Sunday, June 14, 2015

Philae woke up after seven months in comet. “Hello, Earth Can you … – LaRepú

Probe sent a tweet reporting activity.

 Philae is a probe-like a robot that landed last November 12 on the comet 67P / Churyumov – Gerasimenko where which sent valuable information. However, Philae was in a dark area of ​​the celestial body which prevented recharge your battery and entered a period of hibernation.



 After seven months, Philae showed signs of regaining its activity. “Hello Earth. Can you hear me?” He tweeted Philae showing signs of awakening. After that, he released another tweet referring to “How long have I been asleep?”.


 The Rosetta probe was received last night a sign from Philae 40 seconds, indicating that the sona could withstand climatic and environmental conditions. “Philae responded to our calls. We had about two minutes link between Rosetta and Philae, and 40 seconds of data. Now we have to analyze all this, but Philae lives,” said President of CNES, Jean-Yves Le Gall, a the broadcaster RTL.


 Philae awakening had been predicted for these dates. As the comet approaches the Sun and the batteries power feed, Philae was awakening. Rosetta had to travel for 10 years to more than 510 million kilometers from Earth to deposit Philae on the comet.



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