for criminals or create undue alarm among the population.

occasion of the Day of the Innocents, the specialists of the National Police in security technology review the fraud, misrepresentations or deception detected common this year, from the now classic phishing crime by trickery or subscriptions to premium SMS services , a new virtual kidnappings or “mules” bleaching money. Moreover, the existence of canards or ciberleyendas propagating and viralizan by social networks and IM groups, such as child abductions, impregnated calcomonías LSD bomb alerts in transportation or shopping centers, “theft” is reiterated organ or cell colonies that numb bomb abandoned by terrorists.

To avoid becoming a victim of fraud, deceit or scams, officials advise keeping updated and protected computers, not to mention the common sense and rational distrust; secure platforms used for economic transactions, have a different card for electronic payments and follow safety guidelines and prevention of Police.

new gadgets such as smartphones or tablets, have become powerful tools for committing evil pranks. Specialists Technology Research Unit (ITU) and Social Networking Group National Police have registered thousands of complaints, inquiries and requests for help from the internet through technology channels of Police or Police as @ www .policia.es / colabora.php.

Frauds, scams and other crimes

classic: Phishing, also on accounts in social networks and email. One of the most common scams and your goal is to get the keys of the Internet to obtain fraudulent benefits then with that data. There are also attempts to steal accounts on social networks or emails and then use them for commercial spam in your name or, even worse, for the distribution of malware.
Deals transact money between accounts. Unwittingly becomes the subject of a crime of laundering to be a virtual “mule” to criminal networks who want to make money. This method consists in receiving payments personal accounts of the mules and then input them into other accounts or forward by money transfer companies in exchange for a commission.
Virtual Kidnapping of people abroad, mainly in countries of South America. Cybercriminals looking for an acquaintance who is outside their country and can not access their email accounts to contact their families and let them believe that the traveler is kidnapped, or has had an accident or is sick, and request immediate payment of ransom to free or an amount of money for your health care.
sale fake whatsapp applications for computers or spyware. The success of this application for smartphones and demand has pushed cyber criminals selling fake apps for PCs (which do not exist) or programs that allegedly spying conversations contacts. Victims pay for some applications or programs that do not exist and do not allow those services which, as in the case of alleged spy Whatsapp, would also be a crime.
Deception to subscribe to premium SMS services and phone calls to high pricing. The hooks used are various: from assumptions packages that were not included alleged calls from people who have balance and need to contact them through the media, bogus prizes or money-gadgets-in contests in which, curiously, not has participated or ambiguous messages of alleged newly separated people and want a coffee, or add you supposed to Whatsapp Facebook.
bargains that fail. It is increasingly common to make purchases over the Internet and even more this Christmas. Dining bargains and bargains of all kinds of products for private, or newly created sites, mainly smartphones, tablets and other electronic devices, despite the payment of the agreed amount never reaches the recipient.
false job offers in times of crisis. The strong demand for labor causes unscrupulous attempt to fraudulently benefit from them. Requests for money up front “to the agenda of the post or previous courses to play”, “to close the recruitment process” or demand that a phone call or redirect you high cost on appeal to those kinds of numbers, handing Call for allegedly collecting data are some of the traps to extort money from the victim.
The virus that impersonates the identity of the National Police, the SGAE or AEPD still active. It spreads mostly through the pages of downloads and links shortened massively distributed engineering techniques. This virus is very harmful and freezes the computer, inventing a supposed fine of 100 € for having detected child pornography on the hard drive (made to remember it is an offense) or files that violate intellectual property or the Organic Law on Data Protection. Payment is requested via untraceable means the user and subscriber once it has, you see that the computer does not recover normal functioning and has been a victim of this deception.

not be naive, do not believe in ciberleyendas

Internet, social networking and communication applications and instant messaging, as Whastapp, have also become a tool for spreading hoaxes and ciberleyendas propagating false information generated alarm among recipients and quickly viralizan .

Social Networking Group Police detected and received numerous messages that alert notifications about the existence of child kidnappers operating in a given locality, the distribution of stickers or candy LSD impregnated; sale Colony address that numb to steal housing; phones bombs that are dropped by terrorists in the streets messages that say that if you enter the PIN backwards at an ATM in case of theft immediately to the police are alerted, false alerts placement pumps in transportation or shopping malls, or hazing of urban gangs or RPGs that capture their victims circulating with the lights off down the road.

The National Police

recommended not to continue the chain shipments such messages and not spread your content to your address book. You should only give credibility to the information disseminated by the Security Forces or other official institutions.

Distrust rational and common sense

The National Police

a safe guidelines recommended in both the online and offline world to prevent and avoid falling victim to scams, frauds or scams.

acts with common “rational distrust” and meaning to offers or messages from unknown sources. Do not believe in bargains and bargains and always makes economic transactions through secure platforms. Do not buy from unknown websites reaching you through shortened links or untrusted sources. If you see a bargain on the Internet, he investigates. Therefore the opinion of other buyers (helpful, trusted, path, etc..) As in any search engine, entering data by other users alerted if something unusual in such offer
des not always assume that your partner via web email or social network is who he says he is … Not even through you recognized a friend’s account. It may have been “hijacked” through social engineering (phishing or blurred malware on assumptions very attractive files)
If you get missed calls from your high pricing (905 …, for example) or a regular phone, but you referred to a 800, take precautions. Also wary of unexpected messages that come to you from a short mobile phone trying to interact in some way with that company or entity, or to send an SMS text with some unspecified clear the conditions
Those alleged job requiring prior financial outlay are almost never real and hidden desire a hoax or profit at the expense of job seekers. Research on the phone or Internet ad features
If you receive an SMS or an email asking you to update your bank details, card or account, fill out forms or no answer whatsoever
Keep updated computer equipment, smartphone or tablet and protected. Use original programs and upgrade the operating system to avoid installing viruses, trojans, worms or spyware
Check periodically movements and bank account card programs even if you have a technological service to mail alerts or Mobile
When in doubt, always check with the agents of the National Police in any police station or through www.policia.es / colabora.php

The PS4 relaunches sales of her younger sister's PS Vita - Reuters

MADRID, December 27 (Portaltic / EP) –

ago more than two years since Sony introduced the PS Vita, the successor to the PSP. Despite its technical innovations such as touch screen, the accelerometer or the rear touchpad, the market turned away for the moment its main competitor, the Nintendo DS.

Now, after the release of the PS4, when things are starting to change for this handheld game console, which at launch was introduced as the “true new generation” in the gamer world.

One of the reasons for the sales launch of PS Vita is the possibility of use as a second screen PS4 (Remote Play Feature, Remote Play feature) leaving for free TV other uses. To do this, simply pair the two devices by connecting to the same wifi network and mobility begins. Thus, intergenerational discussions by grabbing television are over.

Perhaps the reasons that led to failure in the launch of the PS Vita was the lack of a solid catalog of playable titles, with the exception of some adaptations of PS3 games to this handheld. Although attempts were made from the PlayStation Network (PSN), namely PS Plus subscription system will take advantage of the PS Vita, but annual subscription prices were around fifty euro s.

Since the launch of the PS4 in late November 2013, sales PS Vita have increased by sixty-eight percent during the first week and sixty-five percent following week. And it seems that the trend will continue selling the PS Vita since the users are happy with the remote play feature.

Nokia lets users of Apple without Here Maps - Gadget News

Nokia nokia here leaves users without Apple Maps Here

Farewell Here Maps application on the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad . Nokia has taken by surprise and without warning, your application maps the Apple app store. A company spokesperson confirmed the news and has pointed to Apple as the culprit of this decision. Since Apple iOS update to its current version 7.0, which has come with hundreds of functions and interface changes, the application Here Maps Nokia has done nothing but cause problems for its users.

Apple introduced iOS

7 at the World Developers Conference held in San Francisco last January and since then developers had three months to adapt their applications to the new OS version for touch devices . However, since it seems that Nokia chose to save money on development and not continue working on the application Here Maps for iOS devices. A major opportunity lost. Or not?

When Apple introduced its own mapping application last year, the company had to end up admitting that his work in this department had not kept pace, since the maps had hundreds of failures Blunders worldwide . The very Apple CEO Tim Cook had to apologize publicly and recommended other third party applications available on the App Store, and Nokia Maps Here.


Now, more strategic move, decides to leave users without Apple Here Maps application. Yes, the Finns have confirmed that those who need their mapping system, can access the Web from Here Maps via Safari on the iPhone.

More information

-MoneyPenny, the first dual SIM Nokia Lumia

Smartphones, tablets, social networks and tools WhatsApp ... - Association of Internet

Smartphones, tablets, social networks and tools for WhatsApp pranks today

New technological devices such as smartphones or ‘tablets’ have become powerful tools for committing evil pranks. This is the message I wanted to convey this Saturday, to mark the Day of the Innocents, the National Police, which this year has registered and attended thousands of complaints regarding frauds and scams on the Internet, social networks and applications communication.

12/28/2013 – Specialists Technology Research Unit (ITU) and Social Networking Group National Police warn of fraud and deception Top committed this year by cybercriminals, from classics crime phishing or subscriptions using trickery to premium SMS services, new virtual kidnappings or mules bleaching money.
To avoid falling victim to these scams, officials advise keeping updated and protected computers, not to mention the common sense and rational distrust; secure platforms used for economic transactions, have a different card for electronic payments and follow safety guidelines and prevention of Police.


Along with classics such as ‘phishing’, this year they have appeared or have secured other practices that can become just as harmful as offers of money transactions between accounts. Unwittingly becomes the subject of a crime of laundering to be a virtual ‘mule’ for criminal networks who want to make money from Spain.

There have also been cases of virtual kidnapping in abroad, mainly in South American countries. Cybercriminals looking for an acquaintance who is outside their country and can not access their email accounts to contact their families and let them believe that the traveler is kidnapped, or has had an accident or is sick, and request immediate payment of ransom to free or an amount of money for your health care.

Other practices of ‘technological thieves’ are selling fake whatsapp applications for computers or spyware, the scamming through bargain deals through Internet or false job offers.


The National Police also warns against ‘you ciberleyendas’ spreading hoaxes through social networks and communication applications that spread false information generated alarm among recipients and viralizan quickly. The Social Networking Group Police detected and received numerous messages that alert notifications about the existence of child kidnappers operating in a given locality, the distribution of stickers or candy LSD impregnated; selling home colonies that numb stealing in the dwelling; phones bombs that are dropped by terrorists in the streets messages that say that if you enter the PIN backwards at an ATM in case of theft immediately to the police are alerted, false notices bombings Media transport or shopping malls, or hazing of urban gangs or RPGs that capture their victims circulating with the lights off down the road. The National Police recommended not to continue the chain shipments such messages and do not spread your content to your address book.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Holiday lights cause health problems and accidents - Reason

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Discovered a big bag of liquid water in the ice ... - The País.com (Spain)

Under the permafrost in southwestern Greenland, there is a giant bag of over 140,000 gigatons of fresh water remains liquid, about zero degrees when the weather thermometers have fallen to 20 under zero. It has an area of ??about 70,000 square kilometers (about the size of Castilla-La Mancha) and the scientists who have discovered explained that feeds water from melting snow that seeps through the ice during the summer.

“Instead of water accumulate in the space between rock particles subsoil and groundwater aquifers in this case is accumulated between ice particles as a slush, and the amazing thing is that it never freezes, even during the dark winter in Greenland, because large amounts of snow fall in the area immediately insulate the bag of liquid water below zero temperatures of the air, “says Rick Foster, a scientist at the University of Utah and leader of this research presented in the journal Nature Geoscience .

The first hint of

surprising finding emerged with perforations made in the area: a pair of ice samples taken by the researchers surfaced dripping. It was in 2011, and the team had to interrupt sampling by not having adequate equipment to drill in a medium with liquid water.

Scientists turned on radar data obtained both from the air with Aircraft Operation IceBridge program, NASA, and tracking the same ice surface with snowmobiles. That could narrow the subglacial bag.

returned to the area in the spring of 2013 with suitable drilling equipment and were able to extract ice cores (old compacted snow) temperature sensors and enter through the holes to liquid water, which turned out to be zero. The aquifer is about twelve feet deep from the surface and reaches the 37 meters at the bottom.

140,000 metric gigatons of water suddenly unloaded accumulate in the ocean, this would increase the level of 0.4 mm, said NASA in a statement.

discovery now permits a deeper understanding of the structure and mechanisms of the glaciers of Greenland and improve models projecting its evolution and impact on the ocean. Foster explains that, apparently, the aquifer is not a recent phenomenon, which has been there a long time.

iOS was more popular than Android for holiday shopping - iPhone News

apple android vs iOS Android was more popular than for holiday shopping

Doing holiday shopping from an iOS or Android device? The United States has clear winner: iOS, according to a study by IBM. Each year the number of online purchases increases (Amazon has just added over 400 orders per second worldwide before Christmas) and users tend increasingly to make purchases from their smartphones and tablets . We already know that Apple dominates in the United States as a major manufacturer but Android is still available in a larger number of devices.

Still, iOS was the operating system from which more purchases were generated in the U.S. before Christmas. According to this study, 23% of total purchases that are made through Internet before Christmas, were processed through an Apple device. Android far behind, with 4.6% of web traffic. Another curious fact which throws this study is that iOS users spend more money than Android.

The figures obtained are interesting: users of iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad spent an average of $ 93.94 per order Christmas, compared to $ 48.10 for average spent by users of the Android operating system.

course, won the tablets to smartphones in Christmas shopping navigation by adding traffic 19.4% vs 9.4% yielded the smartphones.

is increasingly easier to make purchases through our smartphones and tablets thanks to applications such as Amazon, which put us a universe of products in the palm of our hands.

More information

Four-find developments in iOS 7.1

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Astronauts go into space for the second time to repair damage ... - La Vanguardia

Moscow December 24 (Reuters) -. U.S. astronauts Rick Mastracchio and Mike Hopkins came out today for the second time into space to repair the cooling system of the International Space Station (ISS), NASA


Mastracchio and Hopkins are tasked to install an ammonia pump module to replace one damaged, that they withdrew from the output that made last Saturday.

two astronauts went to space extravehicular at 11.53 GMT, seven minutes ahead of schedule, as was seen in the website of NASA, which broadcast live development work on the hull of the ISS.

is expected to be out today for approximately six hours and a half.

Initially, NASA scheduled to open three outlets to repair the cooling system space, but due to the progress made during the first of these engineers monitoring mission considered that the work could be concluded today.

This is the 176th spacewalk conducting operations astronauts to repair and maintenance of the ISS, which was launched in 1998 and has been operating since November 2000.

Cooling is crucial to the operations of the ISS and while only one of the devices can support critical systems and maintain the laboratory operations, are needed both to avoid blackouts nonessential equipment.

breakdown, reported on Dec. 11 when NASA detected an abnormal temperature in an external pump, had no serious consequences for the ISS, but forced to suspend all non-essential operations research lab space platform , orbiting 420 miles above Earth.

Although the six astronauts on the ISS now reside are not endangered by the problem in the cooling system, have been cut board activities, especially in the laboratory that has stopped all investigations.


Mastracchio and Hopkins, the current ISS crew compose Japanese Koichi Wakata and Russian Oleg Kotov, with the rank of major, Mikhail Tiurin and Sergey Ryazanskiy.EFE

"Houston, we have managed to solve the problem" - The World

day Christmas Eve has been hard for astronauts Rick Mastracchio and Mike Hopkins , who have spent more than seven hours outside the International Space Station to perform an emergency repair system Cooling of the orbital platform. But in the end their efforts were worth it, since all the objectives have been achieved and the walk was a success.

“What a magnificent view!” , commented Hopkins, 44, at the beginning of the walk, which started at 12.53 (CET Spanish). “In fact, you are on the Atlantic” , you replied a controller at Johnson Space Center from Houston (Texas).

Saturday, Mastracchio and Hopkins withdrew part of the cooling module on the starboard beam of the space station, a complex of 100,000 million dollars in which they collaborate fifteen countries that orbits about 385 miles above Earth.

cooling system failures recorded on December 11, but, for now, the problem not a threat for the six men working on the ISS.

Since last week the directors of the ISS mission decided it was necessary astronauts off for repair, and were scheduled three days of extravehicular work on 21, 23 and 25 December.

But during the work

Saturday apparently entered water in part of the space suit Mastracchio in the Quest airlock, used for compression and decompression step inside to the outside of the ISS and vice versa.

This has forced

use a spare spacesuit during the second exit, but needed another day to fit measures Mastracchio , and therefore the second outlet has been postponed to Tuesday .


task was to install a new ammonia and, as all work is successfully completed, the technical mission believe a third spacewalk not required on Christmas Day .

cooling problem forced the postponement, at least until January 13, the launch of an Antares rocket will boost the Cygnus cargo capsule, the company Orbital Sciences, one of the first trips to the ISS resupply undertaken by the private sector.

This has been 176th spacewalk that perform operations astronauts to repair and maintenance of the ISS, which was launched in 1998 and has been operating since November 2000.

Cooling is crucial to the operations of the ISS and while only one of the devices can support critical systems and maintain the laboratory operations needed both to avoid non-essential equipment outages .

Although the six astronauts who now reside on the ISS were never in danger because the problem in the cooling system, onboard activities were cut, especially in the laboratory that has stopped all investigations .


Mastracchio and Hopkins, the current ISS crew compose Japanese Koichi Wakata and Russian Oleg Kotov, with the rank of major, Mikhail Tiurin and Sergey Ryazanskiy.

Queen Elizabeth II granted a posthumous pardon to the mathematical ... - Two Apples

 Queen Elizabeth II has bestowed the posthumous pardon from the British mathematician Alan Turing, who was convicted of engaging in homosexual activities in 1952. Turing ultimately contributed to the defeat of Nazism with his mathematical genius way, saving thousands of lives to decipher the secret code of communication from the German Army.

During World War II, the mathematician Alan Turing worked with the British government in counterintelligence tasks, devising a machine that can transform a sequence of ones and zeros orders placed in logical sequence, exactly the model by which computers work we handle daily. For this reason he is remembered as the “father of computing.” His invention was able to decipher the codes of the famous Enigma machine used by the German army, allowing the allied forces could anticipate enemy movements and thereby saving thousands of lives of civilians and military. Some estimate their contribution to the defeat of Nazism was higher than Churchill or Eisenhower.

However, in 1952, the same British government for which he worked was convicted of “gross indecency and sexual perversion”, after being found guilty of having sex with another man. He was given a choice between chemical castration or go to jail. Turing chose the former and ended up committing suicide after a year under estrogen hormone treatment to eliminate your libido, which caused impotence and growth of female breasts (check out the article that our partner dedicated to Alan Turing Nemo in September 2007, clicking here).

homosexuality was persecuted in the UK between 1885 and 1967, during that period having been convicted some 75,000 men for the crime of being gay. Those who still survive may request removal of those sentences on your background. In the history of the deceased, however, will remain the scourge.

Therefore, in recent years there have been requests to Alan Turing was pardoned posthumously. In 2009, John Graham-Cumming computer and launched an initiative that got the British government formally apologize for its treatment of Turing. However, a full pardon was denied repeatedly since, according to government officials “Alan Turing was properly convicted of what in those days was considered a crime,” .

However, in June 2013 the British government, through Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon, announced his change of opinion in the House of Lords, stating that the initiative proposed by Lord Sharkey demoliberal granted an official pardon Turing would have the support of the coalition government once came to the House of Commons. This change in attitude perhaps influenced the petition to David Cameron in December 2012 by eleven British top scientists, including Stephen Hawking account, asking that clemency.

And finally, 60 years after his tragic death, the official pardon has come through a royal edict, dated December 24th. Justice Minister Chris Grayling, signing the pardon on behalf of the Queen in his capacity as Lord Chancellor, announced the royal edict with the following words:

“Doctor Alan Turing was an exceptional man with a brilliant mind. His brilliance was evident at Bletchley Park during the Second World War, where he was instrumental in cracking the Enigma code, helping to end the war and save thousands of lives.

His later life was overshadowed by his conviction for homosexual activity, a statement that today would be considered unfair and discriminatory and that has now been canceled.

Dr. Turing deserves to be remembered and recognized for their fantastic contribution to efforts during the war and his legacy to science. A pardon of the queen is a fitting tribute to a remarkable man. “