Wednesday, April 8, 2015

How fragile are the controversial Samsung Galaxy S6 and iPhone 6 … – The Review

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         Samsung and Apple take years embroiled in a particularly dirty war. The last battle focuses on the alleged fragility of their new cell. A study tests the strength of both.

PUBLISHED: April 8, 2015 5:32 pm EST April 8, 2015 5:32 pm EST increase font size decrease font size ->


He says a popular saying that in love and war anything goes. Perhaps we should add, as an update, in the cellular market last generation too.

The companies exploit any loophole of weak competitor to capitalize, sometimes mocking blatantly the opposite brand.

Samsung and Apple have spent years throwing bites (in court or in their advertising campaigns), and his last match was at the expense of the alleged fragility of the Apple iPhone 6.

Introducing Samsung its latest smart phone in October, the new Galaxy S6 Edge, alluded to the alleged excessive flexibility of the model of Apple and rumors that bends with everyday use. “It is curved, not bent,” said the South Korean firm on its model, whipping up controversy.

Also read: can I use the curved screen of the new Samsung S6 Edge

The HTC and LG brands also part of the joke on Twitter at that time

Well, now an insurance enterprise of mobile phones, has done a stress test to compare these devices. And the conclusion has not liked to Samsung: Your phone is deformed as much as Apple and breaks entirely on a pressure point lower than its competitor, the study of Square Trade

Square. Trade machinery used to simulate the forces that may experience a cell in the back pocket of trousers and pressure under which the different models experiencing “catastrophic failure”

Their findings were as follows.:

The study suggests that the owners of the Samsung Edge risk of having the “pocket full of crystals” if they put their phones under too much pressure.

The South Korean company not resigned to accept this test, since it would be a tough blow to fit after bragging that his model was “the hardest in the market.”

Samsung has applied to Square Trade review the test, since in his opinion , “may mislead consumers.” An invitation accepts.

Still, Samsung puts the band before the injury. The company says that their phones do not bend “for everyday use.”

“The normal force generated when pressing the back pocket is about 30 kg,” said in a statement.

Also, Samsung claims that this test does not measure Square Trade resistance on both sides of the phone.

“Some smart phones have different levels of resistance” in each of their faces, and Square Trade “has only tested the front, which can confuse consumers,” he says.

Francisco Jeronimo, an independent expert consulted by BBC IDC does not believe consumers should be concerned about the . durability of Samsung S6 Edge

“You need to put a lot of pressure from a very specific to break it so,” says

But it gives you a slap on Samsung. “It is a great lesson for Samsung. The next time you see a competitor with a problem have to be much more careful “that will not happen the same.



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