Monday, June 1, 2015

15 keyboard shortcuts that you may not know and that will facilitate the … – EntornoInteligente

15 keyboard shortcuts that you may not know and that will facilitate navigation / Journal Century / Key combinations allow you to save time when executing commands.

Control + C to copy. Ctrl + V to paste. Ctrl + S, save. You certainly know the keyboard shortcuts for common tasks carried once ignited the computer.

And it is possible that also you know that F1 displays the help page of the operating system that you F2 allows you to rename the selected item F3 and find a file.

But you may not have heard of the following key combinations that let you browse your websites and favorite social networks more agile using fewer mouse and keyboard. If so, memorizes or notes. They work with both Macs and PCs. Gmail

Before you start using the keyboard shortcuts in the email service of Google is necessary to activate the option.

For this you must go to Settings from the drop-down menu in the top right corner indicated by the icon of a nut, and seek the General tab. There click on the Enable hotkey and you’re ready to start using keyboard shortcuts.

They work on both Mac and PC computers.

These are some of the most useful:

Shift + n: Update the conversation if there are new messages

.. (Dot): Displays the More menu, which lets you mark messages as read

Shift + Esc. Return to the home page if you’d open a popup window and you were in it

<. p> In addition to these combinations, you will find the complete list of keyboard shortcuts in Gmail support site, at: Outlook

As in Gmail, on the platform of Microsoft Mail will also have to activate the keyboard shortcuts if you want to use

Once you do that, you could use some of the following.:

Ctrl + Shift + Y: Opens a window from which you can choose which item to add to an email. You can do without mouse more often

Ctrl + Shift + E. Create a new folder

Ctrl + F. If you type this combination after writing an e allows duplicate. Facebook

The keyboard shortcuts for Facebook change browser browser. . The list below fucionan such for Chrome, but to use the first two in Firefox you must add them Shift, and the Internet Explorer Enter

Alt + m (Ctrl + M on Mac): Open window to compose a new message

Alt + 1 (Ctrl + Alt + 1 on Mac). Refresh your timeline, in the same way that when you press the Home option in the top bar <. /> p>

Q. Allows update your status on the timeline


The network itself has information about the keyboard shortcuts you can use it. For the full list you must access your account on the network and being on the main page press Shift + “and will open a new window with all possible commands by combining keys These include the following:.

And you’ll navigate faster

n:. You can write a new tweet

(paragraph):.. Update the list of tweets on the homepage

gh. :. If you clicked on the link a tweet, pressing these two keys simultaneously will return to the main YouTube

The following shortcuts work after selecting a video

. numbers (1 through 9): 1 will allow you to jump directly to 10% of the total duration of the audiovisual, the 2 to 20% and so on

+ y “(plus and minus). If you have activated the subtitles with these keys you can expand its size (+) or minimize (-) to taste

m. Mutes the video

The list is much longer, but. memorize these commands from the mouse lets you save time and

. Source: BBC

Information Journal Century

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