“There is no plan B, because we have no planet B” has sentenced Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the Scientific Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, for its acronym in English). The presentation in Copenhagen (Denmark) scientific synthesis report developed by more than 800 scientists during the past 13 months has left no room for doubt or a chance for inaction. “With this report in hand, ignorance can not be an argument for inaction”, said Michel Jarraud, secretary general of the World Meteorological Organization.
The document will play a major role in the international negotiations at the highest level that will happen from now on to try to sign a global agreement, a new Kyoto Protocol at the climate summit of the United Nations to be held in Paris in 2015. One thing that the international community with the presence of leaders like Barack Obama (US) or Hu Jintao (China) among others, and failed in Copenhagen in 2009. “This report is more accurate, stronger and the confidence level offered is much higher, “said Jarraud. “There are no excuses for inaction,” he said.
The human influence on the climate system is clear and growing, and its impacts can already be seen in all continents . If nothing is done about it, “climate change will increase the chance of severe, widespread and irreversible for people and ecosystems impacts,” the job. But, there are options available to the international community to adapt to climate change and for mitigating actions that can ensure that the impacts of the increase in global average temperatures remain at a manageable range.
“We have the means to limit climate change, “Pachauri said during the presentation of the report, which has been followed in internet video. “The solutions are many and allow economic and human development. All we need is the will to change, and we hope that it will be driven by knowledge and understanding of the science of climate change,” said Pachauri.
Historical Event
The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon opened the presentation by showing your unwavering support to the scientific work of the IPCC. “This is a historic event with crucial importance for Humanity” booted Ban Ki-moon. “Human influence is clear and growing. The amount of snow and ice extent have decreased. I’m no scientist, I’m not prepared to talk in scientific terms . We need to hear the voices of scientists from a politically. The science has spoken. There is no ambiguity. The politicians must act, “he assured.
The report looks extensively the facts and observations related to climate change. The oceans have warmed, the amount of snow and ice has declined, the sea level has increased and the concentration of greenhouse gases has increased to unprecedented levels in the last 800,000 years.
And detailed with the highest level of detail possible key issues such as the fact that the oceans have accumulated 90% of the stored energy in the climate system since 1971.
But not only delves into the scientific, but also lays the foundation for the economic analysis of action against climate change. According to the IPCC, the economic cost of mitigation measures to curb and prevent temperature rise exceeding 2 degrees Celsius by 2100 will cost 0.06% of global GDP each year. But in the same period, it is expected that global GDP increased by at least 300%.
Civil Mobilization
The NGO WWF has called attention to governments world. “It’s not too late to prevent catastrophic climate change. A quick and decisive action to move away from fossil fuels can keep the temperature increase below 2 ° C, which is the threshold set by the science, and agreed to by governments, avoid dangerous climate change , “said the organization.
The IPCC even warns that climate change could increase the risk of violent conflict as a civil war and violence between groups by famine, forced migration and other conflicts arising from climate change.
“For scientists, there is no doubt about how to respond to climate change. Governments need to pay attention and to phase out coal and oil now or later end up making a much higher cost. However, those who exploit the potential of renewable energy will jump forward towards a sustainable future, “said Martin Kaiser, head of Greenpeace climate policy.
The environmental group claims that while countries like Denmark, which is committed to 100% renewable energy in its electric and heating system for 2030, moving in the right direction, in Spain the government has approved energy reform which is an absolute brake renewable energy while giving the green light for oil drilling projects in the water.
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