Thursday, September 18, 2014

Almost 100% of Spaniards prefer WhatsApp main … –


logo Whatsapp on Windows Mobile Phone. (Murasam3 / FLICKR)

In the day to day, time to plan something with friends, with partner, or simply when we want to communicate with co-workers or our family, 96% of Spanish use WhatsApp and other messaging apps as their main means of communication, well ahead of the Call .

It’s a curious fact of V Report in Spain apps The App Date. The report shows that not only has increased the number of people using apps every day , in about one million compared to last year (23 million users in Spain , 95.3 percent), but has also increased the use of messaging applications by 55.2 percent in the past year.

However, the report also reveals that the number of downloaded applications down (down to 3.8 million daily downloads). 98.5 percent of the 23 million active Canadian users choose apps like WhatsApp app bedside “chat” and 38.1 percent knew that query multiple times per hour.

I can not speak of apps only for phones, since this technology has achieved a major leap. apps Mobile only since this technology has achieved a major leap Behind WhatsApp is Skype (51.6 percent) Telegram (36.1 percent), Facebook Messenger (34.4 percent) or Line (31.7 percent). The report emphasizes the lack of interest shown by Spanish Snapchat , an app in other countries is the undisputed leader.

In Spain, however, only use a 11.9 percent of people. “Without a focus on one or the other app messaging is essential to emphasize the transformation capacity of our most intimate habits (as is communication with our relatives) who have achieved mobile applications”

“Its not just consolidation has marked a before and after in the way we communicate but also in our social habits and the way we relate,” says the CEO of The App Date Spain, Javier Navarro.

“The internet of things” is also a reality that includes the study of The App Date.

The apps have jumped beyond mobile and now, as diche Navarro “can no longer speak of apps only mobile since this technology has achieved a major leap and move to other platforms and objects.’s wearables or Internet things are realities that are increasingly coming to be more present and in Spain are already working from different perspectives so they can not be outside, albeit incipient, the field research applications and therefore this study ” .

So, the study also shows The App Date apps “made in Spain” for glasses online, as Canal Cocina Glass for smart clothes such as Gow, Soundembracer Nuubo and, for shoes and the draft Callaghan or smart bracelets like 13.56 or Neki, among others.

For this study, The App Date has enjoyed the cooperation of the communication agency Neolabels and the company AlertaPhone. They have used sources and studies such as INE, Fundación Telefónica, Orange, IAB Spain, The Cocktail Analysis, Kantar Worldpanel, IDC’s Worldwide Quarterly Tablet Tracker, ComScore, EGM, AIMC and ONTSI Foundation.

has been also supported by the collaboration of some of the leading companies and application developers of our country, and in the data recommender Atrappo.


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