Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Filtration intimate photos: Is there security in the cloud? – The Trade

Washington. (EFE). The filtration dozen pictures Celebrity Internet has questioned the safety of data storage services in the cloud, a question that many consumers have always seen suspicion.

The images of actresses like Jennifer Lawrence posing for the camera naked private photos they were not meant to see the light spread like wildfire on social networks outrage the actress, who has threatened to sue any media to publish their “stolen photographs.”

The culprit? A possible security gap to be confirmed in the Apple iCloud system, which facilitates the storage of data in the virtual world without taking up space in real memory of electronic devices, and the company is investigating.

The images were broadcast in a message on the anonymous 4chan by a person (or group) forum, which ensured that they were obtained from accounts iCloud Lawrence and other famous like Kristen Dunst Kate Upton and Mary Elizabeth Winstead.


Security experts shuffled several possible scenarios for pirates computer have free access to their accounts in the cloud, to the horror of actresses and ordinary users fear that sometimes are not aware that their data is being stored.

One option is that obtained the Email of the victims and succeed in deceiving the iCloud service to request a new password by guessing the security question.

Another, according Jesus Molina told Efe, independent security consultant, is that the pirates found a vulnerability to allow access to your account, for example through the application “Find my iPhone “(find my phone) that allows tracking and remote lock a lost or stolen phone.

Molina said that” it is no exaggeration “unleashed distrust among some users after this incident because, in fact, “they do not know where our data.” Besides that “many people have things in the cloud without knowing it” as there are smart phones in which “the location services default are enabled “, and considered that the companies” play with our laziness and ignorance. “

We can hardly go to settings , see if it is activated, if is not enabled … “Molina said, but considered that this incident” will help people to see what they have. “


Apple has ruled iCloud “Find my iPhone” to be pirated to steal intimate photos of famous and explained that the attack was using “usernames, passwords and security questions “of the personalities of the show,” a practice that has become very common in internet. “

The team that analyzed the incident said that such incidents occur at poor security of user accounts and recommended the establishment of strong passwords and activation of method of two-step verification.

In this regard , agreed that “very unsafe” passwords are used but acknowledged that “it is very difficult for a person to walk away saying, I will use a ‘password’ I’ve never used before and will use a very complicated”

The security group for HAckApp mobile applications said in a statement the need to educate ourselves on network security in a world in which “the privacy protections have never been so weak. “

” Consider that you can access all the data on their “smart” devices from internet, which is a place of anarchy , and as a result, can be a source of unwanted and hostile activity, “the group said.


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