Monday, May 4, 2015

So are the “muppies” trend that replaces the “hipsters” – La Prensa de Honduras


After the passage of the hipster, who became fashionable rimmed glasses, vintage outfits and environmental protection, arrive muppie a New generation of digital natives who can do a thousand things at once, while not do enough to lead a healthy life.

Muppie, a term invented by the union of millenial and yuppie by the American writer Michelle Miller in his book The Underwriting (Kindle Edition), includes a number of young people between 25 and 35 who strives to achieve job success, more for personal satisfaction for a good remuneration. “This new generation, which has between 22 and 35, spends an hour a day online diving thirty minutes making purchases online and forty minutes putting together the menu the next day,” Miller writes.


They work on what they like, they are united and addicted to social networks, but the real drug is the sport and healthy food intake.

not conceive reality without technology grew with CD, MP3 and MP4 and Play Station, live attached to the smartphone and for them Twitter is your source of information. Have a good education, with higher education, are bilingual, even three, have studied abroad and have addressed pad your resume with specific courses and some other master.

“muppies” maintain a good diet to stay healthy.

A sometimes paid and sometimes not, boast a long professional experience who have been from designers to Dj, to bloggers, models for a day or organizers of events. After that experience, create their own company, the project that have so often dreamed and that today, rather than giving them benefits, amuses them and makes them feel good.

For a muppie, the Money is not the most important, prefer to enjoy the little things of everyday life and take an occasional treat. Your social life moves on Instagram and Facebook. They love traveling, meeting new cultures and enjoy the cuisine.

In terms of aesthetics, the “muppie” signature dress clothes, but without following trends, imposed his informal style and shun the suits, are “fans” Cowboys last generation and declining clothing style “preppy”. Handbags, wallets and shoes, along with accessories to customize the tablet and mobile phone are your favorite accessories. Enjoy the day.


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