Sunday, December 29, 2013

Google in 2013, Android, Google+ and YouTube advertising -

 Google and Waze

While it has not been a year of great change, has kept 2013 Google in its privileged position in the world of technology. The search engine company has taken this year to consolidate its leadership in key markets such as search, mobile advertising and its influence on the market of smartphones and tablets through the Android platform . But above all, it has served to deepen the company in its new strategy focus its efforts on several major projects (the closure of services Google has once again become a regular tonic) and attempts continued to make its Google+ social network off . We make an overview of some of the key points of the company in 2013.

Google Plus

Google+ forever

Like it

roughly Google+ , the company does not seem willing to continue its efforts in this social platform is becoming a powerful rival to Twitter and especially Facebook . The company continues to invest in developing the network and has deepened during 2013 in its integration with other products brand. Perhaps one of the most controversial has been the change in the social network comments YouTube . And the company has changed the policy so that only those that come with your Google+ profile can comment . Certainly a very controversial disorder that has drawn much criticism among YouTube users . Despite these efforts, Google+ continues without becoming a powerful alternative to Facebook , so the company should continue to stress over the next 2014.

Mastering Android

Undoubtedly, the mobile platform is one of the most important assets of the U.S. company. The mobile operating system continues to increase its presence in the field of smartphones and tablets, a type of devices they have left behind this year Apple iPad . The key to this increase has been largely successful models an affordable price below 200 euros. According to the latest data collected by the Gartner on the third quarter of this year, Android is already present in the 81% of smartphones sold, compared to only 12% of iPhone that reached the market in this period. Meanwhile, in the field of tablets IDC predicts that during 2013 61% of tablets sold integrated Android operating system , against only 35% of iPad .

With these figures, the company a strong presence in the segment as the technology market is assured. However, not all good news in this field. In fact, Google is facing a problem that can be dangerous in the long term. And is that Samsung channels a large number of sales of Android devices, making it one of the few firms that are making profitable this platform. The power of the Korean company could cause at some point decide to use your own system.

 Chromebook Pixel

Chrome OS and chromebooks

Although they have not been very successful in Europe (particularly in Spain), the chromebooks have become a very interesting alternative to computers with Windows operating system in other markets like the U.S. or emerging markets. The success of these teams that base their operation on online tools has unnerved a whole heavyweight like Microsoft , who has devoted several ridiculing Chrome OS offers (a good sign considers that a direct rival).

New Google Nexus and Motorola

Google not only wants to be a software vendor. The company is designing its own smartphones and tablets to launch, even if made with the assistance of external manufacturers. Many rumors pointed to the new Google Nexus 5 come from the hand of Motorola , a company that Google bought last year . But the U.S. company has maintained its premise to have the support of another company (in this case Asus ) with a very competitive team that has become a reference within Android smartphones , Stranger is the case of Motorola . Google has launched two devices during 2013 (the Motorola Moto X and Motorola Moto G ). The second one has also come to Spain and has become a very affordable alternative just 175 euros other releases this year. Although the terminal has been well received by the critics, this is a pretty poor background when compared to other manufacturers in the sector or with other years Motorola . Could this be an indication that Google bought the mobile company as an excuse to get your patent portfolio ? Or are you walking on eggshells to not threaten the balance with other manufacturers that use its Android system? We’ll see how 2014 unfolds in this field.

 Announcements YouTube

Google happy to investors

Google strategy to focus on those products that offer benefits is having a good response from the stock market. The company has managed increase by one third in value during the year , which gives a sample of time spanning bonanza. Still lies far from Apple , but the company’s iPhone and iPad has seen this year (and the end of the preceding) the meteoric rise of his actions stopped.

YouTube and mobile ads begin to profitability

probably know plenty of what we’re talking about. A annoying video that surprises you before playing your favorite clip. Google has started to collect benefits from buying YouTube . Advertising revenue this network have increased by 50% this year, to overcome 5,000 million. A good figure that the company seeks to improve over the next years, so we have to live with these intruders annoying every time we watch a video. Moreover, the company is also doing a good job to enhance their mobile advertising platform, a crucial field in searches that starts to become a reality.

Don `t be evil (Do not be evil, Google)

One of the worst aspects of this year for the company are the research is suffering from legal authorities for their practices in the search. While United States has closed its investigation , Google has not yet managed to present a satisfactory solution you free to be fined by the European Commission. The next few months are crucial to guess the subject, which could force the company to pay the not inconsiderable figure of 5,000 million.

Buying Waze and innovations to come

Finally, we would like to stand out Waze purchase by Google . The U.S. company decided to buy this popular application for sharing information on traffic routes and other incidents with other users. The deal closed at just over $ 960 million and it was feared at first that Google could close or leave this and ostracism that it was in direct competition with Google Maps. However, the U.S. company Waze has remained open and has begun to incorporate traffic alerts within Maps , a very interesting feature that enhances the experience of this tool. During 2013, Google has continued to work on projects that can become a reality in the coming years. Above all, we must highlight their smart glasses will soon hit the market officially, and Google cars , which move autonomously without the Users operate them manually.

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alt=”"/> Manzhirova Victor Sanchez is an experienced journalist professional technology. He is a graduate of Journalism and Philosophy at the University Carlos III of Madrid. He hated his first mobile but over time it has become a passion for technology. + Google+ Profile of Victor Sanchez

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