Sunday, October 26, 2014

Mars, a journey of no return yet you can die before … – Free Press

WASHINGTON. – The plant is expected to bring colonists to feed produce an excess of oxygen, and this would lead to suffocation crew told Efe Sydney Do, PhD student at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston.

Do analyzed along with four other colleagues MarsOne project, which aims to establish human settlement from 2024, which has already begun to select candidates in a process that they plan to issue a reality show.

The students, members of the research group at MIT Strategic Engineering They came to this conclusion after analyzing the available scientific data on the colonization of Mars, which according to the schedule available on their website will have an advanced unmanned missions from 2018.

The team is more a decade conducting research on plans for space missions and has worked with NASA as the US space agency was raised earlier this century, returning with a mission to the moon and build a permanent base, the project did not go ahead.

Given the views for and against in the scientific community on this private project, the researchers wanted to examine for themselves without prejudice if the mission is feasible or not, as the company raises.

We had observed that there was a part of the community that supports it and people who are against it, so we wanted to give an answer , explains Do ensuring that we go with an open mind because we wanted the numbers tell the story .

Although they contacted the company when they began research to see if they would be willing to share some information, the company did not answer and the study was based on the premises included on the website, which took literally.

One is that the technology is very similar to the one aboard the station International Space and the other is that new technology is needed said Do, who said that taking into account these two premises used data from NASA public Manuals and laboratory space.

The data indicate that the accumulation of oxygen, in addition to causing suffocation of the crew, increase the risk of fire in the cabin.

To prevent this, Do explained that plants should go in another isolated module or have to use a system to eliminate the extra oxygen accumulated, something that does not exist.

So, our current level of technology is not ready for this mission and using current technology mission will be much more expensive to operate over time .

Mars One, founded by the Dutch entrepreneur Bas Lansdorp and physical Arno Wielders, 2024 intends to send a first team of four volunteers who do not return to Earth, something researchers believe that ultimately adds costs to the mission.

In a separate section on the establishment of the colony, indicates that if, after 130 months, was achieved spares for repairs would represent 62% of the mass of the cargo shipped from Earth.

In this scenario it would continue sent supplies to the colonists, which in turn develop other needs for the technology might not be prepared and would add more zeroes to a mission that, according to estimate, would cost four thousand 500 million dollars per trip.

BY AGENCY EFE / United States


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