Monday, February 23, 2015

The yellow aphid sugarcane first arrive a … – Costa Rica On

Aphids are some insects that usually live in the aerial part of the plant, feeding on the sap that flows through the phloem of plants with specialized mouthparts. So often behave as a pest in agricultural crops.

Recently, Carlos Hernández-Castilian, masters student Terrestrial Ecology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and research associate of CREAF, and Nicolás Pérez Hidalgo, a researcher at the University of León (ULE), have discovered a new aphid species for the European continent, the aphid sugarcane (Sipha flava) in La Selva del Camp (Tarragona) and in Blanes (Girona).

This type of aphid feeds on plants family of grasses. For now it is unknown to what extent could be a threat to the extensive European crops of rice or corn, so they recommend creating a map of the distribution of this species in Europe and to evaluate its potential as a pest.

The species is native to North America, but has managed to expand into Central and South American continent. In these regions is known as “yellow aphid sugarcane” and is an important growing this plant, where it feeds and acts as a virus vector, reducing production plague.

It would to generate a map of the distribution of this species in Europe and to evaluate its potential as a pest by applying the precautionary principle
The researchers consider it likely that the species has reached the European continent to the south of the Iberian Peninsula, following the expansion of cultivation of sugarcane in North Africa.

“This crop is almost marginal in Europe, so it is not expected to Sipha flava become a plague of sugarcane in this area. But we know with certainty that it is an aphid that feeds on several species of plants of the same family, in this case of grasses, and it is unknown to what extent could threaten the extensive cultivation of this kind in Europe, eg rice or corn, “explains Carlos Hernández-Castilian.

It would be necessary to generate a map of the distribution of this species in Europe and to evaluate its potential as a pest by applying the precautionary principle.”

In addition to the new species to the European continent, researchers have discovered the first case throughout Eurasia and North Africa of a caterpillar feeding on a plant of the genus Hyparrhenia (also from the grass family) and have provided the first evidence that Sipha flava is staffed by-commonly ants ants and aphids establish mutual relations, where ants provide protection in exchange for sugary aphids excrete substances -.

This discovery, say researchers, highlights the growing threat of invasive species, a growing phenomenon caused by globalization
This discovery, researchers say, highlights the growing threat of invasive species, a growing phenomenon caused by globalization and that not only generates agricultural problems, but stands as the second leading cause of biodiversity loss worldwide, just after the destruction of habitat.

Therefore, they say, although the finding suppose increased awareness of the diversity of this genre of today aphids -a 10 species known in Europe and only 3 in the Iberian Peninsula, the alert message is clear.

The discovery was made during a sampling campaign to study the food web bugs organic citrus.

The work was done in the context of Fauna Ibérica Project, which aims to catalog and understand the distribution of the whole range Animal Peninsula to ensure their preservation.

To carry out their work, researchers have relied on the advice of the experts Josep Piñol and Xavier Espadaler, professors in the Department of Animal Biology, Plant Biology and Ecology . UAB and CREAF researchers

Source: Information and Science News SINC


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