The new document released yesterday by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in Copenhagen uses language without mincing words: human influence on climate is clear; emissions of greenhouse gases are the highest in history; changes in the weather recently and have a vast impact on natural and human systems; since the fifties many of the observed distortions are unprecedented in decades and even millennia; the atmosphere and the ocean warmed, the snow fell and the sea level rose; concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane [the main greenhouse gases] dioxide did not occur in at least 800,000 years.
The verdict of this collaboration of thousands of researchers and hundreds of government representatives who reviewed more than 30,000 scientific papers on the state of the planet is unequivocal.
The world has a small window of opportunity to prevent a rise in temperature and possibly irreversible consequences unpredictable. If closed, the costs will be even greater than we imagine.
“This document is rather more explicit than previous Rusticucci says Dr. Matilde, director of the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Faculty of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires and one of the authors of the Fifth Report of the IPCC. The warming is unequivocal, humanity is the cause, the level of concentration of greenhouse gases is unprecedented in history, and if we keep emitting this way, there will be more warming. The longer we wait to act, the more expensive it will adapt. “
According to the researcher, several ways of mitigating the heating process are proposed, but all require determined political action.
“It does not affect everyone equally explains Rusticucci-. There will be sectors that accuse the impact more quickly. For example, the increasingly heavy rain can damage the production and quality of food, just as the sustained drought. There will also be changes in the availability of water. “
The specialist noted that last September was the warmest since records began, in October, the same thing happened to 2014 and is on track to beat the record on high temperatures.
“Without mitigation effort, the global warming will lead to serious impacts Rusticucci- says. Whenever we talk about not exceed two degree rise in global temperature. There are many ways to achieve that goal, but all require a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and zero end of the century. We are on the edge. “
achieve this objective will require deploying innovative technological solutions could throw the planet into a path of irreversible effects, the report said. However, this gloomy picture there is also place for good news.
“It is considered that solar energy has made great progress in a short time and be competitive Rusticucci- says. Furthermore, I seem to notice that this time the delegates [government] were much better prepared than in other meetings. Latin America was very present, and everyone wanted their governments to bring a clear and understandable message, which allows implementing measures. There is hope that the Paris meeting in 2015 begin to take concrete commitments. “.
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