Thursday, July 2, 2015

They note activity in kite –

They note comet activity

Between July and December 2014, Rosetta observed the comet 67P 8 kilometers away. Photo EFE / s21

The Rosetta mission noted the existence of 18 wells in the northern hemisphere of comet 67P / Churyumov -Gerasimenko, with a depth of between 100 and 200 meters and was first observed activity in them.

In a study published in the journal Nature, members of the mission Rosetta describe the activity and pose a scenario on the origin of these 18 wells, circular cavities deep similar to terrestrial natural wells, of which are known to be common in many comets.

In 1988, found for example in the Halley, and its origin has been discussed for decades by the scientific community.

The study, first observed activity jets of gas and dust rising from the walls of the pits, sheds light on the origin of these and highlights the heterogeneous nature of the first few hundred meters below the current surface of Comet 67P, which “pursues” Rosetta.

Between July and December 2014, the Rosetta mission observed the comet 67P from a distance of eight kilometers, “has allowed us to distinguish and see with unparalleled detail,” he said in a statement the Spanish Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia, astrophysicist Peter J. Gutierrez.

Thanks to this closeness Scientists found that the jets of gas and dust are produced when the ice core sublimate (transition from ice to gas).


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