Wednesday, May 20, 2015

You can already find tweets in search engine Google from your … – Metro News Tamaulipas

Since early this year revealed that after years of hostilities, Google and Twitter had smoked the peace pipe. Therefore, the first plan of collaboration between the companies meant that messages from Twitter users would recur in the results of the search engine Google.

Today, not only has confirmed the news, but the option is available, but only on mobile devices, equipped with both iOS as Android. The agreement between Twitter and Google allows tweets to be written in the social network can be found in the search in real time, that is, almost as soon as they are written.

to view tweets related to an account from Google, you need to write the word “Twitter” after the name of the official account in which we seek to find some information. In so doing, a scroll bar at the top of search results with the message of the official account you want to navigate displays.

The same applies to famous people, or the most popular day words, which provide the same bar with related tweets. Thanks to this, now you can perform a specific search and deeper into Twitter.

Previously existed these options on the search engine of Google but, after the company launched its own social network, Google Plus, he tried to distance himself from Twitter. Now that practically has tacitly accepted that Google Plus was a failure, the company again seeks to link with his former ally.

The function is available in the English version of the Google application (iOS and Android) and mobile browsers, while the company is already working to bring this feature into other languages ​​and to the desktop.

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