Johannesburg .- Little Foot was a australopiteca, as Lucy but a larger, high species, its scientific name is Australopithecus prometheus.Sus wreckage was located in 1997-40 kilometers from Johannesburg in a Cave more than 20 meters deep and buried in a rock
A dating method allowed us to determine that the remains of Australopithecus dubbed Little Pie have at least 3.67 million years, which becomes the most remote history of human evolution; This specimen was found in a cave in South Africa 21 years ago, but just established that its age exceeds that of the famous Lucy
Little Foot was a australopiteca, as Lucy but a larger and higher species, its scientific name is Australopithecus prometheus.Sus wreckage was located in 1997-40 kilometers from Johannesburg in a cave over 20 meters deep and buried in a rock.
Thirteen years It took the discoverers of separating the bones of mineral and be able to rise to the surface. It is almost full and besides an arm and a hand joint and the small bones of the foot, emphasizes his skull large.
The physical features do not seem to help too because Lucy is smaller and less like a gorilla, but neither has human traits in her face. Researchers say the key is to her skull and teeth to know how similar it was to humans and subsequently consider you our ancestor.
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