Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Start Menu: The key to success of Windows 10 – FORTUNE

The success or failure of Windows 10 could be reduced to a single button.

After a break of three years, the Start menu is back with great fanfare in Windows 10, Microsoft will release to the public on July 29. Pressing this button will open a portal as the most important and most used applications on your PC.

Conntará with two columns resizable tiles that are updated with the latest information on the weather, messages on social networks, sports scores, information on the Exchange or your latest photos.

We present the background to the Start menu in Windows 10.

Windows 95, 98 and Me

At first, Microsoft grouped in one place all programs, documents, settings, and power management into a home bar that was at the bottom of the screen.

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Windows XP, Vista and 7

Microsoft redesigned the Start menu in 2001 (below) and added a quick second column locations. It included an avatar and let people anchored their most used or favorite to Start programs.

This version was still present (with some modifications) in Windows 7.

Windows 8

In 2012, he was notorious disappearance of the Start menu when Microsoft released its latest operating system. Customer reactions were varied.

Microsoft listened and showed that to ensure that the Start Windows 10 was perfect, menu was sharing operating system interactions with those who have a trial version.

Windows 10

So has advanced the development of the Start menu in recent months.

1 October 2014: When Microsoft introduced the trial, the menu looked like a half mixture Windows 7, Windows 8 half

To the left was a copy of the Windows 7 Start menu and right was a replica of the “Home Screen” of Windows 8 with assets mosaics.

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The location of the power button was on the top left and the search on the bottom left.

February 16, 2015: Microsoft added the feature to expand the Start menu in full screen. Diagonal expansion button in the upper right corner, which is where the power button is added moved.

The left-hand column is divided into categories such as “places”, “most used” and “recently added” and arrow leading to “all applications” turned vertical instead of horizontal.

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April 30: Microsoft began to refine the look. Power settings turned to relocate, this time to the lower left corner. the category “places” was removed and the icons were replaced with a “file browser”, “Documents” and “configuration”. The arrow leading to “all applications” changed design.

May 29: Microsoft readjusted the Start menu. The menu can no longer be expanded by pressing a button, but a configuration that can switch. The configuration also allows you to customize your experience. For example, do you want to open applications automatically appear here recently?

Microsoft added file browser buttons and configuration and passed below the list of recent applications and on the power button.

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Now what will happen? Windows 10′s Start menu is a great improvement over Windows 8, certainly. But you do not feel well polished.

For example, Microsoft may confuse users by placing notices in three different sites. Want status updates and emails? They are in your Action Center. Want your news daily summary? It is in Cortana. Want the latest updates from your social networks? They are in Home.

Best of all is that even after presenting Windows 10, Microsoft will continue changing and adjusting, sending minor updates based on user acceptance.

This is a change that we can all support.

images taken from Microsoft.


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