Winter starts this Saturday, marked by low temperatures. The Google search engine wanted to welcome the season with a ‘doodle ‘ dynamic, which can be a hands weaving wool .
also has ‘warm’ Finder logo facing the arrival of the new season this Saturday at 18.11 hours, an hour less in the Canary Islands, to end March 20, 2014 with the arrival of spring, according to calculations (NAO) National Astronomical Observatory.
winter will be illuminated by the brightness of Jupiter in the sunsets of January and by Mars, Saturn and Venus, exercising of morning stars.
season is characterized by shorter days (on 21 is the shortest), long nights and low temperatures to decline as we move away from Ecuador.
For example, in Madrid between sunrise and sunset elapse nine hours and 17 minutes compared to the 15 hours and 3 minutes is the longest day of the year, 21 June.
This difference depends on the latitude of the place, being zero in Ecuador and extreme (24 hours) between the polar circles and the poles, in Antarctica few days a year around December 21 the phenomenon of the midnight sun is given, in which it is visible above the horizon for 24 hours a day.
During this time
annual maximum approach between Earth and sun occurs: on 4 January 2014, the approximate distance will be more than 147 million miles, 5 million kilometers less than in the moment of greatest distance, July 4, 2014.
From the astronomical point of view, after sunset, Jupiter will , the king of the planets, especially the 5th of January, due to its shortest distance to Earth; on the contrary, before dawn, the planets Mars and Saturn and Venus, will be seen latter very bright, since mid-February.
During this winter or winter solstice (winter sun still) do not produce any eclipse of the sun or moon and the full moon will be the first day followed by 16 January and 15 February of March 16, 2014.
first major meteor shower of the winter will be the Quadrantids, to January 3.
Throughout most of the station during the nights you will see 12 brightest stars of the sky that are visible from our latitude: Sirius, Arcturus, Vega, Capella, Rigel, Procyon, Betelgeuse, Altair, Aldebaran, Antares, Spica and Pollux.
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