ENTORNOINTELIGENTE.COM / social commitment of Nestlé Venezuela goes beyond a social responsibility initiative, the company and its volunteers promote the development of communities with Valor, which to date have benefited more than 8,000 farmers and more 100,000 children through action technical support and ongoing training. This time, the company calls on Social Development Organizations, educational institutions, and individuals interested in participating in the Nestlé Prize in Creating Shared Value 2016.
As a way to recognize innovative initiatives that generate value Communities worldwide, Nestlé created this award and those interested have until February 28, 2015 to register through the company website : http: // www.nestle.com/CSV/CSVPrize
The candidates must be innovative projects related to nutrition, water and rural development and will be recognized with a cash prize of $ 525,000 so they can be expanded and achieve social and sustainable scale.
The Shared Value in Venezuela
For several years, Nestlé Venezuela has been supporting communities, especially local producers of raw materials and neighbors in their factories. “We allocate human and economic to generate both social value and economic value for growth and community development resource,” says Isabel Rodriguez, manager of Shared Value of the Venezuelan company.
“We have six programs Creating Shared Value, which in addition to providing training, technology transfer and various learning about nutrition, health and wellness, delivering a social support that promotes sustainable development of our communities and producers,” Rodr iguez said.
Based on a list of benefits and shared responsibilities, Dairy Development, Nestlé Cocoa Plan, the Healthy Kids Global Programme, Nourish, Water for Life, Agricultural Development and the School of Taste Plan are programs that contribute to food sovereignty and provide communities needed to promote sustainable human development tools.
“We manage corporate social responsibility through the philosophy of Creating Shared Value: promoting and developing projects with communities near our operations, seeking sustainable benefits over time,” says Isabel Rodriguez, manager of Shared Value at Nestlé Venezuela .
See also www.mundinews.com | www.eldiscoduro.com | www.tipsfemeninos .com | www.economia-venezuela.com | www.politica-venezuela.com | www.enlasgradas.com | www.cualquiervaina.com | www.espiasdecocina.com | www.videojuegosmania.com
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