Monday, September 8, 2014

Last summer superluna will align with the sun at night … – La Voz de Galicia

On the nights of 8 and 9 September comes the third and final superluna this summer . This phenomenon not only close a triad began in July, an unusual phenomenon in which the satellite is seen from Earth by 14% and 30% brighter than usual because the star is not more than 10% its closest to Earth in its orbit path, and also will offer two matches. On one hand, the will superluna the east at the same time when the sun is setting in the west , as both bodies will be aligned with the Earth. In addition, it will also be known as “harvest moon” -the last before the autumn equinox.

Actually, the scientific term correct for superluna is “perigee moon” , preferred by experts in this field. Full moons vary in size because of the oval shape of the Moon’s orbit. The Moon follows an elliptical path -ovalada not circularly around the Earth with one side (perigee) about 50,000 km closer than the other (apogee). The full moons that occur on the perigee side of the satellite’s orbit seem unusually large and bright.

Although it is a rare phenomenon related, this match has already occurred twice this year on 12 July and 10 August. The latter was a extra-superluna , since the satellite was placed closest to the Earth that has been in the last 20 years. However, NASA has explained that, “overall, full moons occur near perigee every 13 months and 18 days, so it’s not that unusual,” which has occurred many times in 2014 to go back to the latest episodes of superlunas must go back to 1993 and 1975.

Yes, the astronomer and notified the superluna third summer enjoy some conditions less favorable to enjoy the astronomical show that in August. On August 10, “the coincidence with the minimum distance allied …, ie, the full moon and perigee (the closest approach to Earth) differed only moon in 26 minutes and also was on the point closest approach to Earth, about 360,000 miles, “explained told Efe expert at the National Astronomical Observatory (NAO), Mario Tafalla. “To have a situation like this we have to wait until September 28, 2015, when we can enjoy a comparable Supermoon and even a little more colorful, since we are talking about 50 kilometers distance difference, the closer a little» he adds. Furthermore, with this superluna extra character also coincided with the Perseids , tarnishing its luster to the great rain of summer stars.

In the superluna 8 and 9 September ‘the concurrence of both phenomena is a few hours and, at perigee, which is Monday 8, the moon will be about 1,500 miles farther than before. ” Still, “there is no precise definition when it is cut, so whenever we talk about Supermoon time of closest approach coincides with the full moon phase in less than a day.”

apocalyptic Superlunas

Although it may seem a common phenomenon, the fact is that the superlunas only be seen in all its glory every 15, 16, 17 or 18 years. Yes, the year they occur, as this 2014 always occur several times. For this reason, as all astronomical events of unusual nature, apocalyptic theories surrounding these moons.

One of the most widespread, is that three days after the moon’s a 30% bigger than usual, Earth is more likely to suffer natural disasters as earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. But this apocalyptic scientific basis as to be closer to the satellite, the gravitational force of the moon is greater . However, experts point out that the last two-in 1993 and 1975 superlunas not left behind if no disaster. However, many point to the March of 2011, not a complete superluna was preceded by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan that devastated Fukushima.

How view superluna

Although is 14% larger, in practice, is not always easy to tell the difference between a superluna and Normal full moon . The 30% difference in brightness can be easily hidden by clouds and haze. Also, no hovering in the sky to measure lunar diameters elements. Perched on high, with no reference points to provide a sense of scale, a full moon looks almost the same size as any other. For this reason, “it will seem larger if it is seen next to a mountain or a large building at the time in which it appears in the sky.”

For a good observation superluna , Tafalla recommends seeking a site in low light : “basically avoid having a lamp on top, because it’s like looking at something with a lantern pointing to the eyes … but in the city we can not avoid the general light pollution, we can always find a dark corner in a park. “

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