ENTORNOINTELIGENTE.COM / Gender violence remains a thorny issue for many “Christians” between chest beating blame the victims for the actions of the executioners.
Oh, the blood of Christ has power! It is one of the phrases that cross themselves and cry to the Lord of the Rings ?? of heaven, followed by a: is that even knowing what he was tucked why what happened happened. So it ended well. You already saw it coming, it was a hooker. A decent woman does not spend those things. The culprit is always the victim of domestic violence when it comes.
There are flocks sotanudos that when a victim arrives and admits she was raped they recommend you pray and forgive the abuser, but who fails to report to the earthly authorities because it will be God who is responsible for which he paid. Aha.
These same recommend not to tell anyone, because at stake is the prestige of the victim. I would store and ask God resignation. “But daughter, -because the desventurados- Tatas are created in a way you asked for it so dressing up, provoked it.” And many reasons given for the victim believe it’s not so guilty abuser.
And if the couple that assaults you physically and emotionally advised to forgive him because “he is the father of her children” and that there are lives at stake, he will change over time, which will be patient. Pray that God very much because he does miracles and do not want to see homes destroyed. Meanwhile the abuser is well advised to be tough householder but the moderates. -¿Cabeza Home? And that flower died. A flea throw another backpack.
The same procedure rabbis and pastors.
So much for the lofty theologians believe that pure and chaste. But on the topic of religious double standard, prejudices and stereotypes that abound in our day to day, patriarchy and sexism are fundamental. All this anointed with the oil of holy oil and holy water allows solapemos gender violence in the name of the Lord.
We were silent, do not get involved because “that’s beyond them couple problem.” There should be some consideration of gender violence when it comes. We must get involved. That pray that things work out is pure laziness. We can not stop looking for what is right for fear of the problems this will bring us.
The fair is fairness and respect. Fair is the abuser to pay. Fair is prevent tragedies. For that we have to stop being passive and apathetic. For that we need to stop giving three strokes chest, stop implore the three nails of the cross and the saints and virgins, for that we must act. Going to earthly justice.
We can not have the nerve to call pro life and being against abortion, when we see so many girls raped and as a result are pregnant. That is inhumane.
It is inhuman and double moral knowing that there in front of our noses is a man emotionally and physically assaulting his partner and we do nothing about it. Become our family or not. Our human duty to report it. Our human duty is not praying, lighting candles, silence is not going to tell the priest in confession or tell the pastor or rabbi, expecting them as “enlightened” who place order.
With the theme of gender violence and inequality, it is our duty to get involved. All that is unfair, what defiles, which has to do with abuse is our obligation to report it. Fighting the domestic violence act. That of Loose lips sink ships is comfortable and indifferent sermon. It’s litany of military dictatorship.
If we as believers pray because while we act. Invoke the “Glorious” on issues of gender violence is pathetic. We fight femicide, sexual abuse, pregnancy as a result. If you happen to go to the boat for a family as it touches you, we can not overlap because there is a blood tie between. That is immoral. Gender violence complaint with the Public Ministry or in a police station, not confession to priests, pastors and rabbis.
In these days of Lent in most walks with an air of holiness, it is good to stop and think about what we are or are not doing to combat gender violence. Let the three nails of the cross alone, and also the powers of the blood of Christ. A what you truje Chencha. We with earthly justice. The issue of heaven is not our jurisdiction, let’s go looking for excuses ?? zafarnos- not involved. That they quietly we look nicer shame we should give speak.
Note: This article is part of the trilogy Easter. Where are also De cachurecos and sanctimonious hypocrites. And Homophobia in the Lord.
Ilka Oliva Corado. Iilkaolivacorado.
April 1, 2015.
. United States
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